Classifieds: Room 300, Erb Memorial Union RO. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 E-mail: Online Edition: www. dailyemerald. com To place an ad, call (541)346-4343 or stop by Room 300 Erb Memorial Union 095 PERSONALS $200 REWARD for the return of or information leading to the return of a head of the Civil War Soldier Statue in Eugene Pioneer Cemetery. 345 8686, 687-9550 or 344-2138. RELAX Don't get stressed over the books and supplies you need. We have the best selection and service. Open until 8 p.m. M-W this week. Until 9 p.m. every Thurs. The UO Bookstore. It pays to explore your campus store! Racketball, Tennis, Badminton any one? Love racket sports, friends don't? Ask for Fred 338-8680. 100 LOST & FOUND Found January 1 beaded black shawl. 683-6103 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 30-year the sis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE GET CHEAP TEXTBOOKS! Search 16 bookstores with 1 click! S&H and taxes are also calculated. 180 TRAVEL & LODGING SPRING BREAK Cancun, Acapulco, Mazatlan, Jamaica, Bahamas & S. Padre' Call NOW: 1-800-787-3787 190 OPPORTUNITIES FACILITATORS for WST 101 (Intro to Women’s Studies) need ed to lead discussion groups, WINTER TERM. Earn upper-divi sion or grad credit in exciting aca demic experience. Prerequisite WST 101 or equivalent back ground. Applications available, 315 Hendricks, 346-5529. Inter viewing now. 190 OPPORTUNITIES SU7£jr< HEW ARE The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability (or ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. Get paid $ to lose up to 30 pounds in the next 30 days! All natural. Guaranteed. 866-230-1051 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS Teachers Aides Vivian Olum Child Dev. Center. Part-time positions in mainstreamed early childhood pro gram serving children from 3 mos. to school age. Flexible work hours. Be tween 7:30am-6:00pm. Start at $6.50/hr. Call 346-6586. 205 HELP WANTED Envelope “stutters" needed to work from their homes. Make your own hours and earn good pay. Great for college students. For info visit Office Assistant in P.E./Rec Sports office. Must have Work Study. Cus tomer service, data entry. Contact Laurel @ 346-4121 for more infor mation. SEARN EXTRA CASH$ $500-$1500/mo. PT $2000-$6000/mo. FT Call Now! 888-210-8378 Teacher Aides needed to work & play with children at UofO Child Care. Work-study preferred. Many shifts available. Must attend weekly staff meetings, Tues. eves. For ap plication visit 1511 Moss St. across from Bean Housing complex. 346 4384. Barista/crew leader wanted. Experi ence necessary. Flexible schedule, busy atmosphere, weekends neces sary. Bring resume to Serrano’s Cof fee Co. 1591 Willamette. No phone calls please. Want to work at home? E-mail your request for information: 726-1228. EARN $1000 FOR YOUR GROUP Work on campus to raise money for your student group or organization. Make your own schedule and earn $5 per app. Please call 1-800-808 7450 designer clothes, designer drugs. 'the aufok. ft. coming february 4th-7th Horoscope by Linda C. Black TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 8). You may have a crusty exterior, but you're all soft and gooey in side. Your biggest challenge this year is to keep from giving all your money away. Be generous, of course, but save enough for yourself, your business and your family. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21 -April 19) - Today is a 6 - It's getting easier to express your opinions. Don't feel bad if everyone doesn't agree, however. You could have predicted that one person wouldn’t. Don't let that stop you. Educate him or her. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - Today is a 7 - It looks like everything's going fine, but don't be too sure. You and your friends can have a valid point and still have trouble getting it across. If anyone knows how to be tactful, it's you, and this is a good day to be tactful. GEMINI (May 21 -June 21) - Today is a 6 - Sure, life gets difficult sometimes. But you know how to take good care of other people, and if you're getting paid to do it, so much the better. CANCER (June 22-July 22) - Today is a 7 - Love conquers all. That's a good concept to remem ber when things get tough. You don't quite have the money for something a special person wants. Make this person realize that what you have together is more important than anything else. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Today is a 5 - If you're trying a lot of things that don't work, take heart. Edison tried using thousands of things for a fila ment before he got that first bulb to light up. Everything failure is really just a step in the right direction. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Today is a 7 - Anoth er day, another dollar? Actually, you couldn't care less about filthy lucre today. Is this the be ginning of an anti-materialistic trend in your life? Nah. It's |ust that you're distracted by something more interesting LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22) - Today is a 7 - Some thing a loved one wants is totally out of the ques tion. You simply can't afford it yet. You're not real good with deferred gratification, but you can learn and so can your loved one. The longer the campaign, the sweeter the victory. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - Today is an 8 - Your intuition is excellent, especially when you're connecting with someone you love. The two of you are developing goals that will take a while to achieve. Put time into planning. Don't leave anything to chance. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - Today is a 6 - Do you have the feeling somebody's leaning over your shoulder, watching every move and making critical comments? Tell this person to get a life. If it's just your own conscience, you'd better clean up your act. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Today is an 8 - You'll be the first to take on a big job, but you don't have to do everything. Let your friends help out every so often. There's a team of them waiting to hear from you. Let them know what needs to be done. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - Today is a 6 - You're pretty independent, but the person sign ing your paycheck wants to be in control. Allow him or her to believe that they are - at least until after the last check clears. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - Today is a 7 - Trav el still isn't a good idea. Do something else with your time. Call and have the item delivered. Hold your conference on the phone. Your intuition is working fine, by the way. 205 HELP WANTED Work from home. $500-$5000/mo. PT/FT. Free info. 800-301-9177. All Oregon River Company needs Whitewater raft guides. No exp. req! Training camp starts in Mar. 1-866 Go-Raft-N. Dancers wanted. Will work around school schedule. Earn high income. Short hours. Apply at the Silver Dol lar Club. 2620 W. 10th PI. NOW HIRING RIVER-RAFTING GUIDES. Both new and experienced people are needed for Great Sum mer jobs. Ages 16+, training begins March 2, 18-day program over spring break and weekends. Call now for free info: 1-800-289-4534. INTRAMURAL SPORT OFFICIALS WANTED for Basketball and Floor Hockey. Initial meeting is Wed. Jan. 9 at 6pm in room B39 of the Student Rec Center. No experience neces sary; training provided. 346-4113. JAPAN Taking applications for teaching in ternship arid volunteer positions in Kyoto Japan. E-mail Barry at: DO YOU LIKE BABIES? DO YOU LIKE TO PLAY? Birth to Three needs male and female volunteers to care for babies and toddlers dur ing parenting education classes. Academic credit may be possible through your department. Many op portunities available for Spanish lan guage students. Call 484-5316 x416 for more information. Data entry and updating. PT, $9/hr. Work study preferred. Excellent typ ing skills. Send resume to: Work with your Student Government ASUO Programs Administrator, Mul ticultural Advocate & Greek Advo cate positions available. ‘Every ap plicant is guaranteed an interview* Applications available in the ASUO Exec, office. Suite 4, EMU. Applica tion deadline - January 11th 5pm. Lorane Hwy. $350/mo. Pet OK. Util ities not included. 485-3587. NICE NEW 5 BEDROOM AT 3-BDRM PRICE TO START. $995, 2774 Kincaid, W/D, wood floors, new appliances, 343-6000. Southwest Hills upscale 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car garage, appliances, fp, balcony, piano, landscaped & fenced. $900/mo. 541-687-0060 or 909-682-9222. 215 APARTMENTS (FURNISHED For Rent Furn. studio, self-con tained, College Hill area, quiet, close to buses, stores, campus, no pets/smoke, Ideal for grad students. Ref. req. $298 inclusive. 345-2360. Available Immediately. EBMiHWiHJHIlililktiljUl For Rent Furn. studio, self-con tained, College Hill area, quiet, close to buses, stores, campus, no pets/smoke, Ideal for grad students. Ref. req. $298 inclusive. 345-2360. Available Immediately. Two bdrm furnished apt. 4 blocks to UO. 1200 Ferry St. Available now. $495/mo. Parking, laundry, d/w, dis posal. 343-3318 Worth waiting for. 1 bdrm avail 2/3, Reserve now. Prime location condi tion, $420/mo. 735 E. 17th. 343 2114 or 344-1583. 2 Bdrm. townhouse. Near Campus 1437 High st. $550-$595. Call Jim at 954-2126. Large 2 bdrm. 1 bath. Sublease till mid June 1/2 block to UofO, clean, laundry facilities. Call 345-6788. Two bedroom • $585 On campus. Call 344-2657. Talray Holdings 1965 Patterson The Greenwood Apartments Do you like NEW? New cabinets, counters, appliances, floor coverings, lighting, plumbing fixtures and windows! Just a few spacious units left in this quite com plex. 1 & 2 bedrooms, $575/$695 Call 683-2271 to view today. 1149 Ferry The Firtree Apartments Very close to campus! Only a.few 1 and 2 bedrooms left! Completely remodeled, fully'applianced, laundry, covered parking available. Now renting for fall term- $525/$595. Call 684-0515. off the mark by Mark Paris ALL 7WTSTGiPrs Ak/D ShIT PlA'/S Wi7rJ 7WT WBAPP/M&! / Do>6oSTT7WiS, F'RA^C\