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University employees earn recognition for public deeds ■ More than 100 people attended the ceremony to honor recipients of the award By Eric Martin Oregon Daily Emerald Thursday’s Martin Luther King Jr. awards in the Gerlinger Lounge represented more than just a recog nition of significant public service. They were bestowed upon four University employees who are fol lowing in the footsteps and ideas of an African American leader who helped forge and forever change a nation’s attitudes about human uni ty. Like King, they have given hope and a voice to those seeking help, University President Dave Frohn mayer said. “If he were here, and I have the humble arrogance to believe I can convey what he might say, he would want to he remembered not so much for his words, but for his deeds,” Frohnmayer said to open the noon ceremony. Indeed, they the winners spoke before more than 100 people at the presentation about their actions, not their best intentions. Michael Jefferis, a student records specialist in the registrar’s office, received the honor for helping students of all ethnicities gain foothold in a river of Univer sity regulations and policies. Jef feris has been at the University nearly two years. “I want to thank my parents, be cause they created me and have shaped who I am as a person,” Jef feris said. “I’d like to quote a mu sician who’s one of my favorites, Ben Harper: ‘Good deeds and good intentions are as far apart as heaven and hell.’ I try to think of that in what I do everyday.” For some of the recipients, a life of championing equality through public service didn’t seem so much a choice as an obligation. “My mother was the first black president of the PTA in Oregon,” Office of Multicultural Affairs Di rector Carla Gary said. “She taught us to speak up for ourselves and to speak for those who can’t speak for themselves.” Gary has advocated for and pro vided warm guidance to students of color from the OMA office since 1998 in her capacity as director. News brief Journalism students to attend ad workshop Two University students were selected by Milt Gossett, former director of Saatchi & Saatchi Ad vertising Worlwide, to participate in an annual advertising work shop in New York spring 2002. Journalism majors Kelly Anne Schrader and Bruno Wiethorn Ri naldi were selected from more than a half-dozen applicants and will go Thomas Patterson Emerald Office of Multicultural Affairs Director Carla Gary, one of four recipients of Martin Luther King Jr. awards, mingles with her mother at the awards ceremony in Gerlinger Lounge. ^ne nas parted irom tne university twice and rejoined three times in 32 years. In 1979 and 1980, she served vve wanted mem to see mucn more than just Tibbetts Street (in Port land, where they grew up).” 7 want to thank my parents, because they created me and have shaped who I amasaperson...l’dlike to quote a musician who’s one of my favorites, Ben Harper: ‘Good deeds and good intentions are as far apart as heaven and hell. ” Michael Jefferis MLK award recipient as a counseling coordinator, and from 1986 to 1989 she was associ ate director for OMA. Her mother, Bobbi Gary, and sis ter, Daria Bradford, traveled Thurs day morning from Portland to at tend the ceremony. “Our dad and I took she and her sisters on trips all over,” Bobbi Gary said. “Reading and seeing helped them get ready to be young ladies. i he University also honored in ternational studies Professor Anita Weiss and business school academ ic programs Assistant Dean Wendy Mitchell with MLK awards. Weiss, for her willingness to share her sharp insights about Pakistan and Afghanistan with administrators, faculty and students after the tragedies of Sept. 11, and Mitchell, for her efforts to aid and oversee all undergraduate and graduate stu dents in the business school. The University has presented MLK awards annually since the early 1990s. Recipients are nomi nated by past recipients of the awards. Weiss, who just returned from a four-day visit to Pakistan where she was the distinguished lectur er at the annual convention of the Pakistan Society of Develop ment Economists, said she owed much to the award she was hon ored with. “My hope is that I can live up to what this award really connotes.” E-mail reporter Eric Martin at ericmartin@dailyemerald.com. to New York with advertising pro fessor David Koranda April 3 through 5 to participate in the workshop and tour various New York advertising agencies. The pur pose of the workshop is to intro duce journalism students to the ad vertising profession and to encourage them to consider the ad vertising industry as a future career. “This is a great opportunity for the students to learn about the ad vertising industry in New York,” Koranda said. Gossett, whose firm has repre sented clients such as Toyota, Tide, Tylenol, Cheerios and Lexus, selected the University’s School of Journalism and Commu nication as one of three partici pants in his annual workshop and tour. Students submitted 500 word essays describing their achievements in advertising, their future plans and why they should be chosen to participate in the workshop. Katie Ellis Oregon Daily Emerald P.O. Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald is published daily Monday through Friday during the school year and Tuesday and Thursday during the summer by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co. Inc., at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.The Emerald operates independently of the University with offices in Suite 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. The Emerald is private property. The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law. NEWSROOM — (541)346-5511 Editor in chief: Jessica Blanchard Managing editor: Jeremy Lang Student Activities: Kara Cogswell, editor. Diane Huber, Danielle Gillespie, Robin Weber, reporters. Community: John Liebhardt, editor. Brook Reinhard, Marty Toohey, reporters. Higher Education: Leon Tovey, editor. Eric Martin, Katie Ellis, reporters. Commentary: Julie Lauderbaugh, editor. Jacquelyn Lewis, assistant editor. Andrew Adams, Tara Debenham, Rebecca Newell, Jeff Oliver, Pat Payne, Aaron Rorick, columnists. Features/Pulse: Lisa Toth, editor. Mason West, Jennifer West, Pulse reporters. Marcus Hathcock, features reporter. Sports: Adam Jude, editor. Jeff Smith, assistant editor. Chris Cabot, Hank Hager, Peter Hockaday, reporters. 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Sarah Goracke, receptionist John Long, Mike Chen, Dinari Lee, Tyler Graham, Jeff Neely, distribution. PRODUCTION — (541) 3464381 Michele Ross, manager. Tara Sloan, coordinator. Emily Cooke, Matt Graff, Andy Holland, Heather Jenkins, Marissa Jones, designers.