Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 2002, Page 4A, Image 4

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Oregon Daily Emerald
Drugs and Alcohol
Thursday, Jan. 24,11:22 p.m.:
DPS cited a person for drinking outside
Carson Hall.
Friday, Jan. 25,10:25 p.m.: DPS cited
a person outside Thornton Hall tor
drinking in public.
Saturday, Jan. 26,12:14 a. m.:
OPS cited two people outside Spilier
Hall for drinking in public.
Saturday. Jan. 26,12:25 a.m.:
D PS cited one person outside Watson
Hall for possession of less than an
ounce of marijuana.
Saturday, Jan. 26,12:42 a.m.:
OPS cited three minors for drinking in
Boynton Hall
Saturday, Jan. 26,1:35 a.m.:
DPS cited minors for drinking
outside Carson.
Sunday, Jan. 27,12:66 a.m,:
DPS cited one person near H.P.
Barnhart for possession of less than an
ounce of marijuana.
Thefts and Recoveries
Wednesday, Jan. 23,2:09 a.m.:
Someone reported theft of equipment
from Gerlmger Hall.
Thursday, Jan. 24, noon: A student
reported a computer stolen from
McKenzie Hall.
Thursday, Jan. 24,10:30 p.m.: A man
reported his wal let stolen from the
Student Recreation Center.
Friday, Jan. 25,2:21 p.m.: Astudent
reported a backpack stolen from the
Knight library.
Disorderly Conduct
and Vandalism
Thursday, Jan. 24,11:08 p.m.:
DPS cited several people near Carson
for disorderly conduct.
Saturday, Jan. 25,4:56 p.m.:
Mttfdent reported someone
vandalizing a vehicle in the Bean Hall
parking lot.
Saturday, Jan. 26,5:17 p.m,:
DPS found a drunk transient wrth
undisclosed University property near
campus. Several acquaintances of the
transient took him to an alcohol
detoxification center.
Saturday, Jan. 26,5:51 p.m.:
DPS cited a man for disorderly conduct
at the Atder Street and 11th Avenue
Sunday, Jan. 27,2:24 a.m.:
DPS cited a man for disorderly
conduct outside Thornton.
Sunday, Jan, 27,3:44 a.m.: A student
reported a man breaking a car window
on 15th Avenue.
Wednesday, Jan. 23,2:35 p.m.:
DPS received a report of a suspicious
person in the Barnhart lobby.
Friday, Jan. 25,1:30 p.m.:
DPS questioned a man found in a
Huestis Hall women’s bathroom.
Saturday, Jan. 26,6:58 p. m
DPS cited a man for trespassing near
the College of Education.
Sunday, Jan. 27,3:21 a.m.: Someone
activated the f i re alarm at Barn hart.
Sunday, Jan. 27,6:35 p.m.:
DPS received a report of a natural gas
teak at Mil race Apartments.
Students less problematic than snow
The quarter-inch of snow that fell Saturday night did not cause
any accidents around campus or result in additional
problems, according to Tom Hicks, Department of Public
Safety associate di rector.
“There were probably more than the normal number of
incidents of us citing people with alcohol because of the snow
and the possibility of them driving in it," Hicks said. “But the
snow didn't cause any p robie ms”
—Marty Toohey
News brief
Health Center
offers students cheap shots
The University Health Center is
offering discount Hepatitis B vac
cines to students aged 19 and
younger — but supplies are limited.
According to Nurse Coordinator
Sharon Harbert, the health center
has several hundred doses of the
discounted vaccine, available to
students younger than 20 years old
for $6 per dose.
The health center received the
vaccine as part of a state program to
vaccinate young people against He
patitis B, a viral disease that can
lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer.
The program was canceled in June
2001, but the center still has vac
cines available.
January 30, 2002
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The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention estimate that as
many as 1.25 million people are in
fected with Hepatitis B, and that
80,000 more are infected each year.
The disease is spread through con
tact with the bodily fluids of an in
fected person, and the CDC esti
mates that a many as a third of
those infected don’t know it.
Hepatitis B cannot be cured, so
health officials recommend vacci
nation for everyone under 18 years
old and those who are at risk.
The vaccine is administered in
three doses over a six-month peri
od, and Harbert said the health cen
ter’s supply should last long
enough for students who start the
series now to get two doses. Once
the supply is gone, the vaccine goes
back to the standard price of $31
per dose.
— Leon Tovey
ODE sports
is always a
Read us daily.
Oregon Daily Emerald
Oregon Daily Emerald
P.O. Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published
daily Monday through Friday during the school
year and Tuesday and Thursday during the
summer by the Oregon Daily Emerald
Publishing Co. Inc., at the University of Oregon,
Eugene, Oregon.The Emerald operates
independently of the University with'bffices in
Suite 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. The
Emerald is private property. The unlawful
removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law.
NEWSROOM — (541)346-5511
Editor in chief: Jessica Blanchard
Managing editor: Jeremy Lang
Student Activities: Kara Cogswell, editor. Diane
Huber, Danielle Gillespie, Robin Weber, reporters.
Community: John Liebhardt, editor. Brook
Reinhard, Marty Toohey, reporters.
Higher Education: Leon Tovey, editor.
Eric Martin, Katie Ellis, reporters.
Commentary: Julie Lauderbaugh, editor.
Jacquelyn Lewis, assistant editor Andrew
Adams, Tara Debenham, Rebecca Newell, Jeff
Oliver, Pat Payne, Aaron Rorick, columnists.
Features/Pulse: Lisa Toth, editor. Mason West
Jennifer West, Pulse reporters. Marcus Hathcock,
features reporter.
Sports: Adam Jude, editor. Jeff Smith, assistant
editor. Chris Cabot, Hank Hager, Peter Hockaday,
Freelance: Katie Mayer, editor.
Copy: Jessica Richelderfer, Michael J. Kleckner,
copy chiefs. Clayton Cone, Jessica Davison,
Kathleen Ehli, Lauren Tracy, LizWerhane,
Online: Marilyn Rice, editor. Helena Irwandi,
Design: Russell Weller, editor. A. Scott Abts,
Heather GeePape, Nick Olmstead, designers.
Steve Baggs, Peter Utsey, illustrators.
Photo: Thomas Patterson, editor. Adam Amato,
Jonathan House, Adam Jones, photographers.
ADVERTISING — (541) 346-3712
Becky Merchant, director.
Lisa Wood,safes manager.
Michelle Chan, Jill Hazelbaker, Michael Kirk,
Trevor Kuhn, Lindsay McNamara, Mickey Miles,
Hillary Shultz, Sherry Telford, Chad Verly,
Jeremy Williams, sales representatives. Valisa
Nelson, Van Nguyen,Erin O’Connell, assistants.
CLASSIFIEDS — IS41)346-4343
Trina Shanaman, manager.
Erin Cooney, Katy Hagert, Amy Richman, Laura
Staples, assistants.
BUSINESS — (541) 346-5512
Judy Riedl, general manager.
Kathy Carbone, business supervisor.
Sarah Goracke, receptionist
John Long, Mike Chen, Dinari Lee, Tyler Graham,
Jeff Neely, distribution.
PRODUCTION — (S41) 346-4381
Michele Ross, manager.
Tara Sloan, coordinator.
Emily Cooke, Matt Graff, Andy Holland, Heather
Jenkins, Marissa Jones, designers.