Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 22, 2002, Page 6, Image 6

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U.S. Army helicopter crashes
in Philippines —12 missing
By Warren P. Strobel
Knight Ridder Newspapers
U.S. Army helicopter taking part
in anti-terrorist operations in the
Philippines crashed in the sea
Thursday with 12 Americans
aboard. The Defense Department
said no survivors had been
found, although a search was still
The crash of the Army MH-47
Chinook helicopter comes as the
United States is significantly esca
lating its involvement in the
Philippine government’s war
against a homegrown terrorist
group with links to Osama bin
Laden’s al-Qaeda organization.
If the death toll remains at 12,
the crash would be the U.S. mili
tary’s single biggest loss of life
since President Bush declared a
war on global terrorism in the af
termath of the Sept. 11 terrorist
Pentagon spokesmen said they
had no reports that hostile fire
brought down the helicopter.
The MH-47 was en route from
Basilan Island in the southern
Philippines to an air base at Mac
tan with eight crew members and
four passengers when it crashed
into the sea about a half-hour after
takeoff, said Marine Maj. Sean Gib
son, a spokesman for the U.S. Pa
cific Command.
I he crash occurred at about 1:30
p.m. EST, 2:30 a.m. on Friday in
the Philippines, Gibson said.
The Pentagon withheld the
names of those aboard pending no
tification of next of kin.
“The helicopter was operating
in support of U.S. efforts to train
and advise the armed forces of the
Philippines in their efforts against
global terrorism,” Gibson said.
A second MH-47 that was flying
in tandem with the first remained
over the crash site, while other air
craft were sent to the scene to
search for survivors, according to
the Hawaii-based Pacific Com
mand, which oversees U.S. mili
tary forces in East Asia and the Pa
cific. The two aircraft had just
delivered the last of 160 U.S. spe
cial forces troops to Basilan.
Crash in Philippines
A U.S. MH-47 Chinook helicopter carrying 12 Americans crashed north of Basilan
MH-47 Chinook
111 Sea
m Two rotors
Each with three 60-ft.
(18 m) diameter blades
Main uses
transport, cargo hauling
Source: Jane's World Aircraft, AP
Basilan island
crashes in gulf
The Bush administration is de
ploying more than 600 troops to
the Philippines to assist President
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s govern
ment in its long-running battle
with the Abu Sayyaf group, an Is
lamic terrorist organization whose
stronghold is in the jungle of the
southern Philippine islands.
“They’re now in the
business of taking hostages
and demanding money.”
Michael O’Hanlon
Brookings Institution
senior fellow
The U.S. troops are in the
Philippines to help train and ad
vise local armed forces in count
er-terrorist tactics, and to hold
joint exercises. Under a U.S.
Philippine agreement, they are al
lowed to be present in combat sit
uations, but are not supposed to
fight except in self-defense.
Abu Sayyaf is believed to have
links to Osama bin Laden’s al
Qaeda organization, although
the strength of those ties is in
Recently, the group has turned
to hostage-taking as a way to raise
Pat Carr, Lee Hulteng Knight-Ridder Tribune
funds. It holds two U.S. mission
aries, Grace and Martin Burn
ham, of Wichita, Kan., as well as
a Filipino nurse, Ediborah Yap.
Michael O’Hanlon, a senior fel
low at the Brookings Institution, a
Washington-based research center,
said the U.S. mission in the Philip
pines, while a worthy one, is un
likely to make a major impact on
global terrorism.
Abu Sayyaf “is a relatively
fringe player in the broader
scheme of al-Qaeda-related organ
izations,” O’Hanlon said, and its
operations appear to be primarily
limited to the southern island of
“They’re now in the business of
taking hostages and demanding
money,” he said.
The twin-engine MH-47 is the
special forces version of the mili
tary’s workhorse CH-47 helicop
ter, which is used primarily to
move ammunition and repair
parts and transport troops and
The Chinook, which was de
signed in the 1950s, has been in
service since 1962. No informa
tion was available on the chopper
involved in Thursday’s crash.
© 2002, Knight Ridder/Tribune
Information Services.
News brief
Election results to be posted
Today is the last day of the
ASUO primary election. Students
can vote from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. un
der the student menu of Duck
Web — duckweb.uoregon.edu.
Candidates on the ballot are run
ning for ASUO Executive, Stu
dent Senate seats, and other stu
dent government positions. Final
results are expected to be tallied
Join us each Sunday evening
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All are welcome.
by about 6 or 7 p.m., ASUO Elec
tions Coordinator Courtney Hight
said. Results will be posted Fri
day evening at www.dailyemer
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