Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 2002, Image 13

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    Haben Woldu and
Oscar Arana
Hello, it’s Haben and Oscar
running for ASUO executive
office. We’re running because
we want to give back to the
campus that has provided so
much for us and the student
body who inspires and supports
We strive to promote student
involvement in the issues that
affect all of us. We will protect
students’ money by making sure
administration uses is it where
it is needed the most. We
believe in creating a safe cam
pus environment for everyone
and improving housing condi
tions for all students. We will
also improve parking conditions
by working on short and long
term plans of action.
Since our first year, we have
worked hard and led various
organizations, student unions
and been involved on various
We will accomplish our goals
and remain true to our princi
ples and values. We will work
hard to create change.
Vote for Haben and Oscar,
the candidates that are about
keepin’ it real.’
Sean Powell and
Tyler Lofquist
Pools of apathy have flooded
our student body. Our executive
office is out of touch with the
student body and rarely has a
clear perception of the students
wants and needs. As trite repre
sentatives of the student body
we intend to dissolve the elitist
tendencies of the ASUO and
turn the stagnant pool of apa
thy into a current of participa
tion and knowledge, so that the
ASUO is truly the Associated
Students of the University of
Oregon. It is our contention
that we will be able to do this
because we are a part of and in
touch with the true general will
of the student body. Secondly
we feel that the issues we have
chosen to address are funda
mental to building this new and
essential, direct participatory
Associated Students of the
University of Oregon.
It is because of these ideals
that we have chosen the specif
ic issues of our candidacy. Our
first goal, as ASUO executives, is
counter-acting Governmental
budget cuts of higher educa
tion, as well as correctly allocat
ing incidental fees and appro
priating these fees to the
desires of the Student body. We
also will address on and off
campus student housing rules.
Also with the rumors of the
reinstatement of the Party
Patrol, another policy we are
committed to is the legal rights
of students. And lastly is the
ever-growing problem of under
budgeted programs for peer
advising and tutoring.
We have picked these issues
because they affect not only
ourselves as students, but also
the entire student body. While
these are the issues we feel
affect us students, we are
always here to listen to con
cerns and questions that stu
dents have for and about their
student government. AsASUO
executives we will install the
necessary means for you, the
student body, to represent your
selves. This, and only this, is
how a student government
should be run, associated and
Lucas Willett and
Ezra Mannix
“Luke and Ezra are such nice
boys - if you love me, you ’ll vote
for them!”
-Your Mother
• replace desks and chairs in cliss
rooms, especially in Gilbert, Pacific
and Klamath kills
• establish an oncampus 24 hour
computer and coflee lab with at
least 25 public computers
• free airport shuttles from campus
during finals week
• dorm meal card accepted by
EMU food venders
• new covered bike racks in strate
gic locations
• lower campus kilowatt usage
15% by June 1,2003
• address die issue of faculty
• salaries for professors andGTFs
should attract and retain high
value instructors
• change leasing options lor U of O
• get the varsity baseball team back!
• make creative writing an eligible
• put clocks on die west and north
faces of die EMU by the Fishbowl
• establish lull-tenured professorship
for long-standing “visiting” profes
sors Hunt,Wixman and Weinhold
• assess plans to make adiledcs frilly
self sufficient
• invite the Blazers to play an exhibi
tion game at Mac Court
“Bureaucracy, safely repeating
today what it did yesterday, rolls on
as ineluctably as some vast comput
er, which, once penetrated by error,
duplicites it forever"
-Barbara Tuchman,The
March of Folly'
“What does ineluctably mean any
-Your Motiier
Timothy “Judas”Dreier
A vote for Timothy Dreier is
a vote for America and the
American way of life. I will, as
ASIIO President, establish
means by which we can elimi
nate all un-American activities
in the ASIIO and around cam
pus. By bringing back the
McCarthy tradition of strong
anti-Communist action, the
American way of life can be
protected on campus. We must
eliminate this “Red Threat” to
our country and the only way
the student body can do its
small part is by electing me,
Timothy Dreier, ASITO
President. I promise, if elected,
to find all Communists in the
ASUO and have them summari
ly removed from their posts. In
addition to eliminating subver
sives in the ASUO, I will devote
our resources to fighting
Communism on a national level
to the extent that it is possible
to do so. This will involve
establishing an ASUO program
to research, nationwide, subver
sives in student governments.
Additionally, I will devote part
of the ASUO budget to building
a monument to Joe McCarthy in
place of the Pioneer Mother
statue on 13th. This monument
will be a reminder of the evils
of Communism to all who pass
by its feet. Building a monu
ment to McCarthy will also
remind all subversives of
America’s power to eliminate
their turncoat opinions from
our great nation. As ASUO
President I will use whatever
resources are available to get
the University involved in the
sanctioning of Cuba. Elect me,
Timothy Dreier, ASUO President
if you value the American way
of life.
._ . .
The Associated Students Presidential Advisors' Council
(ASPAC) is an 11 -member committee that meets at least
twice each term with the University President. The objective
ol this hoard is to advise the University President on matters
affecting the student imputation. Additionally. ASPAC
improves student/administration relations and communica
tions between students, student hoards and programs. This
hoard is concerned with providing the University President
with a sense of the diverse student imputation and the full
spectrum of student opinion. The hoard meets at least twice
each term and currently has no sti|tend. Two members are
elected at large for two-year terms in alternating years. Other
members include: ASUO President. Vice President. University
Affairs Coordinator and representatives from campus media.
CMU Hoard. Student Senate. Interfraternity Council.
Panhellenic Council. Residence Hall (inventing Council, and
ASUO Programs. Other members represent international stu
dents, law/graduate students.
lesbian/! lay/Bisexual/Transgender students and non-tradi
tional students
Steve Gold
no statement
Athletic Dept.
The ASUO Athletic Department (AD) finance Committee is
cont|msed of five members including two finance Senators
seising for two years, one finance Senator serving for one
year, one member appointed by the ASUO President for a one
year term, and one member appointed by the Athletic
Department Team Council for a one year term. Tile ASIU)
Finance Crxrrdinator serves as a nonvoting memher. The
chair of the ,M) Finance Committee is picked from the elected
mentlrers. Members of this committee work 8-10 hours pet
week. Senate mentlrers of this committee receive a stipend of
So/month for four months.
I he AD finance Committee is responsible for working with
the Athletic Department to develop a recommendation for the
incidental fee allocation for the Athletic Department. This
recommendation is forwarded to the Student Senate for final
No At-Large Candidates
PFC at-large
(2-yr term)
The ASIK) Programs finance Committee is composed of
seven members including two Finance Senators serving two
year terms, two members elected at large for two rear terms,
one Finance Senator serving a one year term, one member
apiiointed by the ASIK) President for a one year term, and
one appointed by the ASIK) Programs Council for a one year
term. The chair of the ASIK) Programs Finance Committee
is chosen from its elected members. From about January
through March, this committee meets 2 A times per week.
Members work 15-20 hours per week during this time and at
least 10 hours |>er week the remainder of the school rear.
Senate members of this committee receive a sti|tend of
Sf50/monih for five months in addition to their senate
stipend. The sti|tend for the at large (tositions is also
$l50/month. Tlte ASIU) Programs Finance Committee hears
line item budgets from over 119 ASIK) programs (e g.
MKChA. legal Services, etc) and recommends a lump sum
budget to the Student Senate for their ttppmva!.
James Tilford
As a student, it is important
to me to ensure that Student
Government facilitates adequate
levels of funding for student
groups and organizations that
provide quality program con
tent for all students at the
It is my intention to provide
an open channel of communica
tion between any student with
a question or concern and the
Student Senate by publishing
personal contact information
and maintaining regular office
I have 8+ years of experi
ence in management and
finance and have previous
Student Government finance
experience. I am announcing
my candidacy because I am
sure that my experience will
contribute to the duties of the
finance organization.
I pay incidental fees too, a
vote for me is one less worry
for you!
Russ Tkebuchava
After serving a year on the
PFC, I fully realized the impor
tance of this position within the
ASIJO. I also realized the need
for continuance. Our duties
would have been impossible to
fulfill without the guidance of
our chair. We often relied on
her previous experience with
the budget process for critical
insight. Unfortunately, no PFC
member, with the exception of
myself, will be able to serve on
the committee next year. I
need your support to ensure
that next year’s PFC has enough
experience to allocate more
than $4 million in student fees.
I stand unaligned with any stu
dent group or political cause. I
can assure you that I will repre
sent the interests of the student
body as a whole and make deci
sions accordingly. As an
accounting and economics
major, I feel that I have the nec
essary background to fulfill my
duties remarkably by look at
each budget objectively.
PFC (1-yr term)
Kate Shull
Allocating the incidental fee
to campus programs is a chal
lenging job that will become
more demanding next year with
an increase in the student pop
ulation and a growing interest
in student programs.
Distributing funds to over
100 organizations is a task that
requires knowledge, patience,
and impartiality. Following
guidelines set by the committee
maintains a just hearing for
each group presenting a budg
et. This year as the PFC admin
istrative assistant, I have been
able to observe the hearing
process and am fully aware of
the skills needed to make the
budget hearing process a suc
If elected to the Programs
Finance Committee, I will suc
cessfully contribute to the dis
tribution of the incidental fee. I
will be unbiased and just during
the budget process and will
present solutions that best
serve the University of Oregon
student body. Vote for Kate
Shull, PFC 1-year At-Large
EMU Board
Krtt Memorial Union (KMU) iioani determines die policies and
Ion;; range plans of tlte Krb MeilKirial Student Union. A House
Committee deals with allocation of office space. KMf' lobby
space. and other issues associated with the building. The
budget Committee prepares tlte budget for tire F..MI t and till of
its programs (Cultural Tonim. ChildCare (inter. Outdoor
Program, etc.) and presents it to tlte whole Hoard, latch Hoard
member must sene on at least one committee and attend till
Hoard meetings. The Chair of the Hoard turd tlte chair of each
committee keep tit least 5 office bouts per week.
The Hoard consists of 15 voting membeis including two
Finance Senatois serving two year terms, one Finance Senator
serving one term tuxl four members elected from the student
hods at-large tor two year terms. (See list of |xtsitions available
above for specific position numbeis and length of term for this
election.) (Hirer members include ap|x tinted representatives of
tlte ASUO executive. ASIK) programs. KMU programs. KMU
classified staff, and faculty. The three Finance Senators all
serve on the KMU budget Committee along with three other
members of the Hoard plus the KMU business Manager as a
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