Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 04, 2002, Page 4, Image 4

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continued from page 1
ASUO Clark Document to comply
with the Southworth decision,
EMU Director of Student Activities
Gregg Lobisser said.
Southworth requires universi
ties to allocate fees in a viewpoint
neutral manner, which means re
specting minority views and
funding programs that may be un
popular and contrary to majority
opinion. Also, the finance com
mittee’s members at the Universi
ty can not make budgetary deci
sions based on their own personal
value systems.
“The ASUO must use viewpoint
neutrality when making decisions,
but that does not mean they can’t
look at the number of students par
ticipating and impacted by the pro
gram or the value of the program on
campus,” Lobisser said. “There is
criteria, but not all requests must be
But Madden and PFC disagree
with the Commentator over what
viewpoint neutrality means. Jacob
son said every group has a political
bias and their magazine’s mission
statement is simply expressing
their opinion. Madden said all PFC
members respect the Commenta
tor’s right to have an opinion, but
believe the inclusion of political
phrases in its mission statement vi
olates the Green Tape Notebook,
which contains the rules governing
the ASUO.
“We simply tabled the Com
mentator to look at in more detail.
Nothing has changed. We have a
strong fee system and we still do,”
Madden said.
Lobisser said the ASUO does not
have the delegated authority to in
terpret U.S. laws, but it does have a
responsibility to make decisions in
a viewpoint-neutral manner.
PFC has been seeking advice
from the administration on how to
rule on the Commentator’s mission
and goals statement. The Commen
tator has resubmitted the same
statement because it believes it is
an expression of the magazine’s
opinion, Jacobson said.
“We feel we are basically correct
in our interpretation of the law and
our mission statement has been in
tact for 18 years,” Jacobson said.
E-mail reporter Danielle Gillespie
continued from page 1
PFC’s decision to cut money from
its multicultural line item.
The Warsaw Sports Marketing
Club failed to submit a budget on
its original hearing date, hi a letter,
members said they did not know
when their hearing was because of
a miscommunication between the
group and an ASUO controller.
PFC voted against hearing an
appeal by the Korean Student As
sociation, which had its budget
cut by nearly 40 percent for 2002
03. PFC members said they could
not reconsider the group’s budget
because of large budget rollovers
from last year.
On Tuesday, PFC will hold budget
hearings for Project Saferide and
PFC Budget Hearings Results, Jan. 28-31
Ecological Design Center:
Designated Driver Shuttle:
ASUO Executive:
Crisis Center:
ASUO Programs Finance Committee:
Programs & Assessments:
Student Bar Association:
Disability Services Project:
Asian-Pacific American Students Union:
Black Student Union:
KWVA 88.1 Campus Radio:
2061-02 2002-03 % Change
$16,837 $18,381 9.17
$88,675 $90,128 1.64
$228,056 $236,814 3.84
$18,226 $18,233 0.04
$7,944 $8,068 1.56
$105,422 $143,087 35.73
$8,931 $8,572 -4.02
$10,800 $10,800 0
$12,106 $14,589 20.51
$19,171 $19,514 1.79
$60,446 $64,445 6.62
A complete listing of results is available on our Web site at www.dallyemeraNI.com
Night Ride at 5 p.m. and the Oregon
Commentator at 6 p.m. MEChA’s ap
peal is scheduled to be heard at 7
p.m., and Warsaw Sports Marketing’s
appeal is scheduled for 7:30 p.m.
Following those hearings and ap
peals, PFC will decide which budg
ets to recall.
E-mail student activities editor Kara Cogswell
at karacogswell@dailyemerald.com.
h>re&k -tWe evertj<=lc:tj rHe-torfc.
Judicial Affairs and Public Safety Workshop
Monday | February 4th
GUmWOOd ROOm [next to EMU Ballroom]
A non-judgmental, "off-duty" workshop
where students and members of Public
Safety, the Eugene Police and Judicial
Affairs can share stories and talk freely
with each other about issues of drinking,
drug use, relationship violence, student
conduct code, etc.
Facilitated by members of The Quick Fix.
For more info, call 346-1141
Oregon Daily Emerald
P.O. Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published
daily Monday through Friday during the school
year and Tuesday and Thursday during the
summer by the Oregon Daily Emerald
Publishing Co. Inc., at the University of Oregon,
Eugene, Oregon.The Emerald operates
independently of the University with offices in
Suite 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. The
Emerald is private property. The unlawful
removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law.
NEWSROOM — (541) 346-5511
Editor in chief: Jessica Blanchard
Managing editor: Jeremy Lang
Student Activities: Kara Cogswell, editor. Diane
Huber, Danielle Gillespie, Robin Weber, reporters.
Community: John Liebhardt, editor. Brook
Reinhard, Marty Toohey, reporters.
Higher Education: Leon Tovey, editor.
Eric Martin, Katie Ellis, reporters.
Commentary: Julie Lauderbaugh, editor.
Jacquelyn Lewis, assistant editor. Andrew
Adams, Tara Debenham, Rebecca Newell, Jeff
Oliver, Pat Payne, Aaron Rorick, columnists. '
Features/Pulse: Lisa Toth, editor. Mason West,
Jennifer West, Pulse reporters. Marcus Hathcock,
features reporter.
Sports: Adam Jude, editor. Jeff Smith, assistant
editor. Chris Cabot, Hank Hager, Peter Hockaday,
Freelance: Katie Mayer, editor.
Copy: Jessica Richelderfer, Michael J. Kleckner,
copy chiefs. Clayton Cone, Jessica Davison,
Kathleen Ehli, Lauren Tracy, Liz Werhane,
Online: Marilyn Rice, editor. Helena Irwandi,
Design: Russell Weller, editor. A. Scott Abts,
Heather Gee-Pape, Nick Olmstead, designers.
Steve Baggs, Peter Utsey, illustrators.
Photo: Thomas Patterson, editor. Adam Amato,
Jonathan House, Adam Jones, photographers.
ADVERTISING — (541) 346-3712
Becky Merchant, director.
Lisa Wood,sales manager.
Michelle Chan, Jill Hazelbaker, Michael Kirk,
Trevor Kuhn, Lindsay McNamara, Mickey Miles,
Hillary Shultz, Sherry Telford, Chad Verly,
Jeremy Williams, sales representatives. Valisa
Nelson, Van Nguyen, Erin O’Connell, assistants.
CLASSIFIEDS — (541) 346-4343
Trina Shanaman, manager.
Erin Cooney, Katy Hagert, Amy Richman, Laura
Staples, assistants.
BUSINESS — (S4n 346-5512
Judy Riedl, general manager.
Kathy Carbone, business supervisor.
Sarah Goracke, receptionist
John Long, Mike Chen, Dinari Lee, Tyler Graham,
Jett Neely, distribution.
PRODUCTION — (541) 346-4*81
Michele Ross, manager.
Tara Sloan, coordinator.
Emily Cooke, Matt Graff, Andy Holland, Heather
Jenkins, Marissa Jones, designers.