Thomas Patterson Emerald Sara Hoskinson, who has volunteered since October, reads to Aidan Ziegler-Hansen as part of the Start Making A Reader Today program. SMART continued from page t smile on your face. It really makes you happy.” She also said reading to the children has helped her narrow down her career focus to teaching third grade. SMART School Coordinator Lisa Elliott said it’s crucial that children are able to read well by third grade — otherwise, they are likely to fall behind as they get older. “From kindergarten to third grade, kids are learning to read,” she said. “After that, they’re read ing to learn.” The SMART program began 10 years ago when former Oregon Gov. Neil Goldschmidt discovered sta tistics that showed children who read are more likely to graduate, and are ultimately more literate as adults, Elliott said. Goldschmidt formed the Oregon Children’s Foundation with a mission “to en hance the reading skills, attitudes and life prospects of children who need assistance.” The program started with only a few schools in Portland, but today more than 10,000 kids are involved in Oregon and 26 schools participate in Lane County alone, Elliott said. Teachers select the children who will be part of the SMART program, most of whom have low reading ability and have little access to books at home, she said. She added that SMART volun teers don’t teach children how to read. They volunteer their time to support the children and make reading a positive experience. “A lot of kids don’t have any ap preciation for. reading,” Elliott said. “We’re not here to tutor them — we’re here to communicate a joy for reading.” On campus, sororities and fra ternities are introducing another literacy program — for an even younger group of children. Last summer, EMU Child Care Coordi nator Dennis Reynolds received a grant from the Starbucks Founda tion, which has provided books for seven University child care class rooms. The Starbucks Readers pro gram is a joint program with the Office of Greek Life. Starbucks Reader program Coordinator Kain oa Sandberg said she plans to have volunteers reading in the class rooms by next Monday. The Starbucks Readers Program began a pilot program last fall, but the program will really get under way this term, Reynolds said. He said he hopes the program will be a “value both to children and to the student (volunteers) who par ticipate who will learn skills to in teract with kids.” Sandberg, the coordinator for the Starbucks Reader Program, said she already has the volunteers she needs, but she expects the program will grow in the future. The senior planning, public pol icy and management major said volunteers will begin reading to the children in classrooms — rang ing from toddlers to pre-kinder garten — next week. On Saturday, Feb. 23, the 18th Avenue Star bucks will also host a reading event open to all children — in the daycare or not — and their par ents. They are invited to come have hot chocolate and participate in a reading session with several of the program’s volunteers. Elliott said kids in the SMART program not only become more comfortable with reading, but they also have fun. “There is a kind of rumbly sound of kids and readers altogether in the same room,” she said. “It’s the most beautiful sound.” E-mail reporter Diane Huber at ‘iPizza Pipeline John thought it was to be another ordinary day until he experienced his first Pizza Pipeline Pizza... now he’s Gone Crazy for the stuff! I guess you could say it was love at first slice. liP X-Tra Large | | W TWO | |r$2Q99 TOPPING | __ Plus two free aB 24oz. soft drinks 1 ^E32fflE32S21l3 expires 2/15/02 Large | One topping pizza Plus one order of expires 2/15/02^ — , Tricky Stix cinnamon sugar or cheesy garlic Plus two free 24oz. soft drinks 0T3324 Eugene: 636-5808 / fipringfield: 746"7666 store hours: 11-1 am Sunday - Thursday; 11-2am Friday & Saturday HOMEMADE pizza • shrimp fettucini • manicotti • calzone • ravioli • cannelloni • spinach lasagna • specialty dinners • fresh pasta Florentine • fresh salads LUNCH • DINNER • FINE WINES • MICROBREWS TUESDAY: All You Can Eat Spaghetti & Garlic Bread: $3.50 Free Delivery ♦ 484-0996 2673 Willamette (27th & Willamette) mt~m i 2506 Willakenzie (Oasis Plaza) * Warm Friendly Atmosphere ORj The nation's blood supply depends on you to donate regularly. lone Memorial Blood Bank will be on campus January 29 from 11:00-3:00 Register in the EMU ^ Building Main a \ Lobby / 111 IT *19 A FLESH custom!? exotic body tattoos^* piercing- ^ jriencUy,professional Mw icates liable +or tattoos 4 pwrcmjs MiOHMtL it. -f-f 17W -L±