Trips, Gear & Resources The trip board is a wilderness adventure board, lea and off it goes! to sign up. These trips must be posted rfien a trip sheet is posted, at least half ♦ Cost sharing. AH group expenses are shared equally and fully by the group. Because trips share only actual expenses, trips can be incredibly inexpensive. • Decision sharing. Everyone is encouraged to give input in a consensus decision. Everyone participates in shaping and owning decisions. Deci sions are often better and more creative with everyone brainstorming rather than a single “leader.” ■ * ^Vork sharing. Each trip requires a fair amount of group work before, during and after the trip! Every; participant is expected to pitch in and help j.^.wiWiV.viViiiriifvii.riii iltVt’iri'iVi'iii'iVi'i Arc/you. Itching to go Cross-country or AlpiS j| nL UO OUTDOOR PROGRAM MAIL CARD Please put me on your newsletter mail list! me: E-mail: Date: Dorm Box #_ Address, P.O. Boxi City:_ Zip: This address is: j "Change of Address" I'm already on the !_} permanent ] or, valid until / / I am: □ Student r 1 Non-Student i I Business/Organization L j OP Resource Center Whether initiating an OP trip or planning one on your own, the Outdoor Program serves as Eugene's backcountry information center with libraries, boards, maps, videos, equipment rental information and lots more to assist with trip planning and preparation. Our office houses the trip board where adventures are posted, groups are formed, and dreams come true! We also host clinics, workshops, and slideshows on everything from Sea Kayaking in Baja to Environmental Action Projects, to Avalanche Safety Clinics. If we don't have the answer to your outdoor question, we know how to find it. Come by and visit our EMU office; you'll be amazed at the array of cool outdoor information we have on hand! On November 5, 1995, two UO students, Frank Allard and Michael Casey, failed to return to camp after a summit attempt on the North Sister on a private outing. The Allard and Casey Memorial Safety Li brary was created by the UO Outdoor Program and the ASUO in response to this tragic accident. This Library makes a va riety of wilderness safety gear and resources available for any UO student or Outdoor Program co-op member for wil derness outings. There is no charge for any of the gear, although any cell phone use must be reimbursed. Users are also responsible for any loss or damage. Cell phones, VHF radios, GPS units, Ava lanche transceivers, snow shovels, and more are available for use; call or drop by the office to reserve equipment. OP Co-op Trip Facility (Barn) In order to facilitate cooperative trips, the Outdoor Program purchases and maintains a variety of recreation equipment which is available only for Outdoor Program trips. For details on this equipment call (346-4371) our trip facility, The Barn, located at the 18th & University. OP Has Snowshoes! Thinking about initiating a trip into the backcountry ? Why not try out the OP equipment co-op’s new Tubbs Snowshoes? Trip Facility Manager, Ed Fredette, purchased 8 pairs of Tubbs Adventure Snowshoes and they are ready for your next backcountry snow adventure! OP Web Page Address OP Events E-mail List Phone Numbers \ Address