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(Available in Original or Thin Crust) Advertise, Get Results, 346-3712 Oregon Daily Emerald ASUO debates add to Exec race ■Candidates laid out their platforms on campus issues By Danielle Gillespie Oregon Daily Emerald The race for the ASUO Executive hit full swing on Monday night, as 10 tickets participated in substantive de bates and vied for student votes. Nearly 100 students attended the ex ecutive debates to listen to candidates’ plans for improving student government. ASUO Vice President Joy Nair, ASUO controller Katie McGrath, Multicultural Center member Greg Bae and Oregon Daily Emerald’s ed itorial editor Julie Lauderbaugh moderated the two-hour debate, which asked five specific questions and then allowed the audience to ask additional questions. Candidate Timothy Dreier got the crowd laughing with his “anti-com munism” platform, in which he an swered every question by relating it to communism. Then, on a serious note, Dreier called into question the an swers given by the other candidates. “They all say the same thing. They use vague language, and I am wondering if they are going to an swer these questions or not, ” Dreier said. “At least I know I am a joke.” The other candidates all said stu dent voices should be brought to the state level, and candidates John Ely and Hayes Hurwitz said they will work as a gateway for students. “I am open to hearing all students concerns,” Hayes said. Candidates Sean Powell and Tyler Lofquist said they have plans to make student voices heard through their connections with Gov. John Kitzhaber, as well as other politicians. “We want to branch out to more state leaders to allow students to have their voices heard, ” Powell said. Each ticket also agreed that the ASUO should be more accessible to every student and should attempt to give voice to all students, but each had different approaches to the issue. Candidates Eric Bailey and Char lotte Nisser suggested creating some type of forum allowing students the opportunity to meet with the execu tive and voice their concerns. Can didates Jesse Harding and Todd Brink suggested setting up round table discussions and a calendar to keep students informed about events on campus. “We should have a celebration with all the student groups on this campus,” Harding said. When candidates were asked about how to improve student groups, can didates Gregory McNeill and Maco Stewart said they believe that student groups need more publicity. “We want to let students know what they are spending their fees on,” McNeill said. Candidates Sean Ritchie and Ja son Babkes said they would like to create a committee for student groups as an outlet for voicing their problems and concerns. As for student incidental fees, all can didates agreed the fees shouldbe allocat ed feirly to studentgroups. Haben Woldu and Oscar Arana said they believe the student incidental fee program should not be used for expenses that should be covered by the administration. “At other schools students do not have to pay for such fees as the Recre ation Center, Multicultural Center and Career Center,” Woldu said. Candidates Rachel Pilliod and Ben Buzbee said they would like to keep the student in cidental fee from rising in the future and believe it is their responsibility to protect the student incidental fee. “The student incidental fee has been under legislative attacks in the past, and we plan to protect this sta ple source of funding,” Pilliod said. However, candidates Lucas Wil lett and Ezra Mannixplan to reallo cate student fees so that more ticket outlets are available on campus for football and basketball tickets. “Students are going to get what they want from their incidental fee,” Willett said. E-mail reporter Danielle Gillespie CRIME WATCH Drugs and Alcohol Tuesday. Feb. 5,11:05 p.m.: A Department of Publ ic Safety officer cited three students for drinking wBeBuskHaii Thefts and Recoveries Friday, Fall. 8,2:28 pj«.; A vehicle parking permit was reported stolen iromtiie DP$ office. Friday, Feb. B, S:36 p.m.: A staff member reported a lamp missing tom the Knight library. Disorderly Conduct Tuesday, Feb. 5* 7:33 a.m.: OPS received a report of a reckless bum at Hamilton Complex. Miscellaneous Tuesday, Feb, 5,7:56 p.m,: A male exposed himself at McArthur Court. Saturday, Feb. 9,7:28p„m.: DPS received a report of someone with a Knife at the University Bookstore. See at* expanded Crime Watch listing at wzeto MO I II A MADNESS 500 off any mocha! if \ Mon, Tues, Wed only Valid until 2-22-02 Serrano's Coffee Company • 1591 Willamette • (541) 485-4181 <$> & Women of Color Coalition Building Conference (Women as Leaders Working Towards Global Justice) University of Oregon: EMU February 16th and 17th, 2002 • Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (workshops) • Sunday, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (dinner). 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (performances) 5 tickets @ EMU Ticket Office (for dinner & performances only) Contact Darlene Dadras or Mina Kirkova at the ASUO Women's Center (541) 346-4095. __ Oregon Daily Emerald P.O. Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald is published daily Monday through Friday during the school year and Tuesday and Thursday during the summer by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co. Inc., at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.The Emerald operates independently of the University with offices in Suite 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. The Emerald is private property. The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law. NEWSROOM — (S4H346-SS11 Editor in chief: Jessica Blanchard Managing editor: Jeremy Lang Student Activities: Kara Cogswell, editor. Diane Huber, Danielle Gillespie, Robin Weber, reporters. Community: John Liebhardt, editor. Brook Reinhard, Marty Toohey, reporters. Higher Education: Leon Tovey, editor. ■ Eric Martin, Katie Ellis, reporters. Commentary: Julie Lauderbaugh, editor. Jacquelyn Lewis, assistant editor. Tara Debenham, Rebecca Newell, Jeff Oliver, Pat Payne, Aaron Rorick, columnists. Features/Pulse: Lisa Toth, editor. Jennifer West, Pulse reporter. Marcus Hathcock, features reporter. Sports: Adam Jude, editor. Jeff Smith, assistant editor. Chris Cabot, Hank Hager, Peter Hockaday, reporters. Freelance: Katie Mayer, editor. 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