Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 22, 2002, Page 3, Image 3

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Letters to the editor
Bailey and Nisser:
the ticket with experience
Student elections are here again,
and voting is so easy. All it takes is
logging onto DuckWeb and a few
mouse clicks. But that really isn’t
all there is to it. Voting is important,
and informed choices are always
the best. With so many candidates
running, that decision is harder
to make.
This year, however, one ticket re
ally stands out: Eric Bailey and
Charlotte Nisser. They have more
experience both inside the ASUO
and outside in the greater campus
than any other ticket running. Bai
ley is currently in his second year
as an ASUO senator, where he has
been the ombudsman and senate
vice president. Additionally, he re
mains extremely active in the resi
dence halls, where he has been a
programs assistant and is currently
the Residence Hall Association
Nisser served on the ASUO Elec
tions Board and was an intern for
ASUO President Wylie Chen. She
is very active at KWVA, where she
has been the news director and
now serves as the radio station’s
general manager.
A vote this year is very impor
tant. Make yours count with a vote
for true and diversified experience.
Vote Bailey and Nisser for
ASUO Executive.
Erica Legleiter
comparative literature
Here’s a helpful voting tip
You might be a bit confused as to
who you should vote for in the
ASUO Executive elections. Ill
make it easy on you. Vote for Rachel
Pilliod and Ben Buzbee, and our
school will be a better place
next year.
There are many qualified candi
dates running this year, but Rachel
and Ben are not only the team that
is the most qualified to get the job
done, but.they also have the vision
and track record to back it up.
Being experienced within the
workings of the ASUO is an essen
tial ingredient in the brewing of ef
fective leaders that will make the
University a better place to go to
school. Ben has been on Student
Senate for a year, and he has been a
member of the EMU Board for two
years. That experience, combined
with Rachel being an intern last
year, and a member of the current
ASUO Executive staff this year,
makes for a dynamic duo that will
be able to take the ball and run
with it.
Not only is their platform filled
with realistic and attainable goals,
but Rachel and Ben know what it
takes to accomplish these goals. Be
ing one of Ben’s best friends and
seeing all the work Rachel has done
as the ASUO Health and Wellness
Coordinator, I am confident they
will use their leadership qualities
to better our campus. Vote for
Rachel and Ben for
ASUO Executive!
Justin F. Zuiker
business administration
Ritchie and Babkes
can make campus safe
Sean Ritchie and Jason Babkes
are the best candidates for the
ASUO Executive position, for sev
eral reasons.
One issue they champion is
nighttime campus safety. Before the
recent incidences occurred on cam
pus, Sean and Jason had nighttime
campus safety as an instrumental
part of their platform.
Since the recent breaches in safe
ty on campus, Ritchie and Babkes
have generated a few effective and
proactive ideas for keeping the Uni
versity community safe. Such ideas
include a proctored route by which
students could walk/bike from one
side of campus to another, brighter
lighting, cutting back overgrown
bushes along pathways, golf cart
taxis and bike taxis. These ideas are
inexpensive and can be easily im
Sean Ritchie and Jason Babkes
are dedicated to the safety of our
University community. Support
safety and pro-active solutions.
Vote Ritchie and Babkes!
Molly Rogers
international studies and sociology
Election offers
rare opportunity
It is that time of year again —
people in brightly colored shirts
handing out fliers; the kiosk is un
recognizable ... ah yes, it is time for
the ASUO Student Elections.
While the many candidates and
their entourages passing out fliers
might annoy you, there are also as
many students who do not even
have a clue as to what is going on.
Those of you who have a clue are
probably asking yourself why you
should even vote. That is a really
great question, and we have an an
swer: because you can. Voting is the
easiest way to get your voice heard.
You pay more than $500 a year in
incidental fees and the ASUO allo
cates this out to the student unions.
The Athletic Department Finance
Committee, which is composed of
students you elect, negotiates with
the Athletic Department to main
tain student tickets. Choosing the
right candidates for these positions
could make the difference between
students losing 500 seats or not.
The Exec has the potential to do
great things and they also have the
potential to do nothing. If you have
been disillusioned thus far by the
ASUO, then figure out which Exec
ticket has a platform that appeals to
you and vote for them. With 10
Exec tickets, at least one of them
should appeal to you on some lev
el. This is a rare opportunity and
we encourage you to utilize
it wisely.
Courtney Hight
ASUO Elections Coordinator
Mannix and Willett
can make changes
For those of you who actually
care about the ASUO elections,
read on (if not, go look at the Track
Town ads or something).
Vote for Ezra Mannix and Lucas
Willett. They are the only candi
dates I’ve heard yet who actually
respond to some questions with
ideas that are both concrete and at
tainable. Contrast this with most of
the other candidates, who pretty
much stick to fuzzy generalities
and pie-in-the-sky ideas like “low
er tuition.”
Mannix’s and Willett’s sugges
tions, if implemented, would actu
ally bring small, but measurable
and positive changes to this cam
pus, that, with some committed
student lobbying, could actually
be done.
Vote for them.
Don Titus
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