Candidate Statements President and Vice President ASUO EXECUTIVE The President may run with a designated \ice President, nr may run alone. S/he is elected for aone-vear term from the student IxkIv at large. The President's current stipend is S6(KI/nionlh or work-study: the Vice President's current sti|iend is $W)0/mo|ith or work-study. Itoth work at lettsl SO Itours |>er week for 12 months. 'Hie ASUO Kxecutive is the recognized voice oPUO students, and administers over 115 funded ASUO programs. The ASUO President is the chief officer of the Kxecutive. which includes a Vice President and the offices of fundraising, Programs, flections, finance. Multicultural Affairs. International Affairs. Noil-Traditional Student Affairs. University Affairs, federal Aflairs. State Affairs. (ireek Affairs. Communitv Affairs. Puhlicity. and Comptrollers. Staff members are hired by the President's hiring committee af ter s/he is elected. The Kxecutive may undertake many projects according to the President's wishes. These projects may include symposiums, street fairs, forums and debates, political fairs, voter registra tion drives, work with the Oregon Student lobby and the United States Student Association, and much more. Gregory McNeill and Maco Stewart TheASUO Executive Office distributes over $8.5 million dol lars of student incidental fees annually. Each of us pays $500 for benefits like free football tickets, free public transit and campus publications. Unfortunately, that is all that most of us ever see for our money. In past years, the ASIJO improved life for all U of O stu dents. The EMU amphitheatre and the blue-light emergency posts that we see all over cam pus are examples of the good work that theASUO once did. For the past two years, however, no significant improvements have taken place. The ASIJO keeps a low profile, and has done next to nothing for the average student. We consider this to be a very serious prob lem. Clearly, there are better ways that our money can be spent. If elected, we will ensure that the programs which are financed first are those which all students can enjoy. Free football tickets are always in short demand, for example, and are something which more students should be able to obtain. If elected, we will provide more student seating at sports events. Project Safe ride, the Designated Driver Shuttle, and the Student Recreation Center are all good examples of the types of pro grams that we most strongly support. We also see a shortage of ASUO-sponsored activities. Where are the dances, the barbe cues? The homecoming parade? Other schools have celebrations and events, and we should too. These are some of the things we stand for. On election day, don’t forget to vote McNeill/Stewart. Rachel Pilliod Year: Sophomore Majors: Political Science, General Science Hometown: Springfield, OR Related Experience: Constitution Court Justice, Health and Wellness Coordinator Ben Buzbee Year: Junior Major: Business Administration/Einance Minor: Economics Hometown: West Linn, OR Related Experience: EMU Board, Student Senate, Vice President of Delta Sigma Phi, University of Oregon Investment Group In the time we have spent at the University of Oregon, we have had a great deal of experi ence working with the ASUO, Student Senate and Constitution Court, as well as a variety of campus and community organi zations. With this experience, we hope to work with as many students as possible to address issues affecting not only the academic elements of student life, but also the varying social aspects of a campus community of nearly 20,000 students. Some areas we have commit ted ourselves to working on include: • Establishing an effective lead ership development program to serve as a resource for stu dents on campus. • Increasing healthcare access and education on campus,, state and federal levels. • Creating a permanent Health and Wellness Position in the ASUO. • Continuing the work on hous ing standards, energy efficien cy and increasing the aware ness of, and involvement in, issues concerning social inequalities on campus. We look forward to meeting and working with new stu dents, and promise to incorpo rate new ideas throughout the year. So what’s all the buzz about? It’s about Rachel and Ben for ASUO Exec! John L. Ely Hayes Bryant Hurwitz During these rough econom ic times, the University of Oregon needs fiscally responsi ble and effective leaders that can work with a diverse range of people and issues. Our expe rience, ethics, and abilities will help UO students to achieve academic and social stability. Our highest priority is to cre ate an efficient, practical, and convenient system that will allow students of all classes, cul tures, and needs access to a well-rounded higher education. As undergraduate students pur suing post-graduate education we both understand the need for an effective system that allows the flexibility to pursue other interests while maintain ing a full schedule of classes. We both feel strongly about attaining more flexible and con venient access to school resources. Coming from diverse back grounds, but having similar goals has given us perspective towards understanding those of various upbringings and of dis similar needs. We value social harmony, and ethical principles. Through the development of diversity and empathy for all students, we can realize the strength in unity. Together we can address and solve any difficulty that exists or could arise in the future. We plan to act as a gateway for stu dents to have their voices heard not only on campus, but also at a municipal, state, and national level. We believe that the potentials for the University of Oregon and its students are lim itless, and we would like to cre ate an environment that cap tures that potential. Go Ducks! Sean Ritchie and Jason Babkes VOTE FOR RITCHIE & BABKES ASUO PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT Student Government That Works For You Now’s an amazing moment in time to be a student at UO. The University shines in the national spotlight through aca demic and athletic success reflecting the dynamic spirit that is Oregon. It all comes from the active participation of the student body in creating the environment and a dialogue that is the essence of higher learning. Sean Ritchie and Jason Babkes are the best choice to build on that spirit. Student government at it’s best unites all students; actively seeking input from all to imple ment programs that further the pursuit of excellence. It fosters a safe campus that promotes discussion and respect. With a commitment to representing the entire student body through a completely open and person al-agenda free administration, Ritchie/Babkes will seek input from all, with the goal of creat ing a university-uniting agenda that preserves the integrity and standards of the University. Ritchie and Babkes are active in the University community and have a passion for Oregon that is unmatched. With energy, reason and willingness to serve, Ritchie/Babkes will create an administration that will serve the students and do only what is right for the University. RITCHIE & BABKES ASUO PRESIDENT & VICE PRES IDENT Student Government at its best Eric Bailey and Charlotte Nisser The Eric Bailey/Charlotte Nisser ticket offers experience, leadership and ingenuity to this year’s election. Bailey has been on the Student Senate for two years, holding the offices of Vice-President and Ombudsman. He is currently the R.H.A. President and is Vice President of the Junior Honor Society. Nisser contrasts this with her position as General Manager of KWVA 88.1 FM, Campus Radio, a large student program. She has prior ASUO experience under the Wylie & Mitra Executive. Next year is an election year. A top priority for the executive must be voter registration and education. The student voice must be heard! Student con cerns are often overlooked due to low voter turnout. We’ll do our best to reverse this trend at the UO. Budget cuts from the state and tuition hikes from the uni versity are both in the foresee able future. But Bailey/Nisser has a plan. We will do whatever we can to reduce the effects of these financial burdens as well as preventing the loss of faculty and overcrowding of classes. The Bailey/Nisser campaign fully supports student groups; they are an essential part of our university experience. We will encourage coalitions between student groups and the ASUO to educate students on issues of race and diversity. Energy conservation, Greek involvement, protecting student tickets and campus safety would be among other top pri orities in a Bailey/Nisser office. We have the experience and we know the issues. On February 20-22, vote Bailey/Nisser for Exec! Questions? Check out er or e-mail us at Jesse Harding and Todd Brink THE STATUS QUO HAS TO GO! All candidates will talk about the need for change, but few have the experience and capability to create it. We need someone to step up. State budget cuts loom on the hori zon, student /faculty relations are poor and the senate/ASUO executive relationship isn’t seeing eye-to- eye. Many executive candidates line up for the wrong reasons with a narrow focus and per spective. Students narrow the candidates down to the ASUO breed and the outsiders’ and are left with little choice. Todd and I incorporate the positives from both of these sides. We have a iot leadership experi ence and we have definitely not lost touch with touch with the greater student population. Our goal making the ASUO more efficient and effective at carrying out its responsibilities. Here are a few of the plans we have: • Anti-university funding cuts rallies • A university housing advocate • Eliminating the energy tax to students • Promoting more efficient use of campus energy • Creating an honorary “Professors Day” • Working with Senate to improve relations • Lending support in expanding our student groups • Developing better parking/ transportation for commuting students • Enhancing university commu nity service programs This is honestly just scratch ing the surface on what can be accomplished by voting for Todd and I for ASUO executive. We have the student’s and the university’s interest at mind and we just want the opportunity to put our past experience to work on the ASUO. Jesse &Todd for ASUO!!! Vote by DUCKWEB • Vote by DUCKWEB