Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 2002, Image 15

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    ing donkeys and dragons as
soon as they got out. Then the
donkeys started telling them
what to do in the magical
world. So then they started to
walk when suddenly they feel a
strong wind. They stop and see
a different place then where
they started.Then they see a
dark castle and run inside,
because it was dark. Then get
into trouble because they see a
bad creature running after
them. So they run out and onto
the bridge which breaks. Then,
when they fall, they fall into
flames but it wasn’t really
flames... it was the way home.
The end.
Written By Campaign
Manager Sam, a student at Oak
Grove Middle School, Florida.
Vote Sho!
Senate Seat #8
Joseph Streckert
no statement
Senate Seat #10
Ben Strawn
As an undeclared freshman I
realize that there are many
* questions and concerns faced
by all underclassmen. My goal
as an ASUO senator would be tc
ensure that these concerns are
heard and that our questions
are answered by the powers
that be here at the University oi
Oregon. Although the unde
clared major represents the
greatest number of students on
this campus, by not affiliating
with one department or anoth
„ er we run the risk of becoming
a voiceless mass. Elect me as
your representative and I will
* ensure that the officers of
change do not neglect the inter
ests of the academically unde
cided. Above all: get involved,
vote! Second to that vote for
Ben Strawn for ASUO academic
senate seat 10.
Senate Seat #13
Steven Lockfield
Since we pay the incidental
fee we deserve responsible
Senators who are in touch with
their constituents and corre
sponds openly with them.This
is what I promise to all the stu
dents who compromise the
diverse majors of Arts &
Letters/Journalism. I promise
responsible representation that
will protect the incidental fee
with always keeping the inter
ests of Arts & Letters and
Journalism majors in mind.
As for my qualifications, I
have had experience in the judi
cial, executive, and legislative
branches but I have always pre
ferred legislative. I feel it is the
most noble and truly symbol
izes the purpose of govern
ment, which is representation. I
am currently a member of the
College Democrats as well.
Since this is a non-student fund
ed group I am impartial and
will be fair to all student
groups. Better representation
and fairness is what I stand for
and will accomplish if elected.
Jackie Lynn Ray
no statement
Senate Seat #14
Levi Strom
The proposed budget cuts
may have a devastating impact
on the academics of the
University, and the social sci
ences could carry a large por
tion of that burden. This means
that certain departments may
be weakened or even eliminat
ed. If elected I will advocate,
not only to preserve, but to
broaden the social sciences.
I have experience with finan
cial procedures, serving on the
UO bookstore s budget and
finance committee, as well as
the bookstore’s general board
of directors. I have also served
as an RA in the residence halls
and have been active in various
student groups on campus.
The social sciences need an
advocate to ensure that this
diverse field of study will not
be undermined by budget cuts.
As a junior, double majoring in
political science and sociology, I
am personally tied to the wel
fare of the social sciences. I
will be available to students and
will fight to ensure that their
education is as diverse as they
Anthony Kuchulis
How does tuition go up
while the school budget threat
ens to be cut? Or why are fresh
man left every term praying for
a good social security number
so they can register for the
classes they need. Moreover
why does the university not
consider sign language a lan
guage applicable for a BA espe
cially with the necessity of sign
language in even the least
diverse cultures. Each one of
these questions must have a
good answer and as your sena
tor I will prove that those
answers are not good enough.
The ASUO has done a
tremendous job in dealing with
issues such as these, and many
others in the past. My goal
therefore would not be a radical
change that would prove
unnecessary and time consum
ing, but rather to aid in the con
tinuing systematic growth of
efficiency and effectiveness
within your student govern
Abby Lovett
Every year hundreds of thou
sands of dollars go to fund stu
dent groups and organizations,
and there is a continual lack of
student voice and input as to
how much each group should
The solution to this problem
is for students, like yourself, to
vote for a senator that will accu
rately and effectively represent
your needs. You, the students,
need someone who recognizes
the changing issues on campus
and is willing to stand up for
those issues and the funds to
support them.
To ensure that your inciden
tal fees are allocated properly
and backed with a student
voice, vote for Abby Lovett,
Senate seat number 14.
Senate Seat #16
Tex Arnold
For the previous two years I
have served on the ASUO
Student Senate. I enjoyed my
experience and seek to contin
ue this opportunity. Many stu
dents are unaware that the
money they pay every year in
incidental fees goes into a sur
plus account accessible to stu
dents. If I am elected to the
Student Senate I will make sure
that the incidental fees are allo
cated fairly to various student
groups in need. I feel that I am
well qualified for this position
due to my past experience. I
am familiar with the processes
involved, and I am eager to
reach my goal of making sure
students spend THEIR money.
Please vote Tex Arnold for
Academic Seat #16.
Tex Arnold
Senate Seat #17
Michael Unman
The Student Senate performs
two major functions. First, it is
responsible for distributing over
8 million dollars in incidental
fees to three major programs:
ASUO Programs, the EMU and
the Athletic Department.
Second, it is to represent the
Student Body in the formulation
of University policies in cooper
ation with faculty and adminis
tration. Both of these functions
make it important to elect fis
cally responsible Senators who
can properly represent the
Student Body in all matters.
As a Finance major, I believe
1 possess the proper back
ground to ensure our incidental
fees are distributed effectively
and efficiently. As co-chair of
the UO College Democrats, I
have fought to make sure that
the voice of the students is
heard from Salem to
Washington, D C. I believe that
both of these characteristics
will translate to strong leader
ship if elected to the Student
Vote for Michael Linman,
Student Senate Seat #17
(Business majors).
Starla Cummins
The students of the
Lundquist College of Business
are entitled to great representa
tion on committees and assem
blies that make decisions effect
ing us. An Academic Senator is
responsible for serving on stu
dent/faculty committees and
providing information and
input to best serve students of
their school. Administration
and faculty need to be made
aware of the issues that are
important to Business Students
and I am the person to do it.
As your Business Academic
Senator I will work hard with
others to create policies that
enhance our way of life within
the Business School. I am a
born leader who thrives on
negotiating and debating issues.
If you want a responsible and
knowledgeable advocate on
your side.
Reach for a Star....
for Business Academic Senator
seat #17
Senate Seat #18
Scott Austin
no statement
Andrew R. Elliott
The complaints of graduate
and law students are well
known yet addressed by few.
The recreation center does not
adequately accommodate our
needs. First-year students must
jump through hoop after hoop
just to watch a football game.
And our groups are often
viewed with suspicion. I have
the commitment to address
these problems.
The cost of a graduate or
legal education can be
immense, yet few have made
inroads to limit these costs. The
price of tuition is up. New fees
are added yearly. And we are
assessed fees which other stu
dents are not asked to pay. I
have the expertise to combat
these problems.
The University structure is
under reform, yet without conti
nuity these reforms may never
materialize. The Clark
Document is being amended.
New programs are being
formed. And new fee allocation
processes are being created. I
have the experience to negoti
ate these changes.
In the past two years, I have
served you as a member of the
EMU Board, a member of the
Senate, and as ASUO Senate
Vice-President. I have spent
hundreds of hours in meetings
with student leaders and admin
istrators. I have become an
expert on the incidental fee
structure, and I have helped
countless groups work within
that structure.
If elected, I will continue to
reform. I will keep fighting for
student empowerment. I will
work to address the unique
needs of graduate and law stu
dent, and I will never stop help
ing student groups. Please elect
me to seat 18.
Recreation and
Fitness Advisory
The hoard consists of nine members. Three of these positions
will lie appointed memliers. The ASPO president will appoint
one member. The PARS director will ;q>|x>int a member from
a |roof of students that work for the Recreation and Fitness
Center. The final appointed member will lie selected by the
I’li Director from current or former students of physical edu
cation classes. The ap|xiinted members will serve for a one
year appointment. The remaining six positions will be elect
ed at large by the student body, elected members will serve
staggered two-year terms, three elected in even numbered
years, and three elected in odd numbered years. Terms of
service begin April I and conclude March AT The Hoard will
meet once each month excluding summers. Tlte Hoard will
he responsible for review of |mlicies related to facility use for
recreation, user |>olicies. budget matters related to student
incidental fees, and also be responsdile for representing the
Recreation and Fitness Center to tlie University communitv
and the promotion of student recreational needs.
No Candidate
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