Classifieds: Room 300, Erb Memorial Union PO. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 E-mail: Online Edition: To place an ad, call (541) 346-4343 or stop by Room 300 Erb Memorial Union At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 30-year the sis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Toshiba 19” color TV. Excell cond. great picture, remote, manual, & warranty cards. $95 obo. 344-9252. Wednesday is New Comic Day at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. 125 FURNITURE/APPLIANCES Year old Pine Queen Futon includes cove. $175 obo. 513-6659 130 CARS/TRUCKS/CYCLES ‘95 Plymouth Neon. Rebuilt engine, new trans & airbags, good mpg, need college $$. $3090. 606-3220.' 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Blueberry iMac, Epson printer, Blue berry floppy drive, extra ink carts. 128 KB, DVD, CD, 56k modem, MacOS 9.0. $850/obo. 341-1452. 175 WANTED We pay cash 7 days a week for quality used paperback fiction and poetry. Tsumani Books, 2585 Will amette, 345-8986. 180TRAVELS LODGING SPRING BREAK Cancun, Acapulco, Mazatlan, Jamaica, Bahamas & S. Padre Call NOW: 1-800-787-3787 190 OPPORTUNITIES The Allergy and Asthma Research Group is currently recruiting individu als with asthma, 15 years of age and older, for participation in a clinical re search study. The study tests the in vestigational use of marketed drugs used to treat asthma. For more infor mation, call (541) 683-4324 or e mail 190 OPPORTUNITIES LOOKING FOR WORK? The Winter Career Fair on Wednesday, January 30 has plenty of options open to you Analyst Customer service Sales and Marketing Financial Planning Teaching Counseling and social work Management Trainee Law Enforcement Software development ...and much more! 10:00am to 3:00pm at the EMU Ballroom 205 HELP WANTED 500 Summer Jobs / 50 Camps / You Choose! NY, PA, New England. In structors Needed: Tennis, Basket ball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Base ball, Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Life guards, WSI, Water-skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery, Mt. Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Piano Accom panist, Drama, Ceramics, Wood shop, Nature, Nurses. Arlene Streisand, 1-800-443-6428. • Interested in a great on campus job? • Interested in building skills to help you land the job you want? • Interested in free room and board? Apply to be a Resident Assistant, Programming Assistant or FIG Aca demic Assistant! Applications can be found at all Residence Hall Area Desks and University Housing in Walton Hall. Due by Feb. 15, 2002. MAKE EVENTS HAPPEN for cam pus and community members. The UO Cultural Forum is seeking moti vated people to gain experience as a student coordinator for 2002-03. Plan for and produce events in the areas of: •VISUAL ARTS • CONTEMPORARY ISSUES • NATIONAL MUSIC • FILM/VIDEO • HERITAGE MUSIC • PERFORMING ARTS • REGIONAL MUSIC • EVENTS CREW No experience necessary. Applica tions due February 1. EMU Suite 2 or Student position, EO/AA employer. Earn Extra Cash. $50-$300/hr. Am ateur film maker looking for female models 18-30. 688-0923. campus coffee break daily grind > knight library hearth cafe > lawrence hall atrium cafe > Willamette hall Horoscope by Linda C. Black TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 23). Fix up your place during the first part of this year. Get it just the way you like it. This is not going to be easy, by the way. It'll be a challenge, but it'll be worth the effort. Later, you'll be more interested in ro mance. And by then, you'll have a lovely place in which to entertain. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21 -April 19) - Today is a 7 - Your friends may think you're a skinflint for not fund ing their schemes, but you just can't afford to spend the money. You could help out in another way. Something you know how to do will be useful to them. Instead of giving them a fish, teach them how to catch some. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - Today is a 6 - It's just one thing after another all day long. Try not to get discouraged. Keep working through each challenge. There's an end to this, and there might be a pot of gold there. GEMINI (May 21 -June 21) - Today is a 6 - You're a master communicator who can talk the paint off the walls. But today, your message isn't get ting across. It's action, not words, that will do the trick. Prove you know what you've been talk ing about. CANCER (June 22-July 22) - Today is a 6 - Don't ball out a friend in need. Offer encouragement instead. This person can pay his or her own way. Suggest that your friend knock again on a door that was previously closed. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Today is a 6 - Don't de pend too heavily on your partner, even if he or she is an expert. Something this person tries is going to fall flat. It might be several things, ac tually. Well, everybody has their off days Offer whatever assistance you can, including some plans of your own. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Today is a 6 - One of the ways around the problems you face is to simply leave. Run away from them. This may seem like a good alternative, and sometimes it is. But this time, it isn't. Stick it out. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22) - Today is a 7 - The path ahead seems blocked. All the doors are closed. Should you give up? Don't be ridiculous! Look around. There's a way out. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - Today is a 5 - Bide your time and review your options. More will be come available in a day or two. Meanwhile, don't bang your head against a door that's locked. Knock a couple of times, then do something else. Nobody's home. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - Today is a 6 - The exams are almost over, but there are still a few more before you graduate to the next level. Some of your most cherished assumptions may be questioned, but don't worry. Your goal has al ways been to discover the truth, and that's what you're doing. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Today is a 7 - Can you get somebody else to cover for you? You need a break from your hectic routine. So what if it's a Wednesday? Make love your top priority. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - Today is an 8 - The testing you're putting yourself through is just about over. You'll be getting much stronger soon. In a way. love is becoming stronger than fear. Get ready to take action. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - Today is a 5 - You've got a lot on your mind. Your friends and family may notice that you seem preoccupied You re thinking, making plans. Maybe even con templating, meditating and/or praying. Let them know you'll be back pretty soon. UNIVERSAL PICTURES & nothing but the good ttuff HIRING COLLEGE MARKETING REPS Part time per project paid. Candidates must have: Email, transportation, voice mail, computer &must LOVE MOVIES! Submit resume ASAP to: paul .katami @ fax: 818.733.5612 Envelope “stutters" needed to work from their homes. Make your own hours and earn good pay. Great for college students. For info visit CAMP TAKAGO for Boys, Naples, Maine, TRIPP LAKE CAMP for Girls, Poland Maine. Picturesque lakefront locations, exceptional facilities. Mid June thru mid-August. Over 100 counselor positions in tennis, swim ming, land sports, water sports, trip ping, outdoor skills, theatre arts, fine arts, music, nature study, secretari al. Call Takajo at 800-250-8252 or Tripp Lake at 800-997-4347. Submit applications on-line at or Millionaire minded? Local entrepre neur seeking 3 PT individuals to make $1997/mo. Call 431-4047. SUSPENSE, ROMANCE, DRAMA, HORROR... subject the campus community to the whims of your imaginative film series as the UO Cultural Forum FILM/VIDEO COOR DINATOR. Choose schedule and promote films for 2002-03. Applica tions due February 1. EMU Suite 2 or Student position, EO /AA employer. Inspire and motivate the campus community with the most important issues of our times. The Cultural Forum is seeking a CONTEMPO RARY ISSUES COORDINATOR for 2002-03. Applications due Feb 1. EMU Suite 2 or http ://culturalf orum. uoregon. edu. Student position, EO/AA employer. Dancers wanted. Will work around school schedule. Earn high income. Short hours. Apply at the Silver Dol lar Club. 2620 W. 10th PI. Have you applied for the 2002 Student Orientation Staff yet? As a SOS member you will receive up to $1200 and 3 upper-division credits. Applications are available in 465 Oregon Hall. For more informa tion call 346-1159. Plan and curate visual arts exhib its for all EMU galleries in the 2002 03 school year! Join the Cultural Fo rum as VISUAL ARTS COORDINA TOR. Application deadline Feb. 1. EMU Suite 2 or Student position, EO/AA employer Non-Profit Technology Interns. NetCorps is seeking student interns for winter, spring and summer terms. Paid internships 15 hrs/week. Non profit and computer experience de sirable. For applications, call 465 1127 Ext. 101 or email tom@net Deadline for winter term is February 1st. Know the Portland/Eugene music scene? Use this knowledge to your advantage as the REGIONAL MU SIC COORDINATOR The UO Cul tural Forum is seeking dedicated people to plan, produce and pro mote the local music scene for 2002-03. Applications due Feb 1. EMU Suite 2 or Student position, EO/AA employer. 205 HELP WANTED Student Computer Support Provide PC computer support to faculty, staff and students in the Educational and Community Sup ports Program, College of Educa tion. Tasks include new computer installation, software installation, and subsequent user training and troubleshooting. Minimum qualifications: Bache lor's degree in Computer Science (preferred) or background in Com puter Science plus 2-3 years prior computer support experience in a diverse-user environment with people of various skill levels. Salary: $10.00-$13.00/hr (20 hour/week/max) based on qualifi cations and experience. Submit cover letter & resume/vi ta to: Priscilla Phillips, Educational and Community Supports, 1235 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1235. Hand deliver: 1761 Alder Street, Room 103, Phone 346-2460. Employment will be available year round. AA/EO/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity. Make a difference this summer! Re warding and exciting opportunity for college students working with chil dren in the Colorado Rockies. Back packing, mountain climbing, West ern riding, water activities, natural science and many outdoor pro grams. Sanborn Western Camps, PO Box 167, Florissant, CO 80816, Need extra money to pay off bills or ? B&J Communications are look ing for qualified entrepreneurs to earn extra money around your busy schedule. Call 541-933-2574 Possible River Guide Positions Our spring break guide school serves as a great first step towards summer employment. Destination Wilderness. 800-423-8868 SUMMER CAMP JOBS for men and women. Spend your summer in a beautiful setting while in worthwhile employment (6/15/02-8/23/02). Counselors, lifeguards, program staff, wranglers, kitchen staff and more. Room/board/salary. Stop by the Hidden Valley Camp booth at the Career Fair at the EMU on Janu ary 30th for more information. Inter views available oh the 31st. Or con tact us directly at (425) 844-8896 or EARN $20 FAST! Participants needed for a 1 1/2-hr experiment in decision making. Na tive English speakers only. Call Car rie 10am-2pm, Wed. or Thurs., at 485-2400 to schedule an appoint ment. 210 HOUSES FOR RENT 4 bedroom house. 1725 Mill St. $ 1300/mo. Mallard Properties. 465-3825 Southwest Hills, upscale, split-level 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car garage, appli ances, fp, balcony, piano, landscap ed & fenced. $900/mo. 541-687 0060 or 909-682-9222. NEAR UO: 2 bdrm, 1 bath, W/D, carport, small yard. 715 E. 21st. Lease. $675/mo. 503-625-3518. 1975 Hilyard Close to UO. Wonderful vintage. Spacious 3+bdrm, 2 ba., w/full base ment, hardwood floors, all kitchen appliances. Fenced yard, deck and garage. Laundry hook-ups. $1200 +deposits. Lease thru 8/31/02. 688 2060. Bell Real Estate. 1 bdrm townhouse, 1355 E. 19th $510/mo. Water & garbage included. 685-0307 Vintage 1 bdrm near UO. Hdwd fir. No pets/smoking. $485 includes heat/laundry. Avail. 2/2.687-2360. Campus Apts. Avail, now. 2 bdrm - $550- $675. Month to month lease. 343-8545. Campus apt. 2 bdrm. 1588 Ferry Alley $545/mo. Brand new 1 bedroom. 750 sq. ft. 1933 Garden Ave. Mallard Properties. 465-3825. ★**★*★★★***★★★******** ★★★*★★★★*★★★****★***** 2 Bdrm. townhouse. Near Campus 1437 High st. $550. Call Jim at 954 2126. Two bedroom • $585 On campus. Call 344-2657. Talray Holdings 1965 Patterson The Greenwood Apartments Do you like NEW? New cabinets, counters, appliances, floor coverings, lighting, plumbing fixtures and windows! Just a few spacious units left in this quite com plex. 1 & 2 bedrooms, $575/$695 Call 683-2271 to view today. PROSPECT PARK 484-6553 Two and three bdrm apartments avail. Many amenities plus private decks, views, pool, tennis court, playground and more. 1710 North view Blvd. (right past 25th and Chambers). Hampton Apartments. 2 bdrm flat/townhouse style apts. Excellent Move-In Special/Free Rent! W/D. Call Willis 344-6540. 381 E. 12th. Huge 2 bdrm, fireplace, dining room. $675 includes heat, elect., laundry. Avail. 2/21.687-2360 SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM, 850 sq ft., laundry hookups, covered park ing, free cable, low energy cost & “super-good-cents" constructed - $595.00 w/lease. Centennial & Kins row. 342-5735. 1149 Ferry The Firtree Apartments Very close to campus! Only a few 1 and 2 bedrooms left! Completely remodeled, fully applianced, laundry, covered parking available. Now renting for fall term- $525/$595. Call 684-0515. 225 QUADS FIRST MONTH FREE! Close to campus. $295/month. Laundry, utilit ies. 349-9990. AVAILABLE NOW BLACKSTONE MANOR 2 bedroom, $625 1728 Alder Call Nick at 687-0684 FLINTRIDGE 2 bedroom, $595 500 E. 18th dishwasher Call 485-0060 ALDERWOOD MANOR 1 bedroom, $495 1860-1884 Alder Call Carl at 686-0743 for more information call 485-7776 or 485-4029 Von Klein Property Mgmt., LLC 1301 Ferry St. #2 • 485-7776 230 ROOMS FOR RENT Great room in neat 3 bdrm house. W/D, hardwood floors, fireplace & garden. Near UO. 4-5 month lease. $350/mo. 914-1981. ROOM FOR RENT $305 +utils. 8 blocks from campus. Move in ASAP, Call 345-7639 MOVE IN DISCOUNT 1/2 OFF 1ST MO. RENT! HUGE ROOM AVAILA BLE-in 11 room 3-story historic house within a block of UO. No smokers. Charming decor, consider ate housemates. Utilities included, laundry facilities. Must see to appre ciate. Call 461-0199. ROOMS FOR RENT. Great for se rious students/working people. 4 blocks from UO entrance. All utils, paid, house telephone & cleaning service provided. No drugs & dis ruptive behavior. 341-9434 235 DUPLEXES FOR RENT 1630 Patterson #2 2 bdrm, 1 bath Upstairs apt., big yard. $595- w/s/g paid. 579-3364 Campus 3 Blocks Nice restored upstairs 2 bdrm apt in 1920’s house. Oak floors, cat ok, $750 +fee/deposit. 579-1568. 245 ROOMMATES WANTED Roommate wanted to live with quiet female in 2 bdrm apartment. Short walk to class, on bus & bike routes. Laundry & covered parking on site. First month’s rent FREE! Rent is $297.50+1/2utils. W/S/G paid. NO DEPOSITS! For appt. to view, call Laura @ 334-6405 or 729-3641, Roommate needed to share apt. and expenses. Completely furnished. $300/mo. +1/2 utils. 338-8295 Ive message. Large room in great, clean house. Available now. 485-8928 or (541)601-9558. Clean, Close, Cheap. 3 blocks from campus. $285/mo. Steve 517-9646. 260 ANNOUNCEMENTS Fraternities • Sororities Clubs • Student Groups Earn $1,000-$2,000 with the easy Campusfundraiser .com three hour fundraising event. Does not involve credit card ap plications. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact at (888) 923-3238, or visit Wanted: Candidates for ASUO Elec tions. Informational Meeting Tonight, 5 pm, Cascade 202! Please come with Questions. 285 SERVICES Abortion Services to 21 weeks. Free pregnancy tests. All Women's Health Services. 633 E. 11th, 342-5940 24-hour support for survivors & their friends. Sexual Assault Support Services, 343-SASS. Pregnant? Or maybe? New medical clinic, confidential, free 1st Way 687-8651 firstwayl © 310 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT GLASS BLOWING LESSONS, lamp working classes arranged to student schedules. 741-4075 or www. snodgrass. net 2001UO COUECE BOWl CAMPUS TRIVIA TOURNAMENT Give your brain a workout! Register your team of four to five at The Break before 8pm Mon. Jan. 28. Stop by The Break for details or call 346-3711. Join in on the fun of THE VARSITY SPORT OV THE MIND! Participants must be full time UO students for Winter *02. Tourna ment held Jan 29 and 31 in The Break. Sponsored by Coca Cola, Subway, and Little Caesar's.