205 HELP WANTED Advertising and marketing majors. Advertising educational foundation has a site for you. A forum for career and industry events. Daily give aways and weekly prizes just for log ging on. Log on today at aef.com. Possible River Guide Positions Our spring break guide school serves as a great first step towards summer employment. Destination Wilderness. 800-423-8868 www.wildernesstrips.com Be a Wealthy Professional Student! Biotechnology company looking for Independent distributors. $1000s monthly RESIDUAL income possi ble working part-time. Call 541-484 2257 and STOP thinking about find ing a job after graduation! SUMMER JOBS Female and male counselors need ed for top summer camp in Maine. Top Salary, room, board, laundry, clothing and travel provided. Must love children and have skill in one or more of the following activities: arch ery, arts (ceramics, stained glass, jewelry), basketball, canoeing, kayaking, rowing (crew), dance (tap, pointe, jazz), field hockey, golf, gym nastics (instructors), figure skating, ice hockey, horseback riding/English hunt seat, lacrosse, digital photogra phy, videographer, piano accompan ist, pioneering/camp craft, ropes (challenge course) 25 stations, sail ing, soccer, softball, tennis, theatre (technicians, set design, costumer), volleyball, water-skiing (slalom, trick, barefoot, jumping) W.S.I./swim in structors, windsurfing, also opportu nities for nurses, HTML/web design and secretaries. Camp Vega for Girls! Come see us at www.campve ga.com or E-mail us at camp_vega@yahoo.com or call us for more information at 1-800-993 VEGA. We will on your campus for information and to accept applica tions from 10am-3pm, on March 18th, ERB Memorial Union, Rogue room. No appointment necessary. IN HOME CARE Physician’s wife with MS needs assistant for 15 flexible weekend/ evening hours per week in ex change for private bedroom and meals. Duties include evening meal preparation. Additional hours are available at $8.25/hr. Located on Oakway Golf Course. Must have own transportation. Email re ply to DrKraig@aol.com or fax 686-9633. Summer jobs in Unique Pacific NW island location-Johns Island, WA. Coed summer camp, Est. 1935 fo cused on community living. Hiring college age instructors, counselors and support staff. 10 week contract, June 13th-August 22nd, 2002. Learn more at www.norwester.org. Join us for a summer you won't forget. Con tact: Camp Norwester, 62B Doe Run, Lopez, WA. 98261; 360-468 2225; nonvester@rockisland.com Work around your schedule! Earn $500-$4200 pt/ft. Full training pro vided. 800-555-8734. www.bteamsuccess.com 205 HELP WANTED Resume Builder Volunteer to represent the student body on the Oregon Daily Emerald Board of Directors. It’s the kind of community involvement that you’ll enjoy and employers value. The Board meets once a month (ex cept during December, July and Au gust) to oversee broad policy issues including financial, legal and person nel matters. You don’t have to worry about content and day-to-day stuff just the big picture. This two-year volunteer position is open to current ly-enrolled students at the University of Oregon. To apply please email your name, phone #, major, expect ed graduation date and a brief state ment of interest to emerald@oregon.uoregon.edu Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer commit ted to a culturally diverse workplace. 500 Summer Jobs / 50 Camps / You Choose! NY, PA, New England. In structors Needed: Tennis, Basket ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Base ball, Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Life guards, WSI, Water-skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accom panist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood shop, Nature, Nurses. Arlene Streisand, 1-800-443-6428. www.summercampemployment.com Growing Business Needs Help. Work from home. Mail order / e-commerce. $522+/wk p/t, $1000-4000/wk f/t. aaa2dream.com. (877) 320-3813. Attention work from home $500-$1500/mo. Part-time $2000-$7500/mo. Full-time 866-607-RICH 210 HOUSES FOR RENT 4 bedroom house. 1725 Mill St. $1200/mo. Pets ? Mallard Properties. 465-3825 215 APARTMENTS (FURNISHED AVAILABLE NOW BLACKSTONE MANOR 2 bedroom, $625 1728 Alder Call Nick at 687-0684 FLINTRIDGE 2 bedroom, $595 500 E. 18th dishwasher Call 485-0060 ALDERWOOD MANOR 1 bedroom, $495 1860-1884 Alder Call Carl at 686-0743 for more information call 485-7776 or 485-4029 Von Klein Property Mgmt., LLC 1301 Ferry St. #2 • 485-7776 3PK 12 pool tables | video arcade table tennis air hockey | big screen tv Horoscope by Linda C. Black TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 27). Your routine may be disrupted this year, but there's never a dull moment. Even your tastes will change. Al low yourself room to try out new goals, new ways of living, new relationships. By the time you settle down, you II be sure of what's right for you. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21 -April 19) _ Today is a 6 _ The more you get into the job, the more things you find that won't work. Don't be too hard on your self. Sure, there'll be a few surprises, but noth ing you can't handle. Let your worries go. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) _ Today is an 8 _ Time is one of your most precious assets, so be careful with how you allocate it. Somebody who loves you needs a little more, and volunteer work can take a little less. There are lots of folks in need, but family comes first. GEMINI (May 21-June 21) _ Today is a 5 _ You're generally pretty cheerful, but a critical person could get you down. Separate construc tive criticism from mtoicking. Make the changes that will help you achieve your goal, and don't worry about other things you've been told. CANCER (June 22-July 22) _ Today is an 8 _ You should be in a pretty good mood, even if you are encountering problems. Well, they're more like changes, actually _ changes for the better. Your cheerful attitude helps others read just. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) _ Today is a 5 _ You want to buy the very best for your friends and loved ones, but you'd better be careful. Just because you like it doesn t mean they will. This is particu larly true if you're spending household money. Get feedback first. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) _ Today is an 8 _ You again emerge triumphant. You're more confi dent than you were. You still have some con vincing to do. Keep your facts straight. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22) _ Today is a 6 _ Don't believe everything you read or hear. Old as sumptions are being challenged. The only thing that's constant now is change. Withhold judg ment until after the dust clears. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) _ Today is a 6 _ Tak ing risks with your money now, even for what seems like a good reason, could lead to sub stantial loss. Don't add any new stocks to your portfolio, and don't buy that diamond ring just yet. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) _ Today is a 6 _ Luckily you've done your homework All those hours of preparation pay off. What could have been a very disrupting situation is almost easy, because you have the answers or know where to find them. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) _ Today is a 7 _ Your routine is disrupted. You've outgrown it. Be flexible. It's part of the growing process. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) _ Today is a 5 _ Your biggest challenge is to get through the day with money left in your pocket. There'll be ex penses you never imagined. Keep track of them. Some are deductible. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) _ Today is a 7 _ Don't feel as if you have a monopoly on confu sion _ there s enough to go around for every one. You're in a good position to help others calm down. That II help you, too. 215 APARTMENTS (FURNISHED 1 LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET 1 bd. 1630 Ferry St. $465. Avail. April 1st. No pets! Call 741-0320. UNIVERSITY COMMONS APARTMENTS Now Leasing! Bus route to campus. Call now! 541-338-4000 www.capstone-dev.com Nice one bedroom for rent. Close to campus. Start April $450/mo. 434-6137 New 1 bdrms furnished apts., Close to campus, $525 510-0277 CAMPUS TWINS! 735 E. 14TH ONE BEDROOM private bath/share kitchen with one other unit. $350 month-to-month or Ask about lease bonus! Von Klein Property Mgmt., LLC 1301 Ferry St. #2 • 485-7776 Large 3 bedroom apt. Balcony, laun dry. 18th & Alder. $850/mo.+$350 deposit. 607-2812. In-house studios for rent, campus convenient & comfortable, $425/mo. Utils, included. 541-953-5771. Two bedroom • $585 On campus. Call 344-2657. Talray Holdings PROSPECT PARK 484-6553 Two and three bdrm apartments avail. Many amenities plus private decks, views, pool, tennis court, playground and more. 1710 North view Blvd. (right past 25th and Chambers). Campus Apts. Very nice 1 bdrm. Laundry, parking. $435. Call 343 8545. South Gate 2 & 4 bdrm townhouse. Excellent Move-In Special/Free Rent! W/D. Call Willis 344-6540. 1965 Patterson The Greenwood Apartments Do you like NEW? New cabinets, counters, appliances, floor coverings, lighting, plumbing fixtures and windows! Just a few spacious units left in this quite com plex. 1 & 2 bedrooms, $575/$695 Call 683-2271 to view today. 1149 Ferry The Firtree Apartments Very close to campus! Only a few 1 and 2 bedrooms left! Completely remodeled, fully applianced, laundry, covered parking available. Now renting for fall term- $525/$595. Call 684-0515. ★ ★★*★★***★★***•*★*★*★** www.dailyemerald.com Brand new 1 bedroom. 750 sq. ft. 1933 Garden Ave. Mallard Properties. 465-3825. «««««♦♦ 1/2 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS 1 & 2 Bedrooms, Starting at $475 Quiet & Clean 344-4619.485-7878 ♦«««♦«♦♦♦*«*««*«•«« SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM, 850 sq ft., laundry hookups, covered park ing, free cable, low energy cost & “super-good-cents" constructed - $595.00 w/lease. Centennial & Kins row. 342-5735. 1827 Harris • All utilities included • Laundry on-site • Across from UO $275 www.CampusRental.com 1247 Villard • 343-6000 CUTE LITTLE QUAD. 2 weeks free! $275. 430 E. 15th. All utilities paid. Call on-site manager 915-3354. Room for rent, share 4 bdrm apt. with 2 females. $325/mo. 606-2320. ROOMS FOR RENT. Great for se rious students/working people. 4 blocks from UO entrance. All utils, paid, house telephone & cleaning service provided. No drugs & dis ruptive behavior. 341-9434 235 DUPLEXES FOR RENT 2 bdrm duplex, spacious, nice neigh borhood, take over lease. April 1 - August 31. $750/mo. 349-0407. NEAR MAC COURT Very nice small 1 bedroom apart ment in triplex. Cat ok. $485 +fee/ deposit. 579-1568 days, 683-1610 eves/weekends. Looking for roommate to share 2 bdrm furnished apt. $378/mo. at Ducks. Call Bereket, 344-1657. Share 4 bdrm apt. 1 block to cam pus. W/D, Internet. $295/mo. + utilit ies. 484-7213 Roommate needed to share apt. and expenses. Completely furnished. $300/mo. +1/2 utils. 338-8295 Ive message. University area. Hillside, bucolic set ting. Charming home & garden. Fire place, deck. Large, light room. No smoking, no pets. W/D. Great for grad student. $375/mo. 543-5522. Roommate needed to share large 2 bdrm/ 2 bath apt. Convenient & quiet location. $395/mo. + $250 deposit. 242-3977. Know anybody who needs a place to live? Looking for 2 females to share large 5 bedroom house with the same. One room available now, other room available for Spring term. $275-$305 + utils. Short walk to UO. Lots of parking. 431-0422 or 344-1072. ROOMATE WANTED. Cute house in South Eugene. Close to shopping, bus to campus. $255/mo + utils. Call Dan 686-5001. 260 ANNOUNCEMENTS Fraternities • Sororities Clubs • Student Groups Earn $1,000-$2,000 with the easy Campusfundraiser.com three hour fundraising event. Does not involve credit card applications. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call to day! Contact Campusfundraiser.com at (888) 923-3238, or visit www.camDusfundraiser.com r Crossword Contest The first 2 people to bring today’s correct answers to the Oregon baity Emerald’s Classifieds office (Suite 300, EMU) will win a cool T-shirt and a movie ticket from the Bijou. *Limit 1 free ticket per penson. Stuck and need the answer? Please stop by Suite 300, EMU and pick up an answer sheet. Oregon Daily Emerald Student Recreation Center Advisory Board Meeting Sunday, March 1 at 6pm Conference Room at the Rec Ctr. All students are welcome Pregnant? Or maybe? New medical clinic, confidential, free 1st Way 687-8651 firstwayl ©juno.com 285 SERVICES Worried about term papers? UofO M.A. English teacher can help! writetthisway2002@yahoo.com Abortion Services to 21 weeks. Free pregnancy tests. All Women's Health Services. 633 E. 11th, 342-5940 24-hour support for survivors & their friends. Sexual Assault Support Services, 343-SASS. l/KSy\sur Scholars Program Paid summer research Tuition waivers Connections with faculty mentors Informational Meeting Wednesday, March 6, 6:30p.m. 125 Grayson Meet current scholars and the Program Coordinator. Applications available at the meeting. for more information contact Al S. 68 PIC, 546-3226. off the mark by Mark Parisi 9fo?rdAX Coll hi. IT'S sloT VoLiTC To PiCKVoOft blovJy]oLC iM PoBi-lC $ www.offthemark.com 2-27 r Crossword ACROSS 1 Marine leader? 5 Former Turkish title 10 Used leeches 14 Mongrels 15 Customary 16 La_gauche 17 Havana aunts 18 Washer cycle 19 Actress Gray 20 Cut and pasted together 22 Elba's country 23 Village in New York 27 Dry-heat bath 30 Issuing commands 34 Embassy leader: abbr 35 Ken s doll 38 Niagara's source 39 Sticky stuff 41 Martinique volcano 42 European defense assn. 43 French pronoun 44 Opposed 46 Kennedy or Koppel 47 Backtracks 49 Steel plow pioneer 51 In a refuge 54 Type of ink 57 Indulgent 61 Comprehends 62 Russian leader 65 Donkey’s lamenl 66 Shoe form 67 Astound 68 Speech impediment 69 Part of BPOE 70 Epic tales 71 Resound DOWN 1 Play parts 2 Witty remark 3 Caspian Sea feeder 4 Select for a duty 5 Blender setting 6 Stage whisper 7 Start of a day? 8 Possesses 9 Pub potable 10 Kinsmen 11 Turkish money 12 Thoroughly corrupt 13 Contradict 21 Fiddler or hermit 22 Cool down 24 Most honorable 25 More ironic 26 French notions 27 Lyricist Carol 28 Substitute for 29 Letter-shaped fastener 31 Fuming 32 Saltpeter 33 Crystal-lined rock 36 Swiftly 37 Whoop it up 40 Lasts 45 Utopia 48 Eureka! 50 Fit for WHERE ARE THE ANSWERS? consumption 52 Famous fair lady 53 Coty and Clair 54 _of Dogs 55 Actress Patricia 56 Escritoire 58 Idle or Clapton 59 “Bed Riddance' author 60 Input error 62 Dance step 63 Actress Thurman 64 Chasing game