Adam Amato Emerald State Rep. At King lights a candle “in hopes that the U.S. Supreme Court will continue to recognize the rights of women,” at the Roe v. Wade 29th Anniversary Candlelight Celebration on Tuesday night at the First Congregational Church in Eugene. Vigil continued from pagel “We know we are at the cross roads. We know that for years that the Supreme Court’s support for Roe v. Wade has, in fact, been eroding,” Bradbury said. , After his speech, Bradbury be gan his candlelighting. “I light this candle for the children of this country, may they all have the comfort of a loving home and family. Every child should be a wanted child,” said Brad bury. City Councilor David Kelly lit his candle “in memory of all the women who prior to Roe v. Wade did not have a choice,” and “for all the women who survived BERG’S SKI BUS to Willamette Pass, Aft. Bachelor & Hoodoo! back-alley abortions and for those who did not.” “Working together, we can reassure that women all over America have a choice. We will continue to organize and defeat. anti-choice legislation. Oregon women deserve a choice" Betty Taylor Eugene city councilor City Councilor Betty Taylor lit her candle for all the pro-choice ,/Wj ^ Complete .^Selection IPfesS of: • Skis m 'Boots • Clothing • Ski Rentals 13th & Lawrence* Eugene • 1-866-754-2374 www.bergsskishop.coin activists in the Eugene commu nity. “Working together, we can reas sure that women all over Ameri ca have a choice. We will contin ue to organize and defeat anti-choice legislation. Oregon women deserve a choice,” Taylor said. The tone of the event was quite clear: There isn’t going to be any negotiating for a woman’s right to choose, that history and facts of abortion show reasonable support for the right to choose, and that people need to speak out and show support for pro-choice issues and measures. Ben Hughes is a freelance reporter for the Oregon Daily Emerald. eatre htinee^or auxiliary pi t League Eugene icfit ticklip) O 'fJBcets: M6-4363 jit Anter- 42-5000 OjUf*Box Oftic€i§146i4l91 >(■ Perfonftance Only UNIVERSITY THEATRE Raw Talent The Oregon Daily Emerald is always looking for young writers who want to learn and grow at a real newspaper. For information on how to freelance for the Oregon Daily Emerald, call 346-5511. designer clothes, designer drugs. -tKe au'ck Q coming to campus february 4th-7th rainbow optics prescription glasses frame & lenses complete »en missing. 3 EUGENE LOCATIONS coupon expires ■ January 31, 2002 SHELDON 2540 Willakenzie Rd. 484-9999 WESTSIDE 1740 West 18th Ave. 343-5555 CAMPUS 766 East 13th Ave. 343-3333 VOLUNTEER Opportunity Fair v - All students welcome! ► Looking to make a difference? < ► Here is your opportunity < £ to meet the agencies that can 4 ► make this happen. They need * £ your help in making a ◄ £ positive impact in the 4 ► Eugene community and the ^ t University of Oregon. Come sign 4 ► up and see how you can make a ^ It difference. < |t AAAAAAA 013278 Big Brothers/Big Sisters*Camp Fire Boys and Girls Club*OSPIRG Community Internship Program ♦ And Many Others! ♦ EMU CONCOURSE Tuesday, January 22 Wednesday, January 23 10:30 A.M. - 2:30 PM. A community service event sponsored by the Panhellenic & Intertraternity Councils