WOOD BEGINNING WOOD Fat Greenwell & Garner Britt Bring your ideas to the woodshop. Make something for your home or for a friend while learning power tool use 8s safety. Instruction in cludes project design, wood properties, hand 8s power tool use, joinery, and finishing. Allow for extra shop time 8s materials cost. 21 hrs of instruction. Term pass required. 2 sessions: A. Sun, Jan 27-Mar 10 5:0Qp-8:00p $59 Greenwell PLU#6072 B. Mon, Jan 28-Mar 11 3:00p-6:00p $59 Britt PLU#6073 GUITAR MAKING Peter Kirkpatrick This course teaches you to make a solid body electric guitar with a bolt-on neck. We will discuss wood selection, planing, routing cavities for parts, cutting your own fretboard, finishes, and final assembly. Allow $100-$ 150 extra for materials. 21 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Pre vious woodworking skills strongly recommended. Mon, Jan 28- Mar 11 6:30p-9:30p $64 PLU#6081 TABLE LAMB! : Garner Britt iMake a beautiful, functional table lamp while i learning some basic woodworking skills. Instruc ; tion will focus on sculptural approaches to wood ! working including hand and power tool use. Allow | $15-30 extra for materials. 12 hours of instruc ! tion. Term pass required, i Tues, Jan 29-Feb 19 1:00p-4:00p $40 PLU#6082 CUTTING BOARD! i Diane Hoffman I Do you need a beautiful & handy kitchen item, or | perhaps a gift to grace a new home? We will assemble a simple strip cutting board from a | variety of woods. This workshop is a fun and easy | introduction to a few woodworking tools. ! All materials are included. 4 hours of instruction. | Term pass required. I Fri, Feb 1 & Feb 8 10:15a-12:15p ; $24 PLU#6074 SMALL TABLE! | Tom Urban j What is a table? In this workshop you can define | that for yourself. Build a small table of your own | design while learning your way around the Craft ; Center woodshop. We’ll cover design, wood prop | erties, joinery, hand and power tool use, finishing | and safety. Build an end table, hall table, small j coffee table or...Please allow extra shop time and j $30-$70 for materials. 21 hours of instruction, ! term pass required. Tues, Jan 15-Feb 26 6:30p-9:30p |$59 PLU#6075 STRETCHER FRAME! Staff | This workshop will provide a brief introduction to ; the Craft Center woodshop and give you the skills I necessary to built your own painting stretcher I frames. Hand made stretcher frames are far better ! and less expensive than those commonly available. ! Build your own stretcher frames and provide a firm foundation for your masterpiece. 6 hours of in struction. Term pass required. Fri, Feb 1S & Feb 22 9:00a-12:00p $30 PLU#6083 1 GLASS 1 STAINED CLASS Mindy Valpey Design and fabricate a stained glass panel or window ornament in the Tiffany copper foil method. Demonstrations of various tech niques will stress proper use of tools as well as health and safety precautions. Allow extra money for glass. Some materials included. 18 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Sun, Jan 27-Mar 10 5:00p-8:00p $48 (No Class Feb 17) PLU#6092 FLINT KNAPPING Bonnie Plant This class introduces stoneworking meth ods for creating knife blades and arrow points from obsidian. Well focus on per cussion techniques with hammer stones and pressure flaking with antler tines and copper rods. Most are materials included. 18 hours of instruction. Thur, Jan 24-Feb 28 6:30p-9:00p $35 w/term pass PLU#6093 $40 w/out term pass PLU#6094 Clay, stoneware, porcelain, clay tools Copper, silver, brass, saw blades Wood, dowels, sandpaper, tools B&W photo chemicals, paper, film Bike cables, bearings, patches, tubes Fiber dyes, silk, silkscreens, T-shirts Glass cutters, copper foil, solder location: The Craft Center is located in the Erb Memorial Union, 13th & University, East wing, lower level. For your convenience, a 30 minute loading space is available on 13th Street adjacent to the Child Development Center. Please address requests for accommodations related to disabilities to the Craft Center director or designee in advance. web imt http://craftcenter.uoregon.edu Our website features updated information on current workshops, studio hours, and special events throughout the term. PRIN1 George Campbell Learn to quickJy transfer your ideas tn Te™Z“6hOUrSOfin*MO" Sun, Jan 27-Feb 10 i2.3n ? $35 w/ term pass OIL PAINTING Victoria Falk SS8w/term^27 2uSeofflP ; $® w/out term pass PLU#6054 PAPBRMARING Denise Gosar SrS= SSSgzzS* fTwt“p^,z «j5«» w/out term pass PLU#6047 TILKTCRBEN Kathy Sohlman ^^•ysrssr techniques Work nn ^ smufsion SSsr-,fcszrcs nwO^TnSo™W$r9'50ifyOuwanta w screen. Some materials provided 1ft ?ssaa*-«& PLU#6048 PAPER/ PAINT*/ PRINT* WOODCUT PRINTS ^egWng worKshop wi» | ^nvar^ofwoodcarvtng^. Lrving methods, design ideas, tool prep ration^and sharpening. Some materials are provided, Please bring some tm":™ speciality papers, drawings or other idea . i^oop Sun, Jan 27-Fen * n#6055 $47 w/termpass $52 w/out term pass PLU#6056 bookbinding | J“r„SS* skffls that you need tocmft ^"^one-of-a-kind.hand-boundboote. SmiSpro Mon. Jan 28-Mar 4 SEEKS- =SZ DRAWING We^usl^atiohal shills tojptoie traditional drawing while enhancing individual *lf-expressi • rinthed models will be used for 3 sessions. CM"provided.,5hoursofin^n. Mon. J»n 28-Mar 4 «*£“* $42 w/termpass $47 w/out term pass PLU#6045 1 PHOTO* PHOTO INTRO S. Stengle-Gdetz, T. Dworakowski, T. Gambill Learn camera use, develop B & W film, make B & W contact prints and enlargements. Composition, camera use, and darkroom techniques will be covered. Bring your empty 35mm camera to class. Film, chemicals and some paper provided. 18 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Four sections: A. Sun, Jan 27-Mar 3 5:00p-8:00p $58 Instructor: Gambill PLU#6060 B. Mon, Jan 28-Mar 4 3:00p-6:00p $58 Instructor: Dworakowski PLU#6061 C. Mon, Jan 28-Mar 4 6:30p-9:30p $58 Instructor: Dworakowski PLU#6062 D. Tues, Jan 29- Mar 5 6:30p-9:30p $58 Instructor: Stengel-Goetz PLU#6063 PHOTO RiPRRfHRR Tera Gambill This course is intended to get you back into the darkroom and is for people who have had some darkroom experience but may be rusty on skills. Basic camera use, chemicals, film development, and printing will be covered. Course is demonstration and lecture based. 6 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Thur, Jan 17 & Jan 24 6:30p-9:30p $25 PLU#6064 PRINTING AND HANDCOLORING 1GW PHOTO* Jeri Mrazek This workshop will explore techniques to alter your black & white photographs by handcoloring them. We will print images specifically for handcoloring, then tone them and apply a variety of paints and pencils to the final images. Darkroom experience is required. Please bring black & white negatives to first class. 9 hours of instruction. Wed, Jan 23-Feb 13 6:00p-9:00p $32 w/term pass PLU#6066 $37 w/out term pass PLU#6067 ■-« COLOR 1LIDI PkOCBTfING Tom Caples Make your own tranparencies from 35mm, 120mm, or 4”x5” Ektachrome, Fugichrome, Agfachrome, etc. film (Kodachrome will not work for this procedure). Students will process their own film with Kodak E-6 chemistry.. Some basic darkroom experience required. Please bring a roll of exposed slide film with you to class for processing. 3 hours of instruction. Term pass required Sat, Feb 16 10:30a-1:30p $25 PLU#6068 POLAROID IMAGE AND BMKILflON TRANSFER Jeri Mrazek Examine the artistic possibilities of manipulating photographic images. In this workshop we will transfer slide imagery onto various art papers and porous surfaces, and experiment with the flexibility of emulsion trans fers. Please bring a few favorite slides to the first class. Some film and paper will be pro vided. 5 hours of instruction. Sat, Feb 9 11:00a-4:00p $46 w/term pass PLU#6070 $51 w/out term pass PLU#6071