Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 2002, Image 14

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    nonvoting member. One of the four at-large members is select
eil to sene as hoard Chair. The director of the KMI > is an ex
officio. nonvoting member-of tire Hoard. The lioaml (diair cur
rently receives S12S/monlh for X months. The Budget
Committee Chair and the House Committee Chair each cur
rently receive $l(X)/month for X months All other members
receive ShO/month for X months, batch member works about
X-10 hours per week. Work studv is also available for they
positit ms.
Jacob Holcombe
Serving on the EMU Board
not only offers an opportunity
to work towards positive
change for my peers, it also
offers an avenue for ownership
in the university. Thorough my
involvement this year as a mem
ber of the EMU Board I have
Worked hard to advocate posi
tive change for students by rep
resenting the student voice in
EMU decisions. Another impor
tant thing to me is ownership
within the university. Sitting on
the EMU Board has not only
given me ownership within the
university, but the chance to
give ownership to students by
representing their concerns on
the board. I will create positive
outcomes for student interests
by working hard again next
year to represent the student
voice in EMU decisions. Take
stake in your student union,
have your voice heard in EMU
decisions and gain ownership
in decisions made on your
behalf. Vote Jake Holcombe for
EMU Board.
Christa Shively
no statement
Senate Seat #1
According to the ASI H) Constitution. the Student Senate Ii;ls
two major functions, first, it is responsible for distributing
more than S million dollars in incidental fees to three majo
programs: ASIH) Programs, the lab Memorial Union (Bill)
and the Athletic Department. As part of this responsibility, it
establishes budgeting benchmarks or guidelines by Novetnb
50 for each of the three finance Committees (ASDO
Programs finance Committee. BID Hoard, and the Athletic
Department finance Committee) responsible for creating
line-item budgets for the Major Program areas. Three
finance Senators are elected to sene on each of these
finance Committees. These Senators play an essential role
in maintaining ongoing communication between the entire
Senate and the finance Committees as the committees deve
op the budgets for each area. The full Senate approves a
lump sum budget amount for each Major Program area at
the conclusion of the budget process in the spring.
The second function of the Student Senate is to represent th
DO students in the faculty-student University Senate and
University Assembly, which debate and set general Dniversir
policies. Senators also sit on student faculty committees, n
the Information and Grievance Table in the BID lobby
approve ASDO executive appointments, and hold regular
office hours each week.
Tile Senate is composed of eighteen members, fifteen of win
sene for a two-year term and three who serve for a one-yeai
term. The permanent structure of the Senate includes the
following: three Senators who sene as memlters of the ASU(
Programs finance Committee (2 two year seats and I one
year seal), three Senators who serve as members of the Bll
Hoard (2 two year seats and 1 one year seat), and three
Senators who serve as members of the Athletic finance
Committee (2 two year seats and I one year seat). These
nine Senators are known as the ' finance Senators". The
remaining nine Senators ate elected by major to represent
academic departments and are referred to as ".Academic
Senators'Tall two year seals).
experience in ASDO programs and in accounting or budget
ing would be helpful, but it is not necessary. The stipend fu
positions is about SI50/month from September to May.
These positions are expected to work about 15-20 hours |ier
week. The Senate meets once a week.
Rick Reed
As students of the University
of Oregon, we pay $171 each
term for incidental fees. This
money supports every ASUO
activity on campus, and it is the
Semite's responsibility to ensure
each activity receives adequate
funding while simultaneously
holding each activity account
able for its expenditures. It is
this tight-rope walk that
requires the members of the
Program’s Finance Committee
to be charismatic, intelligent
and dedicated.
Serving as an officer for phi
lanthropy groups, community
service organizations, social
activities and the associated stu
dent body throughout high
school, as well as currently
being a member of the Delta
Sigma Phi fraternity has afford
ed me the opportunity to hone
these skills. If elected I will
fight to keep incidental fees at
or below their current level
while requiring each activity to
become cost efficient, thus pro
viding the opportunity for new
programs to take form. Vote
Rick Reed for Senate Seat 1.
Dominique Beaumonte
Greetings! I’m Dominique
Beaumonte’. Quite frankly I like
to be addressed as Senator
Beaumonte. I know that sound*
a little cocky but that reflects
how serious I take my job as a
senator. When I attended my
first informational after I was .
' elected a Senator about a year
ago. I was told that I had a big
responsibility and that was to
be a “protector of the fee.” I’m
eager to fulfill this duty at
another level. I’m down for gh
ing some “view-point Neutral”
love. It is PFC’s dedication to
the fee that encourages me to
step to the plate and answer
the call of duty. I’m ready to
„ carry the tradition of PFC and
be the master fee protector.
That’s where you come in. If
you say... SENATOR BEAIJ
MONEY and head to the polls
MONTE for ASUO Programs
Finance Committee (PFC) Seat
#1. You will be glad you did.
Senate Seat #2
Matthew Pfeiffer
no statement
Senate Seat #3
Meghan Standridge
No matter what your level of
involvement around campus,
the roughly $500 you pay in
incidental fees each year means
you have a stake in ASUO pro
gramming. From football tick
ets to partial funding for over
117 ASIIO recognized student
groups, more than $8 million in
student money goes out to vari
ous student programs every
year. And every year, students
control the process, from start
to finish.
Through my last two terms
as an ASUO intern, I have seen
the amazing things incidental
fees can accomplish when used
correctly. As a Programs
Finance Committee Senator, I
will continue the tradition of
distributing incidental fee
money in a fair and consistent
manner; making sure groups
use student money to its fullest
potential, problem solving
when they do not. This is our
money and I will play my part
in seeing it allocated appropri
ately. Play your part. Vote
Meghan Standridge for Seat 3
Senate Seat #4
Kady-Ann Davy
Hello, my name is Kady-Ann
Davy and I am running for
Senate seat 4 which is the EMU
Board Finance Senators seat. I
have had substantial previous
experience in governing during
1 my years at Benson Polytechnic
High School, as well as active
involvement in community
building and campus program
ming at the University of
Oregon. In high school I
assumed consistent responsibil
ties as the Sophomore Class
Treasurer and Student Body
Treasurer. As a member of
r- the Health Occupation Student
Of America (HOSA) at the U. O
O., I took numerous science
classes including Biology,
Anatomy & Physiology, Medical
Terminology, etc. My commit
ment to representing the
Biology major student commu
nity as well as other broad con
stituencies, as evidenced by m)
seriousness of purpose in pur
suing. I have experience and
am focussed on doing what
needs to be done in the Senate
to insure we be represented
fairly and responsibly in order
for all of us to be successful.
— Currently I am an ASUO multi
cultural advocate intern, a men
— ber of Black Woman Of
Achievement, the Black Studen
Union, and The Oregon
Students of Color Coalition I
want to bring that attitude to
the EMU Board Finance
Senators seat in the senate. As
the protector of fees, my job is
to be an ally to my science stu
dents and representive of my
student body to make fair and
equitable decisions. I can do
this with the help of your input
and thoughts, and your involve
ment in my campaign and term
of office if elected. This is a
campus where we work togeth
er to get things done, which I
will work hard to do. If I am
elected, I will do whatever it
takes to make sure our inciden
taial fees are allocated correctly.
I am responsible, organized,
open-minded, creative, and goal
oriented. With these skills, I
will get the job done. Do whats
best! VOTE FOR KADY!!!!!!!!
Senate Seat #5
Aryn Clark
The students need a voice,
someone to properly represent
them.As a student senator it
will be my job to take the inci
dental fee, paid by you, the stu
dents, and give that money to
programs that will benefit you.
For the past two terms I
have been an intern in the
ASUO office, and because of
that experience, I have an
understanding of the way that
the student government works.
My firm grasp of financial mat
ters, and my ability to make fair
decisions makes me a great
choice for student senate.
As a student senator on the
EMU Board I will properly rep
resent the issues that concern
the student body. My name is
Aryn Clark and 1 am running for
EMU Board Finance Senator,
Seat # 5.
Samuel Berg
Each year, UO students pay
over five-hundred dollars in
incidental fees, over one-third of
those fees go towards programs
in the EMU. While this is a lot of
money, the EMU serves as a
great resource to students, and I
will ensure that it remains a
center of campus life. Being a
student, and a member of a
Greek organization, I feel the
necessity for fiscal responsibili
ty of your student money.
During my three years at the
UofO, I have acquired valuable
skills that make me an excellent
i. candidate for this position. I
am open-minded, knowledge
[ able, and hard working. Vote
Samuel C. Berg for EMU Board,
Senate seat number 5.
Senate Seat #7
Kate Kranzush
Third times the charm! I
have held an elected ADFC seat
for the past two years. As chair
of the committee, I have
learned that the two most
important qualities are advocat
ing for students and continuity
on staff. Because I am an avid
Duck fan who loves attending
UO sporting events, I know
how important it is for students
to have access to tickets.
Through the use of the inciden
tal fee, students “buy” these tick
ets at a discounted price. I
want to keep this fee as low as
possible for students, while
maximizing our student atten
dance. What happens during
negotiations is very reliant on
what happened the previous
year. That is why it is important
for someone to be on the com
mittee who knows how the ath
letic department works and can
get students the respect and
tickets they deserve! Vote for
Kate Kranzush for ADFC seat
Brad Fetrow
When I first came to the
University of Oregon three
years ago, I had no idea what
incidental fees were. Since
then, I have found out various
different things about incidental
fees. Did you know there is
more than 8 million dollars in
incidental fees to be distributed
by the Student Government.
There are three main areas that
the money is distributed: the
ASUO, the EMU and the Athletic
Department. It is the job of the
Student Senate to allot this
money to the three different
If elected to the Student
Senate, I vow to work with fel
low Student Senators to make
sure that these fees are distrib
uted in the most fair and ration
al manner. So when it is time to
vote, make the right choice and
vote for an unprejudiced, hard
working and determined candi
date who will make the tough
decision easy. Vote for Brad
Alain Sho Ikeda
Sho and Matt were walking
on a trail through the forest and
saw a magic hole. They decided
to jump in and fell into a lake.
Then they got out and saw talk
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