Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 29, 2001, Page 10, Image 10

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WSU heads to sunny El Paso
■With just two losses,
Washington State officially
accepts a bid to attend the Sun
Bowl in El Paso .Texas
By Jon Naito
Daily Evergreen (Washington State U.)
The faint hopes for a Fiesta Bowl
berth disappeared for Washington
State on Tuesday.
The Cougars (9-2, 6-2 Pac-10) —
No. 13 in the latest Bowl Champi
onship Series standings — were re
leased from consideration for a BCS
bowl Tuesday, freeing WSU to offi
cially accept a bid to attend the Sun
Bowl in El Paso, Texas, on Dec. 31.
“We’re very excited,” WSU Ath
letics Director Jim Sterk said. “In
each of our programs we want to
compete on a national level year-in,
WSU was offered an invitation to
the Sun Bowl on Nov. 20, but could
not officially accept the bid until it
was released from BCS consideration.
The Sun Bowl will be the eighth
bowl appearance in WSU’s history.
The Cougars’ last appearance in a
bowl was the 1998 Rose Bowl.
On Tuesday, WSU coach Mike
Price was in San Diego on a recruit
ing visit and was unavailable for
Who WSU will face has yet to be
The fifth-place team in the Big
Ten will fill the other slot. The most
likely candidates are Purdue, Iowa,
Michigan State and Penn State.
“Purdue is kind of the leader to
day,” Sterk said. “The opponent has
n't been nailed down yet, but we’re
ready to roll and start making prepa
“It’s good for our institution —
we’ll have national exposure on
CBS and with a Big Ten opponent,
we should have a great game.”
A match-up with Purdue would
reunite Price with Boilermaker
coach Joe Tiller.
Tiller was the offensive coordina
tor and offensive line coach in
Price’s first two years at WSU, and
the two teams run similar one-back,
spread offenses.
WSU’s payout from the bowl will
be $1 million.
That money, along with all the
money from the bowl payouts from
the other Pac-10 bowl teams will go
into a pool and then split among all
member schools.
©2001 Daily Evergreen via U-Wire
Civil War
continued from page 9
only got three more days. That’s
right down the road now, baby.”
Yep, just three days until the
Ducks can finally play the game
they’ve anticipated for three weeks.
“It’s felt like two months,” line
backer David Moretti said.
Oregon head coach Mike Bellotti
has done his best to control his
team’s emotions since the Bruins
game, but even he has admitted to
wishing the game would come
Bellotti described Monday and
Tuesday’s practices as “very awe
some” and was excited to see his
team come back from their five-day
Thanksgiving break with a “real
hunger to play football.”
He was also glad their hunger for
food over the holiday didn’t cause
them to get a little out of shape.
“They did a nice job of watching
TV and watching their weight,”
Bellotti said. “It was a tremendous
relief on Monday to know that
we’re finally going to play this
week. But I have to make sure they
get through today’s practice, be
cause they were pretty antsy yester
The players have filled their time
by resting their bodies and letting
all their bruises subside. They’ve
tried to pace themselves through
practice. They’ve watched more
film on the Beavers than probably
all of their previous opponents
Now, all they want to do is play.
And while Saturday at 1:38 p.m. is
the exact kickoff time, any day and
time would do at this point.
“We could play right now in the
parking lot if that’s what need be,”
defensive end Seth McEwan said.
“We’ve been going over this stuff
over and over. It’s second nature to
us now. It’s time to strap it up and
get it going.”
So while the rest of their fellow
students spend their nights in the
library or in computer labs during
Dead Week, the Ducks have been
focusing on the Beavers. When the
Civil War was moved back to Dec.
1 to accommodate television, some
University professors voiced com
plaints because it is the weekend
before finals.
“I know I got study groups, and
because of practice I have to miss
them,” Smith said. “But I’ll take
care of that stuff next week. This
Oregon State game is big.”
Defensive tackle Chris Tetteron
had a different attitude. “There’s
nothing else on my mind,” he said.
“Not even finals.”
For the time being, Oregon is
studying the playbooks and game
film and patiently waiting as the
calendar slowly makes its way to
“You want to just play and get it
over with,” Moretti said. “This de
lay is killing me. But our intensity
has been there all week, and it’ll be
there Saturday.”
So will Cameron and her fellow
Duck Shop employees. Starting at
10:30 a.m., when all the motor
homes begin lining up, she’ll begin
bracing herself for the pregame
rush of customers.
“It’s great,” she said. “I love it.”
Emerald assistant sports editor Jeff Smith can
be reached atjeffsmith@dailyemerald.com.
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HorOSCOpC by Linda C. Black
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 29). You'll be a vora
cious learner this year, but not everything you
learn will work when you try it. Book smarts are
important, but what happens when you're put to
the test in real life? Anticipate breakdowns. Have
backup plans ready. You'll learn more from the
mistakes you make than from anything else, so
don't be afraid to goof up. Just do it, if you can,
in a safe setting. You're becoming a master.
To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10
is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
ARIES (March 21 -April 19) - Today is a 7 - Don't
deplete your savings to get something you want
badly. Remember the old adage about not put
ting all of your eggs in one basket.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - Today is a 7 -
Everybody may think you can't win, but don't
give up. Hold out for what you want or what you
think you're worth. Right now, you're stubborn
enough to succeed. Make them think you'll walk
if you don't get your way. Besides, tomorrow's a
good day for finding a better job.
GEMINI (May 21 -June 21) - Today is a 6 - Pro
ceedings may grind to a halt when others bog
down in arguments. Don't try to give them facts
when they've already made up their minds. Wait
until tomorrow. You have a better chance of get
ting through then.
CANCER (June 22-July 22) - Today is a 7 - Con
tinue to cut out frills and keep down expenses.
You're good at this, and conditions are right for
it. It'll be easy to decide what to keep, what to
throw away, what to get and what to do without.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Today is a 6 - The inter
rogation isn't over yet. No need to squirm.
You're looking good. Just tell the truth, and if
you don't know the answer, say so. A couple of
good guesses could work for you, but don't
push your luck. Stay respectful.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Today is a 7 - Think
you could get the day off? One way or the other,
office matters may have to wait. You'll be out
late doing errands, so don't make a date for
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22) - Today is a 7 - Duty
calls. You may have to postpone a social en
gagement because of chores that must be done.
Decisions must be made, money must be spent,
bills must be paid. Get together with friends to
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - Today is a 6 -
Seems like something's always happening, to
steal those precious moments. You know, the
ones when you and your sweetheart are togeth
er, blissfully not talking. Schedule something
special for Sunday. Meanwhile, get all that other
stuff finished!
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - Today is a 6 -
Don't make any dates for tonight. You may have
to work late. Get together with your sweetheart
over the weekend and share some quality time
together. Right now, too many things need fix
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Today is a 6 -
Don't make a date for tonight - too many com
plications. Everything will take longer than ex
pected, and most of it is more expensive than
anticipated. Don't buy costly gifts for your loved
ones now. First, replenish your resources.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - Today is a 6 -
You're trying everything, but the problem per
sists. Pushing harder won't work this time. In
fact, this situation may require an answer you
don't have. Don't worry. By tomorrow, the prob
lem may have solved itself.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - Today is a 7 - Trav
eling still looks problematic. Can you get what
you need some other way? Have it delivered?
Even that could be a hassle. How about just do
ing without it for one more day? Information
you receive could have errors, too. Be inquisi
tive, and double-check things.
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