Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 22, 2002, Image 2

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    Newsroom: (541) 346-5511
Room 300, Erb Memorial Union
PO. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403
E-mail: editor@dailyemerald.com
Online Edition:
Editor in Chief:
Jessica Blanchard
Managing Editor:
Jeremy Lang
Editorial Editor:
Julie Lauderbaugh
Assistant Editorial Editor:
Jacquelyn Lewis
Friday, February 22,2002
Yesteryear's Editorial
Give Greeks
Full Anonymity
The Greek-Student Conduct code relationship
has been a problem for some time.
While the fraternities haven’t caused any
special trouble lately, they have come under fire for
policies on drinking. And several questions have
come to the fore:
• Should the houses be required to report deci
sions of their IFC-Panhellenic tribunals to the Con
duct Committee?
• How much goes on that isn’t reported?
• Should the Student Court and Conduct Commit
tee be in a position to reinforce rules of the Greek
• How much control does the
conduct system really have over
the Greeks when it comes down
to prosecuting individual cases?
And what would happen (or does
happen) if the Greeks decide they
don’t want the University to han
dle a case?
• And, most important, why
should the University try to pun
ish Greeks for offenses punishable by civil law? .
With all these questions floating around, we sug
gest the Conduct Committee just drop the Greek sys
tem from its jurisdiction ... closing hours, group of
fenses, drinking, and all.
This proposal, we are sure, will meet with strong
disfavor, even among members of the fraternity sys
tem. Some will say the University would be shirking
its responsibility ... alas, its bounden duty ... to en
sure that the Greeks are living clean and lawful lives.
President Flemming may object on the grounds
that he wants to keep some degree of control over the
Greeks, in case of discrimination and since he is op
posed to drinking.
And many sorority members would argue that they
want the Conduct Committee behind them to enforce
rules of conduct, just in case ...
Our answers to all these objections would be: the
fraternities have proven themselves fairly responsi
ble in setting up and enforcing cases in their individ
ual houses without even bothering, in many in
stances, to bring the conduct system into the matter.
Sure there has been drinking in the houses. But the
problem hasn’t been widespread or even more preva
lent than it ever has ... maybe even a little less than
in the past, since students tend to be more academi
cally oriented than those of our parents’ generation.
And in the area of discrimination: If there has
clearly been a case of discrimination, let the Conduct
Committee remove the house’s recognition, just as it
would any other organization. This would prohibit
the house from using any University property and
would be a very adequate sanction.
Would removing Greeks from the Code really bring
about mass lawlessness, alcoholism, and sin? Let’s be
realistic. If the houses are allowed to set their own
rules and run their own affairs ... if they knew where
they stood with the conduct system ... they would
have a chance to develop the maturity and responsi
bility that has been demonstrated by an increasing
number of students living under the fraternity system.
Let’s give them a break whether all of them want it
or not.
of Oregon
published on
Feb. 22,1967
This editorial was taken from the February 22.1967 issue
of the Oregon Daily Emerald.
Letters to the Editor and ~
Guest Commentaries Policy
Letters to the editor and guest commentaries are encouraged.
Letters are limited to 250 words and guest commentaries
to 550 words, Please include contact information. The Emerald
reserves the right to edit forspace, grammar and style.
Letters to the editor
Response to Dreier just knee-jerk
Attacks on ASUO candidate Tim
Dreier in Tuesday's Emerald were un
founded (“Dreier creates racist envi
ronment,” “Dreier seeks leadership
through fear,” ODE 2/19). Yanagishita's
and Edwards' letters both represent the
fanatical knee-jerk liberalism that is
bringing not just this school but this
country down.
First, to respond to Yanagishita's
claim that Dreier is creating a hostile
and racist environment. The red threat
is found on every continent. It is not
limited to one country of origin or one
culture. From the Tupac Amaru Revo
lutionaries of Uruguay to the Red
Brigade of Europe to Earth First and the
ELF here on our home soil, this threat
is pervasive, regardless of racq or creed.
How difficult the task ahead is, with
our inability to type the subversives
along any of these lines.
Edwards, you question how to define
a subversive, and wonder about the
complex term “un-American.” Well, let
me clear things up for you. “Un-Ameri
can” defines anyone or thing that
stands against freedom and the Ameri
can way of life. A subversive is anyone
who wants to undermine these values
to fit their own twisted agenda. Ed
wards, I only hope that you have the
sense to see through your liberal rheto
ric and recognize the importance of the
task at hand. Bravo, Mr. Dreier, and see
you at the polls.
Kimberly Froemming
Drier considered sophomoric
My congratulations to ASUO presi
dential candidate Timothy Dreier. He
exemplifies “sophomoric” more exact
ly than anyone I have ever met.
Henry G. Campbell, Jr.
community education student
Edwards is a
commie sympathizer
The letter by Nathan Edwards in
Tuesday’s Emerald clearly demon
strates his complete lack of under
standing in regard to my platform
(“Dreier seeks leadership through fear,”
ODE, 02/19).
His major is listed as English. This
would lead one to believe that Edwards
would have some understanding of
what we call “satire.” Apparently, this
is a poor assumption to make. So, for
Edwards and any others who don’t
quite understand, I will offer a little
pocket synopsis.
Every candidate is running on a set
of buzz-words and vague ideas that en
courage conformity — I am just run
ning on a different set. If you read the
statements by other candidates, you
will find just as many vague references
and bits of paranoia, only theirs will be
things lcike “diversity,” “safety” and
“student voice.” You will not see a clar
ification of what any of these things
mean or how any of their plans will
come to fruition. Hence, I am running
on a McCarthyism platform to demon
strate absurdity by going to the oppo
site extreme.
While Jonathan Swift is busy eating
Irish babies, I will be busy eliminating
subversives with dueling pistols. And,
as far as Edwards.’ vote goes, I don’t
need support from an obvious commu
nist sympathizer.
Timothy Dreier
Fashion show
a spectacular success
With the help of various departments
and student groups, local Eugene and
Springfield stores and shops, talented
performers and all of our Black Her
itage models, the ninth annual AKA
Black Heritage Fashion Show was a
spectacular success.
Thank you to everybody who helped
to make the show what it was, and to
the 300 people that came out to see it.
A special shout-out to Melissa Ballard,
the star of the show, who had the
crowd laughing out of their seats.
Lastly, I would like to say “skee
weee” to those lovely women of the
Sigma Delta Chapter of Alpha Kappa
Alpha who worked diligently to pro
duce an outstanding show and who al
ways strive to be “supreme in service to
all mankind.”
Abolade “Boia” Majekobaje
Eugene needs housing code
Because I am only a freshman and
living on campus, some might feel that
the need for a housing code in Eugene
would not affect me. However, I, like a
majority of freshmen, will be a renter
next year. The fact that Eugene does not
have a housing code to provide for
the rights of renters and landlords
scares me.
A housing code is designed to keep
our city neighborhoods in a safe, clean
and livable environment.
By drafting a code, the city would
help designate rules for upkeep of
houses or apartment complexes and
other basic maintenance issues, as well
as help alleviate other potential prob
The current code that Eugene oper
ates under (the Oregon State Landlord
and Tenant Act) doesn’t allow for these
things to happen. In fact, the general
guidelines it is based on were drafted
with the intention that cities would cre
ate their own, more specific codes.
This is an important issue that affects
all students, faculty and staff, and other
renters in the city of Eugene. It should
be taken seriously.
Morgan York
exercise and movement science
Peter Utsey Emerald
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