Classifieds: Room 300, Erb Memorial Union RO. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 E-mail: Online Edition: www. dailyemerald. com To place an ad, call (541)3464343 or stop by Room 300 Erb Memorial Union 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 30-year the sis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Wednesday is New Comic Day at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Blueberry iMac, Epson printer, Blue berry floppy drive, extra ink carts. 128 KB, DVD, CD, 56k- modem, MacOS 9.0. $850/obo. 341-1452. For Sale: Power Mac 5260/120. Have paperwork, keyboard and mouse. Will throw in free Epson Stylus 600 Color printer w/ink. 6.3 MB, CD ROM, Mac OS 8.1. Great condition! Lots of software. $250 OBO. Call 434-6012. 178 CHILD CARE Affordable, high quality pre-school/ child care. Developmental/educa tional. UO grad. Cynthia. 683-3459. 180 TRAVEL & LODGING SPRING BREAK Cancun, Acapulco, Mazatlan, Jamaica, Bahamas & S. Padre '• Call Now: 1-800-787-3787 190 OPPORTUNITIES bb nv. b e w a a -s The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. WINTER CAREER FAIR TODAY! More than 65 recruiters are Looking for students like you to fill full-time, part-time and internship positions. Today, 10am-3pm in the EMU Ballroom 205 HELP WANTED CAMP TAKAGO for Boys, Naples, Maine, TRIPP LAKE CAMP for Girls, Poland Maine. Picturesque lakefront locations, exceptional facilities. Mid June thru mid-August. Over 100 counselor positions in tennis, swim ming, land sports, water sports, trip ping, outdoor skills, theatre arts, fine arts, music, nature study, secretari al. Call Takajo at 800-250-8252 or Tripp Lake at 800-997-4347. Submit applications on-line at or 500 Summer Jobs / 50 Camps / You Choose! NY, PA, New England. In structors Needed: Tennis, Basket ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Base ball, Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Life guards, WSI, Water-skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accom panist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood shop, Nature, Nurses. Arlene Streisand, 1-800-443-6428. All Oregon River Company needs Whitewater raft guides. No exp. req! Training camp starts in Mar. 1-866 Go-Raft-N. Library Assistant Computer-sawy student needed to work in the Computing Center’s Documents Room Library. Must be reliable with good communication skills and working knowledge of Windows, Mac, and UNIX. 10-12/hr per week. $6.75 to start. Apply at 175 McKenzie Hall (formerly Gray son) by 2/6. 346-4406 for info. Possible River Guide Positions Our spring break guide school serves as a great first step towards summer employment. Destination Wilderness. 800-423-8868 www, Babysitters needed. Love kids, dogs and cats? Loved to babysit in jr. high school? Fun family needs you. School year 5hrs/week. Summers 30hrs/week. References. 686-2696 Earn Extra Cash. $50-$300/hr. Am ateur film maker looking for female models 18-30. 688-0923. Work around your schedule. $500-6k. PT/FT. 888-241-2575. Camp Staff Wanted. PT/FT Summer day camp leads and counselors needed at Lake Oswego Parks & Rec. $7-9/hr. DOE. Apply on line at or call 503-675-2549. Envelope “stutters" needed to work from their homes. Make your own hours and earn good pay. Great for college students. For info visit campus coffee break daily grind > knight library hearth cafe > lawrence hall atrium cafe > Willamette hall Horoscope by Linda C. Black TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 30). The more you do this year to protect your future, the better you'll feel. You're confident already, and with good reason. But it's not enough to be smart. Stash some money away. You can retire in luxury some day, and the sooner you do it, the better. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21 -April 19) - Today is a 7 - Work will interfere with play. No point in whining about it. Rearrange your schedule. By about Friday night, you should have dug yourself out of this mess. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - Today is a 6 - You're not alone; you have someone who wants to take care of you. Let that person fuss over you. Tip generously. It's a justifiable expense. GEMINI (May 21 -June 21) - Today is a 6 - Slow down and go over your notes. Reassess the sit uation. At first it looked like the answer was sim ple. But the more you learn, the more complicat ed it's becoming. No need to rush. Don't overlook an important detail. CANCER (June 22-July 22) - Today is a 6 - Cir cumstances are forcing you to tackle a difficult subject. This is a class you wish you could skip, but you can't. It's a requirement. Keep your chin up. You'll do better than you expect. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Today is a 7 - It looks like you won one bet but lost another, so don't race out and spend a windfall on toys. There's money coming in, but there's also money going out. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept. 22) - Today is a 7 - You're stronger and more confident now. You don't have to put up with an old annoyance anymore. You can tell the person in charge what's been bothering you. The odds are good you can get this thing fixed. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22) - Today is a 7 - Slow down and go over your lists. Make sure you've done everything you promised. You've let the paperwork stack up, and some of those details are important. There are some paybacks that need to be taken care of immediately. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) • Today is a 6 - Something you want to get rid of could be useful to a friend. This person has something you can use, too. Broker a trade that works for you both. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - Today is a 7 - You run into a critic as soon as you start your new adventure. Maybe this person can be tamed with good logic and a sense of humor. If not, try cookies. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Today is a 7 - You might find time to get out of your workplace for a moment or two. Let a trusted partner or employee take over for a while. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - Today is a 7 - This time you're the recipient of whatever's coming. It could be energy or even a gift, and it's most likely beneficial. But getting it might be un comfortable until you give something back. PISCES (Feb 19-March 20) - Today is a 7 - You don’t have to know everything. You have a good partner. If you don't, go get one. This person will help you calm down, remember details and act quickly. Be willing to put up with an "I told you so' attitude. It's a small price to pay. 205 HELP WANTED Need extra money to pay off bills or ? B&J Communications are look ing for qualified entrepreneurs to earn extra money around your busy schedule. Call 541-933-2574 • Interested in a great on campus job? • Interested in building skills to help you land the job you want? • Interested in free room and board? Apply to be a Resident Assistant, Programming Assistant or FIG Aca demic Assistant! Applications can be found at all Residence Hall Area Desks and University Housing in Walton Hall. Due by Feb. 15, 2002. SUMMER CAMP JOBS for men and women. Spend your summer in a beautiful setting while in worthwhile employment (6/15/02-8/23/02). Counselors, lifeguards, program staff, wranglers, kitchen staff and more. Room/board/salary. Stop by the Hidden Valley Camp booth at the Career Fair at the EMU on Janu ary 30th for more information. Inter views available on the 31st. Or con tact us directly at (425) 844-8896 or 210 HOUSES FOR RENT 4 bedroom house. 1725 Mill St. $1300/mo. Mallard Properties. 465-3825 Southwest Hills, upscale, split-level 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car garage, appli ances, fp, balcony, piano, landscap ed & fenced. $900/mo. 541-687 0060 or 909-682-9222. 1975 Hilyard Close to UO. Wonderful vintage. Spacious 3+bdrm, 2 ba„ w/full base ment, hardwood floors, all kitchen appliances. Fenced yard, deck and garage. Laundry hook-ups. $1200 -(-deposits. Lease thru 8/31/02. 688 2060. Bell Real Estate. NEAR UO: 2 bdrm, 1 bath, W/D, carport, small yard. 715 E. 21st. Lease. $675/mo. 503-625-3518. AVAILABLE NOW BLACKSTONE MANOR 2 bedroom, $625 1728 Alder Call Nick at 687-0684 FLINTRIDGE 2 bedroom, $595 500 E. 18th dishwasher Call 485-0060 ALDERWOOD MANOR 1 bedroom, $495 1860-1884 Alder Call Carl at 686-0743 for more information call 485-7776 or 485-4029 Von Klein Property Mgmt., LLC 1301 Ferry St. #2 • 485-7776 215 APARTMENTS (FURNISHED 1 UNIVERSITY COMMONS APARTMENTS Now Leasing! Bus route to campus. Call now! 541-338-4000 Good deal, TAKE IT! 1 bdrm, close, convenient, comfortable, economi cal. 735 E. 17th, $420/mo. 343-2114 or 344-1583. Hampton Apartments. 2 bdrm flat/townhouse style apts. Excellent Move-In Special/Free Rent! W/D. Call Willis 344-6540. ★★*★★★**★★★★**★★★★**** PROSPECT PARK 484-6553 Two and three bdrm apartments avail. Many amenities plus private decks, views, pool, tennis court, playground and more. 1710 North view Blvd. (right past 25th and Chambers). Nice, quiet small studio near campus $375. 344-4619 . SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM, 850 sq ft., laundry hookups, covered park ing, free cable, low energy cost & “super-good-cents" constructed - $595.00 w/lease. Centennial & Kins row. 342-5735. Two bedroom • $585 On campus. Call 344-2657. Talray Holdings 1 bdrm townhouse, 1355 E. 19th. $510/mo. Water & garbage included. 685-0307 Campus Apts. Avail, now. 2 bdrm - $550- $675. Month to month lease. 343-8545. One bdrm Apt. 354 E. 14th #4. Newly remodeld. $465/mo. Spyglass/CIR Property Managment LLC. Call 338-3311 off the mark by Mark Parisi OOMTGO oor Mocr/.-.PoP. WHAT2V/R R£aS