Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 2001, Page 6, Image 6

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Oregon Daily Emerald 346-3712
Pilots expected to be ready
■With a 16-1 all-time series
advantage, Oregon heads
to Portland looking to go 2-1
By Adam Jude
Oregon Daily Emerald
Now the Ducks can wipe away
the jitters and play ball.
Starting afresh from an up-and
down opening weekend, the Ore
gon women’s basketball team (1-1
overall) will make the first of two
trips this week to Portland for a 7
p.m. matchup with the Portland Pi
lots at the Chiles Center.
Games against Wisconsin-Green
Bay and Miami of Ohio last week
end showed that the Ducks, as ex
pected, would rely heavily on a
strong and deep backcourt.
Shaquala Williams, Edniesha Cur
ry and Jamie Craighead combined
for more than half (71 of 140) of Ore
gon’s total points in the two games.
Craighead, in particular, broke
out of an early season slump in
Sunday’s 83-65 win over Miami.
“I don’t like to shoot when I’m
not making it,” said Craighead,
who scored 16 points, including all
four of her three-point attempts. “I
get a lot of confi
dence after I hit
that first shot.”
The Ducks are
hoping they will
get a shot of confi
dence after their
first win of the
season. And they’ll need it, too,
with three games in the next seven
days, including a face-off with
Texas Christian at the Pape Jam in
Portland on Saturday and a bout
with No. 9 Texas Tech next Mon
day at McArthur Court.
“I don’t think it affects us,”
Williams said of the number of
games early in the season. “It’s good
to play games rather than just prac
tice every day.”
The Ducks have had to rely on
freshmen Andrea Bills and Amy
Parrish, who combined for 10 re
bounds against Miami, for much
needed depth in the paint. The duo
will again be called upon against
Portland, which features six play
ers six-feet or taller.
Miami head coach Maria Fanta
narosa’s team faced the Pilots before
taking on the Ducks in Eugene. The
Redhawks went back to Ohio 0-2.
“Portland used their post players
a lot more,” Fantanarosa said.
“Portland is a team that makes a lot
of adjustments. ... They were well
“Oregon is a quicker, more athlet
ic team that likes to get up and
down the court. They are going to
cause some problems.”
The Ducks also hold a 16-1 all
time series lead against the Pilots,
including an 80-56 win at Mac
Court last year.
Adam Jude is the sports editor for the
Oregon Daily Emerald. He can be reached
at adamjude@dailyemerald.com.
continued from page 5
with senior Monique Tobbagi,
they’ve provided the heart and
soul of this year’s squad.
Martin may be Ferreira’s biggest
coup, having come to Oregon after
being named the junior college
player of the year, after the 2000 sea
son, but freshman Katie O’Neil is
also an impressive feat for the sec
ond-year coach. She came to Ore
gon after being named the Oregon
high school player of the year in
“(Ferreira) has done a good job of
establishing a strong and consistent
foundation for the program,” Tobba
gi said. “The recruits he’s brought in
are building a strong foundation as
well, and I think it’s die beginning of
a successful Oregon.
“I think slowly but surely they’ll
climb up the chart in the Pac-10, and
I wouldn’t be surprised if they get to
the middle of the pack next season.”
The 2001 season has been a
tough one for all involved in the
program. An 0-16 conference
record and 9-19 overall record is
nothing to look back on and be
proud of. The team, however, has
stayed positive in the face of ad
Closs, for one, had never seen a
year like this, having come over
from middle-of-the-road Fresno
State, but she’s liked what she’s
seen so far.
“(Ferreira) has a lot of heart and
a drive for us to succeed,” she said.
“He’s kept me in the game a lot.
He’s made me just want to demol
ish people. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed
playing for him, and he’s brought
the fierce competitor out in me.”
Next season, the Ducks will re
turn two-thirds of the “big three”
of Martin, Closs and Tobbagi. Tob
bagi will graduate after becoming
only the fifth Oregon player since
1986 to record more than 1,000 ca
reer kills. Along with Martin and
Closs, Ferreira will have O’Neil
and fellow freshman Lauren West
endorf a year older and a year more
experienced, as well as two im
pressive recruits. Oregon high
school star Jodi Bell will wear the
Oregon uniform next season, as
will Prairie High (Vancouver,
Wash.J standout Kelly Russell.
“Every single thing we’ve done in
the program we’ve had a bull’s-eye
squarely on what it takes (to be suc
cessful),” Ferreira said. “Whether it
be personnel, offense, defense, de
velopment or coaching, it’s all with
your eye on the prize. And that
prize is success in the Pac-10. ”
Hank Hager is a sports reporter for the
Oregon Daily Emerald. He can be reached
at hankhager@dailyemerald.com
continued from page 5
Oregon drops in the BCS
The Ducks fell to the fifth spot in
the Bowl Championship Series
rankings released Monday. Florida
jumped Oregon into No. 4 after
beating Florida State, and is behind
No. 3 Oklahoma, No. 2 Miami and
No. 1 Nebraska.
A team must be ranked first or
second in the final BCS standings
on Dec. 9 to play for the national ti
tle in the Rose Bowl.
Ducks hold team banquet
Because of the lateness of the
Civil War, Oregon held its team
banquet Sunday afternoon at the
Eugene Hilton. Quarterback Joey
Harrington was honored as the
team’s MVP for the second straight
year and offensive lineman Ryan
Schmid was named the Most Inspi
rational Player.
Jeff Smith is the assistant sports editor for the
Oregon Daily Emerald. He can be reached
at jeffsmith@dailyemerald.com.
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