013400. Have a Question or Suggestion for Your President? ????? ???? Take this opportunity to speak with the policy maker on this campus! Free and open to everyone! COFFEE WITH FROHNMAYER Wednesday, February 6, 2002 4-5 pm Multicultural Center Food/Coffee Live and Learn Japanese! 1 he Waseda Oregon Programs take North American and international students to the prestigious Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan for academic programs of Japanese language and comparative US-Japan Societies study: • Waseda Oregon Summer Japanese Program July 10 - August 20, 2002 • Waseda Oregon Transnational Program January 15 - June 27, 2003 Scholarships of up to $1000 are available for the Transnational Program. For more information, contact: Waseda Oregon Office Portland State University (800) 823-7938 www.wasedaoregon.org email: info@wasedaoregon.org after this, the corporate ladder will be a piece of (cake | to the cmm of facing challenges like this, you'll loam how to think m your foot, Stay cool under pressure, Take charge, TMk ts an Amy 80TC mp. you'll find there's nothing like a little climbing to help prepare you fm % ARMY ROie Onlifce any other college course you can take. APPLY NOW FOR PAID SOMMER TRAINING AND ARMY OFFICER OP Call .146-ROTC ret the SCOOp -og on to www.dailyemerald.com Oregon Daily Emerald P.O.Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald is published daily Monday through Friday during the school year and Tuesday and Thursday during the summer by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co. Inc., at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.The Emerald operates independently of the University with offices in Suite 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. The Emerald is private property. The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law. NEWSROOM — (541) 346-5S11 Editor in chief: Jessica Blanchard Managing editor: Jeremy Lang Student Activities: Kara Cogswell, editor. Diane Huber, Danielle Gillespie, Robin Weber, reporten Community: John Liebhardt, editor. Brook Reinhard, Marty Toohey, reporters. Higher Education: LeonTovey, editor. Eric Martin, Katie Ellis, reporters. Commentary: Julie Lauderbaugh, editor. Jacquelyn Lewis, assistant editor. Andrew Adams, Tara Debenham, Rebecca Newell, Jeff Oliver, Pat Payne, Aaron Rorick, columnists. Features/Pulse: Lisa Toth, editor. Mason West, CRIME WATCH Arrests and Citations Wednesday, Jan. 30,0r30 p.m.:The Department of Public Safety received a report of an attempted rape behind Knight Library. Friday, Feb. 1,9:43 p„m.: DPS cited a person forcriminal trespassing at the Kincaid Street and15th Avenue intersection Drugs and Alcohol Tuesday, Jan. 29,2:05 a.m.: DPS cited five people o utsrde H.P. Barnhart for public drinking. Wednesday, Jan. 39, 12:20 a.m.: DPS cited four people for drinking in public outside Johnson Hall. Saturday, Feb. 2,1:14 a.m.: DPS cited five minors for possession of alcohol at Barnhart. Saturday, Feb. 2,1:40 a.m.: DPS cited five minors for possession of alcohol outside the EMU. Sunday, Feb. 3,12:09 a.m.: DPS cited one person for possession of less than a ounce of marijuana at Spifier Hall. Sunday, February 3,1:08 a.m.: A DPS officer cited six minors outside Spiller for possession ofalcohoi. Disorderly Conduct and Vandalism Saturday, Feb. 2,3 a.m.; A female staff member at Hamilton Complex reported receiving harassing phone calls. Thefts and Recoveries Tuesday, Jan. 29,11:06 a.m.: Someone reported musical equipment stolen from die School of M usic. Tuesday, Jan. 29,6:27 p.m.: Someone reported several juvenile on bicycle tearing up flower beds and scraping paint off rails at Willamette Hall. Wednesday, Jan. 39,12:91 p.m.: A student repotted a bicycle stolen from Hamilton. Wednesday, Jan. 39,1:32 p.m.: DPS received a report of a vacuum stolen from Bean Hall Thursday, Jan, 31,9:51 a.m.: DPS received a report of a bicycle stolen from Deady Hall Thursday, Jan, 31,19:02 a.m.: DPS received a report of a bicycle stolen from Klamath Hall. Thursday, Jan. 31,12:98 p.m.: A student reported a bag stolen from the EMU. Thursday, Jan. 31,6:53 p,m.: Someone reported that a parking meter and its pole were missing from University Street. Friday, Feb. 1 ,10:45 a .m.: Someone repotted acorrpu&rsloien from Oregon Sunday, Feb. 3* 3:SB p.m.: Someone reported several ferns stolen tom a vehicle near Douglas Half. Sunday, Feb, 3,6:50 p.m.: DPS received a report of some equipment stolen from the Student Recreation Center. Miscellaneous Wednesday, Jan, 30,3:33 p.m.: OPS cited three people for climbing a tree outside Friendly Hall. Thursday, Jan. 31,5:15 p.m,: A Hamilton staff member cut his finger at the Grab’n’Go. Thursday, Jan. 31,8:36 p.m.: Someone reported a man masturbating in front of the Dunn Hall lounge window. Saturday, Feb. 2,1:48 a.m.: DPS cited a person for urinating outside the Collier House. Saturday, Feb. 2,7:21 a.m.: An officer found a transient unconscious and hunched over outside the University Bookstore and took him to Sacred Heart Medical Center Saturday, Feb, 2,3:35 p.m,: DPS cited one person for an open container at McArthur Court. Sunday, Feb. 3,2:11 a.m.: A resident in Barnhart passed out in a fifth floor restroom, blocking the entrance. Looking for a way to spring into the career you want? The Career Development Internship Program (CDIP) Orientation for Spring Term 2002 will take place Monday, February 11, 2002, in the EMU Fir Room from 3:30-5:00 pm. Students will have the opportunity to sign up for interviews at Orientation. Make-up Orientation sessions will be held in Hendricks Hall, Room 12, on Tuesday, February 12, from 12:00-1:00 pm, and Wednesday, February 13, from 2:30-3:30 pm. C H KR Contact Jen Sowins, CDIP Coordinator, at 346-6011 for more information. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON The following organizations will be looking Birth To Three ContiNet Convention & Visitors Association (CVALCO) Downtown Eugene, Inc. Eugene Family YMCA Jacobs Gallery Lane County Law & Advocacy Center Lane County Youth Services Looking Glass Evaluation fit Treatment Ctr. Maude Kerns Art Center McKenzie-Willamette Hospital Mount ftsgah Arboretum Nearby Nature Retie % Inc. for interns: Marketing/PR;Education Science/Computer; Management Marketing/PR Research; Marketing PR/Media Marketing/PR Law/ Legal Services Human & Social Services Human ft Social Services Art Education; Publications PR/Media Relations Environmental!Natural Resources Environmental Education Youth Services; Marketing/Fundraising Human ft Social Services Newspaper Reporting Jennifer West Pulse reporters. Marcus Hathcock, features reporter. Sports: Adam Jude, editor. Jeff Smith, assistant editor. Chris Cabot, Hank Hager, Peter Hockaday, reporters. Freelance: Katie Mayer, editor. Copy: Jessica Richelderfer, Michael J. Kleckner, copy chiefs. Clayton Cone, Jessica Davison, Kathleen Ehli, Lauren Tracy, Liz Werhane, copyeditors. Online: Marilyn Rice, editor. Helena Irwandi, webmaster. Design: Russell Weller, editor. A. Scott Abts, Heather Gee-Pape, Nick Olmstead, designers. Steve Baggs, Peter Utsey, illustrators. Photo: Thomas Patterson, editor. Adam Amato, Jonathan House, Adam Jones, photographers. ADVERTISING — (541)346-3712 Becky Merchant, director. Lisa Wood,safes manager. Michelle Chan, Jill Hazelbaker, Michael Kirk, Trevor Kuhn, Lindsay McNamara, Mickey Miles, Hillary Shultz, Sherry Telford, Chad Verly, Jeremy Williams, sales representatives. Valisa Nelson, Van Nguyen, Erin O’Connell, assistants. CLASSIFIEDS — 146-4U1 Trina Shanaman, manager. Erin Cooney, Katy Hagert, Amy Richman, Laura Staples, assistants. BUSINESS — Judy Riedl, general manager. Kathy Carbone, business supervisor. Sarah Goracke, receptionist John Long, Mike Chen, Dinari Lee, Tyler Graham, Jeff Neely, distribution. PRODUCTION — fS4m46-4*X1 Michele Ross, manager. Tara Sloan, coordinator. Emily Cooke, Matt Graff, Andy Holland, Heather Jenkins, Marissa Jones, designers.