rocession of fessons and Carols foi\0dmnt Sunday December 2 At Sunset (4:32 p.m.) Featuring The Central Chorale The Alleluia & Children’s Choir The Central Handbell Ensemble The Central Brass Ensemble • The Brombaugh Organ With MARTHA MAXWELL GRIFFITH, HARP Featuring Works By Tchaikovksy, Palestrina, Carter, Rutter, Schubert, Victoria & Stewart-Cook Dr. A. ElRay Stewart-Cook organist/choirmaster Central Lutheran Church 18th Avenue &. Potter Street, Eugene Early Seating Advised • Visitors Welcome — poppiV— ^/4n&4oli& "The Land East" Traditional Greek & Indian Food Q^> Lunch Monday through Saturday Dinner 7 Nights a Week 992 Willamette Eugene, Or 97401 343-9661 Classifieds: Room 300, Erb Memorial Union PO. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 E-mail: Online Edition: To place an ad, call (541) 346-4343 or stop by Room 300 Erb Memorial Union 095 PERSONALS 346-4343 [CLASS 095 PERSONALS Great gift for the poetry lover!. Uplift ing poetry from the old masters on talking CD-ROM. Shakespeare, Whitman and dozens more. '300 Greatest Poems You've Ever Heard.' 10 hours of sound, plus text and pictures. Hear samples at: or visit ISBN 0-9676785-0-1 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES Restaurant Delivery. We deliver from 15 different restaurants, Thai, Chinese, Mexican, Indian, Italian, Pizza and Bar & Grill. Menus: call 485-2090 or go to At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 30-year the sis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! Horoscope by Linda C. Black TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 30). Your enemies define you this year more than ever. They also motivate you and keep you sharp. A tough part ner is also essential to your success. Choose someone who won't let you lose faith in your own abilities, or your faith in love and truth. You •can find the information, technology and finan cial backing you need. Go for it! To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21-April 19) - Today is an 8 - There's too much on your agenda. How are you going to do it all? It you find yourself double booked, get a friend to represent you at the evens you can't make. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - Today is a 6 - The money is finally headed your way. Wrap up the deal you've been negotiating. You can take the pressure and hand some out. Never falter, never fail. GEMINI (May 21 -June 21) - Today is a 7 - If you have a strong partner on your side, you can talk anybody into anything. If you and your mate dis agree, the fur will fly. Things will get very inter esting either way. Yes, there is a happy ending. CANCER (June 22-July 22) - Today is a 5 - Take time to do your calculations carefully. No need to hurry. Make sure you avoid mistakes, be cause there may be a bit of confusion. Stay cool and help others do the same. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Today is an 8 - You don't have to do everything now. You can relax and let some of your friends take over. They've got some good ideas and should be quite effec tive. So what will you do? You're the coach! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Today is a 6 - It's time to make your report on recent activities. Management wants to know what's going on. They'll be asking lots of questions. Luckily, you've got a good memory. Give them the facts and get your next assignment. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct 22) - Today is a 9 - Think you could get off work early? There are places to go and people to see. If you get to do that as part of your job, even better! If possible, take your sweetheart along. If not today, tomorrow. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - Today is a 5 - If the game were easy, you'd be bored. And this game sure isn't boring. You have a whole bunch of choices to make involving your money and the money of others. Heed your roommate and/or your mother's advice. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - Today is an 8 - Don't argue with a person who's trying to set you straight. Accept the coaching and become more effective. Divvy up tasks in order to ac complish more. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Today is a 5 - You could make a hefty profit now by finishing up your own lists. Get to work on all the stuff you've jotted down, from good ideas to obliga tions. Do the obligations first. It'll clear your head. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - Today is an 8 - You're vindicated. You didn't need to know everything. The situation's back to normal - or close enough - and you can finally relax. Sched ule an evening full of your favorite people and fa vorite things. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - Today is a 5 - More changes are under way, tooth in your career and at home. This causes confusion, but you can find your way through it. You might also find something better than you had before. Follow the light. 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Got Tickets? Blazers Vs.Timberwolves Game 15, Dec. 30, 7pm 2 tickets, row 16 lower level +parking pass +rose room pass. $200 Blazers vs. Magic Game 12, Dec. 15, 7pm 2 tickets, row 16 lower level +parking pass +rose room pass. $200 Blazers vs. Hornets Game 10, Dec. 6, 7pm 2 tickets, row 16 lower level +parking pass +rose room pass. $200 BLAZERS VS. BULLS Game 24, Feb. 3, 7pm COURTSIDE behind visitor bench +parking pass. $400 Matt Shirk 513-5131 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE wGive Me Five!*6 Run your “FOR SALE” ad (items under $1,000) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at 346-4343 and we’ll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! ^Student/Private Party Ads Only«No Refunds ^ Japanese Animation: Largest rental selection in town at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. Civil War Student Tickets! Don’t miss out! 2 tickets avail., will take best offer. 684-3854, leave message. 3 Civil War student tickets for sale. Best offer. 228-0033. 3’x5’ drafting table. K & E Paragon auto flow. $300 obo. 913-0391. 1 student Civil War ticket, best offer takes't. Call Jeff at 710-2248, leave message. CIVIL WAR STUDENT TICKETS!!! 2, possibly 3 tickets for sale. Must sell by Fri. afternoon. Best offer. Call 579-6445 anytime. Leave message. LOST 8c FOUND SALE December 3rd 8am to 5pm Nothing over $5.00! ' December 4th 8am to 2pm Everything 1 /2 OFF! In the EMU River Rooms The Lost & Found is located in [BREAK! L-<*>**«*i to* N*«r *1 to* t««J 130 CARS/TRUCKS/CYCLES ‘97 Saturn Wagon, excellent cond. 53K, great car. $9600obo. or 684-8844. ‘86 Mazda 626 Turbo GT. New tim ing belt, brakes, excellent interior, new paint. Make offer. 485-3054. 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS COMPUTER. Great shape. Comes with printer and Ethernet card. $200 obo. Call Nate. 342-5548. Cash for Books Buying quality fiction and poetry. Mon-Sat 10-7, Sunday 12-5. All oth er non-text books 12-5. 7 days/week. Tsunami Books. 2585 Willamette. 345-8986. OUR LAST ISSUE The Emerald’s last issue for Fall term is Monday, Dec. 3 Low on holiday cash? Don’t delay, sell your stuff today. -"S.: To place your ad call 346-4343 www.dailyemef3kkom DIRECTORY O F CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY St Thomas More Newman Center Daily Mass Mon-Fri, 5:15PM Wed. Mass 9:00PM Sat. Mass 5:00PM Sun. Mass 9:00,11:00AM, 7:30PM (Student Mass) 1850 Emerald St. • 346-4468 Collegiate Christian Fellowship Sunday Mornings @ 11:00 a.m. in the gym at First Baptist Church 868 High Street 345-0341 (Shuttle service also available) Call 346-4343 to list your services here. Campus Ministry at Central Lutheran Church (ELCA) Welcomes you! Holy Communion: Sundays 8:15 & 10:45am; 6:30pm Bible Study, Food & Conversation Mondays at 8pm in the Christus House Lounge 18th & Potter • 345-0395 190 OPPORTUNITIES MKTG 199: E-Business Basics Where you learn e-business by doing it. Start your own online company. Learn Dreamweaver. Have FUN! CRN: 22802 M/W 8:00-9:50 CRN: 22803 M/W 10:00-11:50 Info? Carla Meeske 346-3248 http://lcb1 FACILITATORS for WST 101 (Intro to Women’s Studies) need ed to lead discussion groups, WINTER TERM. Earn upper-divi sion or grad credit. Prerequisite WST 101 or equivalent back ground. Applications available, 315 Hendricks, 346-5529. Inter viewing now. NEED CASH? Always buying textbooks, paperbacks, hardcovers, & current magazines Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th (above Rainbow Optics) Buying hours Mon-Sat 9-5 Call 345-1651 Looking for entrepreneurs. Learn how to earn serious money around your busy schedule. Contact B&J Enterprises at 541 -933-2574. SU 7£K HEW A M The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS Now hiring for winter term jobs in Campus Recycling! Campus Recycling now hiring ONLY work study/ tech fee funded students for positions beginning January. Contact Campus Recycling at 346-0961. Leave message with a mailing address and phone number. 205 HELP WANTED The Emerald is currently accepting applications for three open re porting positions We are looking for energetic, enthusiastic individu als who are persistent, resource ful, dependable and passionate about journalism. Qualified appli cants have knowledge of AP style and will have taken at least a ba sic reporting class or have signif icant outside reporting experience. Applicants must be enrolled in classes at the University and be available through the end of the school year. This job involves about 25 hours a week, though shifts are flexible. Applications can be picked up at the Emerald office in Suite 300 of the EMU on the third floor. Applications are due 5 p.m., Friday, Nov. 30. Be sure to include resume and five clips. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer com mitted to a culturally diverse work place.