Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 2002, Page 8, Image 8

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Music needs high ‘sex quotient’
Ah, Valentine’s Day. A time
for the “twitterpated”
lovers of the world to feel
smug, revel in their perfect happi
ness, slow dance and buy each
other candy. It’s also the one day
of the year that
a guy can be
pretty sure of
the fact that
his girlfriend
will be “in the
Day tends to
evoke one of
two reactions
from people:
Those with a
other are gen
erally reduced
to drooling id
iots, while those without often
spend the week before grumbling
about how stupid the holiday is,
how it was manufactured by
Hallmark, etc.
While my own Valentine’s
evening could more than likely
end with me face down on the
floor of the bathroom at John Hen
ry’s, I don’t want this column to
reflect any sort of bitterness or
cliched complaining. I want peo
ple out there to get laid! In that
spirit, I’d like to present a couple
of recently released albums that
could be the perfect soundtrack to
a night of romance — or drunken
self-torture, clutching a bucket of
Kentucky Fried Chicken, watch
ing Silk Stalkings on USA with
the volume muted.
In Stereo
For those of us who have a se
cret desire to be porn stars (and
come on people, stop denying it),
listening to the album “Nathaniel
Merriweather presents Lovage:
Music to Make Love to Your Old
Lady By” is probably the closest
that we’re going to get.
“Nathaniel Merriweather” is re
ally a pseudonym for omnipotent
hip-hop producer Dan “The Au
tomator” Nakamura, who is the
genius behind Handsome Boy
Modeling School, Dr. Octagon,
and the wildly popular Gorillaz.
The back cover of the album re
veals that “lovage” is “an herb
that is said to be a benefit for re
lieving abdominal pains due to
gastrointestinal gas,” but the-main
focus of “Lovage” is sex, sex and
more sex.
Throughout the CD, Nakamura
lays down lushly dark hip-hop
tracks, complete with a sexy
string section and a whole lot of
cheesy classical guitar. On top of
all this, singers Mike Patton (of
Faith No More!) and Jennifer
Charles pretty much act out their
darkest fantasies, to always inter
esting, and at times, disturbing re
sults. There’s a lot of orgasms to
be heard on “Lovage,” and who
can resist lyrics like “you are the
bitter /1 am the sweet / you are
the griddle /1 am the meat”?
In short, if you and your partner
are into being a little bit naughty,
“Lovage” is the drug.
For those of us who just want a
grade-A, sexy make-out album, I
can recommend nothing more
highly than the debut album by
English chill-meisters Zero 7.
■‘Simple Things” is a tour-de-force
of subtlety, swagger and yes, sex.
In describing “Simple Things,”
I provide this analogy: If a porno
graphic him ever wins the Oscar
for Best Picture, this album would
be the soundtrack. Why? Simply
put, this is lovin’ music of a very
sophisticated, intellectual, yet
non-cheesy variety.
About half of the songs are in
strumental, with a tempo as slow
as molasses. Great washes of key
boards pour over basslines so in
tensely sexy that they might pro
voke a physical reaction. Many of
the songs fade in and out like a
pleasant dream.
The songs with vocals are
equally amazing. I don’t know
where Zero 7 found these people,
but there’s a girl whose sultriness
will send shivers up your spine
and a guy who sounds like he
could be Marvin Gaye’s long-lost
twin brother.
It’s tempting to compare Zero 7
to fellow make-out maestros Air ,
but Zero 7 ditches all of Air’s arti
ness and ups the sex quotient
about 300 percent. “Simple
Things” is tailor-made for
And with these two recommen
dations, I scream to the masses,
“Consummate! Consummate!”
Happy Valentine’s Day,
E-mail columnist Dave Depper
at davedepper@dailyemerald.com.
His opinions do not necessarily
represent those of the Emerald.
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