Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 04, 2002, Page 3, Image 3

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    Cell tower plans in progress
■A University committee
is drafting visual guidelines
for cell tower construction
By Brook Reinhard
Oregon Daily Emerald
University-area resident Michael
Carney has been fighting a losing
battle with Verizon Wireless and
thinks the school hasn’t made an ef
fort to examine sites on campus.
“The University has taken a
hands-off approach,” Carney said.
Carney hopes the University will
consider siting towers on campus,
and industry representatives agree.
Verizon spokeswoman Susan
Shepard said her company wanted
to put an 80-foot tower on campus
instead of the residential neighbor
hood where it will be built. But the
University and Verizon could not
reach agreement, and the company
decided to build the tower near
campus on Garden Avenue, which
students can expect to use within
the year.
University telecommunications
spokesman David Barta said the
school is cautious about new devel
opment because the planning de
partment doesn’t want to give up
any tower sites until new rules can
be drafted. The school may even
want to build a communications
system of its own, Barta said.
Three cell towers are currently
proposed or being developed in the
Eugene area, according to Eugene
city planner Shawna Adams-Ja
cobs. One is off River Road, and the
other two are in the University area.
Barta would not rule out future co
operation with cell tower companies.
“Could we put an antenna on top
Enlarged Area
Garden Ave.
of proposed
Verizon cell tower
Existing motel
Parking lot
E 13th tee
Proposed location
of Mac Court? Maybe,” Barta said.
A committee of staff and stu
dents is in the process of drafting
visual guidelines so the University
will have clear procedures to fol
low the next time a cell company
wants to build on campus. Univer
sity officials hope these policies
will help companies devise more
efficient designs than the contro
versial 120-foot tower proposed by
Sprint PCS at 15th Avenue and Vil
lard Street.
Barta said the committee can
only examine visual impact issues
right now. The committee is not
factoring health into the equation
because the 1996 Federal Telecom
munications Act prohibits health
issues from being considered when
cell towers are proposed, as long as
the proposed plan complies with
Federal Communications Commis
sion standards.
“Nobody likes the way (the tow
ers) look,” Barta said. “But if it’s
killing you, it’s a bigger concern;”
Opponents of cell phone towers
have historically focused on the
safety issue. Towers emit radiation,
but at this time all studies conduct
ed on the topic are inconclusive,
said University radiation safety of
ficer Don Elting.
Carney finds no solace in such
“By the time we’re done, we’re
going to be irradiating the whole
damn town,” he said.
E-mail reporter Brook Reinhart!
Men’s Center
continued from page 1
reviewed the mission statement
for the proposed Men’s Center and
found it to be on track with their
own mission, according to
Women’s Center spokeswoman
Kristina Armenakis.
Because the center is being creat
ed to address real men’s health is
sues rather than as a reaction to the
Women’s Center, Armenakis said,
the two centers will be able to work
together to deal with issues affect
ing everyone.
“If you have a Men’s Center and
a Women’s Center working on the
same issues, it makes University
events much stronger,” Armenakis
said. “That will push the move
ment faster.”
E-mail higher education editor Leon Tovey
at leontovey@dailyemerald.com.
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