6KE10 buddha. jesus. mohammed. dave. Dave? Who's Dave? He isn't a prophet or a god, just a member of the Unitarian Universalist Young Adults group. You see, we draw upon many sources in our search for truth. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism . . . And most importantly YOU. After all, you determine your own faith. You don't have to convert or believe or memorize any creeds. Just join us for food, worship and fun! It's a religious community for people who question. People who look for life's meaning. People who think. People just like you. ' And Dave. Unitarian Universalist Campus Group Local Church: The UU Church in Eugene 477 E. 40th Ave. 686-2775 uueugene@efn.org www.efn.org/uueugene/ Services: Sundays 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Take bus #24 to 40th & Donald Forcampus group jnf0 or a dde to church contact Candee Cole: 686-9064 or candeecole@hotmail.com 013185 Collegiate Christian Fellowship Sunday Mornings @ 11:00 am In the Gym @ First Baptist Church 868 High Street, Eugene Casual, informal, relevant, practical, dynamic, fun, friendship-oriented, biblical, Christ-centered! Phone: 541-345-0341 E-mail: college@fbceugene.com At Oregon Hillel we provide opportunities for Jewish students to explore and celebrate their Jewish identity as we work to provoke a renaissance of Jewish life. ! ! Please join us: Fridays at 6:00 p.m. for Shabbat services and a ( free, Kosher home-cooked J dinner. ) Wednesdays at 12:00 noon for a free falafel / lunch, Hebrew chat and update on current | events in Israel. 1 Special activities and celebrations throughout the term. •Stop by to meet the staff and pick up a calendar of events! * A weekly e-mail of current events is also available! OREGON HILLEL Oregon Hillel 1059 Hilyard • 343-8920 hillel@darkwing.uoregon.edu ! ! 013204 Loving God and loving people is what it’s all about Laughing, Growing, Seeking If you are looking for a place to grow spiritually, check out the Faith Center 1 850 Onyx St College-Age at the Onyx House Eugene Foursquare Church, 1410 W l^th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97402, (541) 686-9244