Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 2002, Page 4, Image 4

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    Jonathan House Emerald
ASUO Executive candidate Eric Bailey checks the results of the primary election Friday to find that his ticket placed fourth overall.
ASUO ticket Rachel Pilliod and Ben Buzbee, who took first in the vote, will square off against the runners-up from the primary, candidates
Sean Ritchie and Jason Babkes, in the general elections starting Wednesday.
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continued from page 1
there is one ASUO candidate going
on to the general elections. May the
best candidate win.”
Bailey and running mate Char
lotte Nisser placed fourth with 266
votes, slightly more than last year
when Bailey and Jeff Oliver scored
237 votes.
Candidates John Ely and Hayes
Hurwitz, who placed a distant
seventh out of 10, said they are de
manding a recount of votes be
cause they believe the system
could have defaulted.
“I am contesting this. There is no
way that I only got 144 votes. I work
in a sorority house, and they all vot
ed for me, and I had a whole frater
nity behind me. Basically, I just
want to see proof,” Ely said.
The voter turnout hit 15.3.per
cent, still short of the ASUO Elec
tions Board’s goal of 20 percent,
but Elections Coordinator Court
ney Hight said she was still
pleased that this year’s tally was
higher than last year’s primary,
which only hit 9 percent despite
an extended voting period.
“We hope to meet our 20 percent
goal during general elections,”
Hight said. “I think all of the candi
dates did an excellent job.”
The primary campaign re
mained grievance-free, but that
may change today. The Commen
tator, which sponsored “subver
sives-fighting” candidate Tim
Dreier, plans to file a grievance
with the ASUO because the elec
tions board kept the press outside
the ASUO Executive office where
the DuckWeb votes were tallied
Friday night.
Uommentator publisher Bret Ja
cobson said the move violated Ore
gon law allowing media represen
tatives to watch vote counting.
“We would like the votes re
counted with media presence and
the (ASUO Constitution Court),” Ja
cobson said. “If they recount it,
some part of justice will be served.”
Dreier placed last with 98 votes.
A number of ASUO Student Sen
ate seats and other positions were
also decided Friday.
The closest contest came in Seat
#1, where Sen. Dominique Beau
monte defeated Rick Reed by only
three votes, 602-599. '
Two other seats had more than
two candidates, and the winner
will be decided with the Executive
in the general election.
Kate Kranzush and Brad Fetrow
advanced in the Seat #7 race, beat
ing Sho Ikeda, who ran for ASUO
Executive last year on a platform of
making dolphins legal housepets
and comparing diversity to the Nin
tendo game “Super Mario Bros.”
In Seat #14, Levi Strom and
Abby Lovett advanced, beating
Anthony Kuchulis.
And, like previous years, many
humorous write-in candidates got
a nod for Executive and senate,
including Oregon quarterback
Joey Harrington, Jesus Christ,
football commentator John Mad
den, “the French judge for ice
skating,” ASUO Vice President
Joy Nair and former ASUO Presi
dent Wylie Chen.
E-mail reporter Danielle Gillespie
at daniellegillespie@dailyemerald.com.
2002 ASUO primary
election results:
President/Vice President
Rachel Pitliod/Ben Buzbee—541
Sean Ritchie/Jason Babkes—408
Haben Woidu/Oscar Arana — 385
Eric Bailey/Charlotte Nisser — 266
Sean Powell/Tyler Lofquist—145
John Sy/Hayes Hurwitz—144
Ezra Mannix/Lucas Willett—144
Jesse Harding/Todd Brink—115
Gregory McNeill/Maco Stewart
— 105
Associated Students Presidential
Advisory Committee
Steve Gold—1,022
Programs Finance Committee
Two-year At-large Member
James Tiilord —563
Russ Tkebuchaava—483
Programs Finance Committee
One-year At-Large Member
Kate Shull—1,014
EMU Board At-large Member
Jacob Holcombe—689
EMU Board At-Large Member
Christa Shively—758
Student Senate Seat#1
Dominique Beaumonte—602
Rick Reed—599
Student Senate Seat #2
Matthew Pfeiffer—980
Student Senate Seat #3
Meghan Standridge—1,010
Student Senate Seat #4
Student Senate Seat #5
Aryn Clark—632
Samuel Berg—388
Student Senate Seat #7
Kate Kranzush —457
Brad Fetrow—375
AlainSholkeda —279
Student Senate Seat #8
Joseph Streckert—940
Student Senate Seat #10
- SenStrawrt—197
Student Senate Seat #13
Jackie Lynn Bay—254
Student Senate Seat #14
Levi Strom—123
Ah by Lovett—117
Anthony Kuchulis—61
Student Senate Seat #16
Tex Arnold—114
Student Senate Seat #17
Michael Unman—91
Starla Cummins—66
Student Senate Seat #18
Andrew Sioft—63
Scott Austin—12
Oregon Daily Emerald
P.O. Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403
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