READY TO GRADUATE? The Mentor Program. Talk with two professionals. Explore careers. Create a resume. Earn a credit. NOW IS THE TIME TO NETWORK. register for Spring 2002 classes. | Wl ENT O R I graduated six months ago and still can't find a job. I paid $200 for professional career counseling! Hey, I'm graduating in June, and I'm Optimistic about getting a job! I registered with the Career Center. They gave me free professional advice on my resume and job search. They even helped me with mv interviewing techniques. They*re great! Check out their web site! Come visit us! 220 Hendricks Hall (541) 346-3235 http://uocareer. uoregon. edu UNIVERSITY O F O R E C O N CAREER C E E R What should I wear to the Career Fair? Well, it depends on what you are hoping to get out of the Fair. Regardless of your intentions, baggy jeans and baseball caps are generally not a good idea. A recruiter’s first impression of you is very important. u )/fared Skirt Cd