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Banking on bowl games {tom] A comparison of the revenue awarded to the University in its last four major bowl appearances: Total Pac-10 share: UO participation share: UO membership share: Russell Weller Emerald *02 Fiesta Bowl $11,787,000 $1,150,000 $1 million ’00 Holiday Bowl $2 million $92,000 $1,090,000 ’96 Cotton Bowl $2 million $74,000 $1,250,000 *95 Rose Bowl $6,740,000 $555,000 $1,180,000 Source: UO Athletic Department Bowl games continued from page 1 This year’s Fiesta Bowl generated an $11,787,000 base share for each team in the Pacific-10 and Big 12 conferences. The Rose Bowl, which hosted this year’s National Championship, has a separate contract and pays its partici pants directly when Pasadena hosts a non-BCS game. Then, according to BCS rules, the conferences split the money among the schools in the con ferences — the “member share.” Each Pac-10 and Big 12 school will receive a member share of slightly more than $1 million this year. “Every conference has a different distribution scheme,” Rose Bowl CEO Mitch Dorger said. “The Pac 10 is a ‘full-share’ conference, meaning whatever comes in is di vided by a certain number and allo cated in an equal share. ” The Big 12 also is a full-share con ference, Dorger said. Besides payments to teams and conferences, the BCS contributes $4.2 million of the total sum to Division I and II conferences to ensure college football’s overall health. The BCS also pays $100,000 to the foundation that manages the weekly BCS rankings— the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame. BCS revenues, which come from ABC Sports and the bowl executives, — poppi*/— "The Land East" Traditional V Greek & Indian Food Lunch Monday through Saturday Dinner 7 Nights a Week 992 Willamette Eugene, Or 97401 343-9661 J are more lucrative than payments from non-BCS bowls, Cotton Bowl spokesmanMichael Konradi said. “This year, our payout was ap proximately $2.5 million (base share) to each team,” he said. “It’s the second highest payout of a non BCS bowl behind the Citrus, but it’s significantly less than what the Ducks made for going to the Fiesta. ” But the BCS also awards a flat payout — the “participation share” — to the teams just for making it to the bowl game. Heeke said the University’s partici pation share was about $1.1 million, and nearly all of it paid for Fiesta Bowl travel expenses such as hotels, a char tered plane and, chips aside, meals. Player perks But it was tough to put the chips aside this year at the Fiesta Bowl, if only because of availability and sheer volume, Athletic Department officials said. Each bowl generally awards par ticipating student athletes with gifts, but the decadence of those gifts has limits. Under NCAA rules, a bowl must limit its gifts to each player partici pating in its shindig to $300. For the Ducks, that meant Fiesta Bowl T shirts, jackets, and the aforemen tioned, corn-based hors d’oeuvres. “As with most rules, we try to set a standard for everyone,” NCAA spokeswoman Jane Jankowski said. “If there’s no limit, you create a competi tion that we prefer not to have, with one sponsor trying to outdo another. ” E-mail higher education reporter Eric Martin at 012463 to cfcw s+wT Assistance League of Eugene Thrift Store • Quality Used Clothing-Housewares-Books-Linens • Gently Used Thrift Shop • Located at 1149 Willamette tel: 485-3721 • Hours: Open Tues. to Sat. 10am to 4pm Your purchase helps children in our community!