Students host annual Casino Night ■ University marketing association members hope casino night will be a winner for recruiters as well as job-seekers By Robin Weber Oregon Daily Emerald Business leaders and business hopefuls are betting on success at this year’s American Marketing As sociation Main Event. The event — which will be held from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednes day in Gerlinger Lounge — is a casino night designed to match up aspiring students with potential employers. Slated for the same day as the University Career Fair, the Main Event offers live jazz by the Univer sity School of Music, appetizers and casino games including black jack, craps and poker. Admission is free. “This is not just a career event,” University AMA Chapter President Mei Huang said. “It’s a good way to have fun and talk to people in a re laxed environment.” The AMA is an association de signed to familiarize students with the marketing field and with the ca reer opportunities that await them. Association members learn about careers in marketing through speak ers and workshops scheduled throughout the year. Following a five-year tradition of linking students and employers, the evening offers a chance for com panies interested in hiring to meet with students looking for a job or an internship. While in the past it has drawn mostly from a pool of junior and senior business students, the aim of this year’s activity was to reach a broader audience, AMA Main Event Coordinator Claudia Ciobanu said. “This isn’t just for business ma jors,” she said. Ciobanu said the mixer is now aimed at students in all the professional schools as well as any other students hoping to make connections that can serve them in the future. In past years, Ciobanu said the event has been a success. ‘This is not just a career event Ifs a good way to ha ve fun and talk to people in a relaxed environment ” Mei Huang president, AMA University chapter “Everyone was a winner,” she said. “Some won prizes. Some scheduled interviews.” AMA Professional Liaison Derek Weber also saw the benefits. Two of his peers made career connections through the Main Event, he said. Weber advised students attending the activity to bring a resume for wno; University chapter of the American Marketing Association What* 6ih annual Main Brent —Casino flight When: 4:30-7 pLJV ONE GETONTH. With this coupon, when you buy a cone, we’ll give you another, the same size, FREE. BE N&JERRY’S VERMONT'S FINEST • ICE CREAM 6? FROZEN YOGURT 1239 Alder St. 685-9800 Offer expires: 2/9/02 One coupon pef customer BEST RESUME BUILDER ON CAMPUS '31 years of experience training students in business' Come see us at the Career Fair TODAY. Stop by Century Room B in the EMU at 4:00 for more information. .... ... We are not looking for painters One mmmtrr. A lifetime of experience. www.collcj’