Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 2001, Page 6, Image 6

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Smokeout raises awareness
Adam Jones Emerald
In an attempt to curb his smoking habit, Donovan Long tries acupuncture therapy,
sponsored by the University Health Center at the Great American Smokeout on Thursday.
■The University Health Center
offers alternative treatment
to end smoking addiction
By Diane Huber
Oregon Daily Emerald
Licensed acupuncturist Tom
Williams inserted five 2-inch nee
dles in each of senior Donovan
Long’s ears. Long, who is 30 and has
been smoking for 17 years, is hoping
the procedure will curb his desire to
smoke so that he can quit for good.
Long and eight other students par
ticipated in the acupuncture session
offered by the University Health Cen
ter on Thursday. The session was held
in conjunction with the American
Cancer Society’s 25th Great American
Smokeout, a day to raise awareness
about the dangers of smoking and en
courage people to quit.
Long started smoking when he
was 13, he said. He said his parents
smoked, and he saw people smok
ing on TV.
Smoking was the adult thing to
do,” he said.
Throughout his life, he has also
had many friends who smoke, and
two years ago he decided he want
ed to quit.
“After a while I kind of accepted
the statistics. If you smoke, the odds
are against you,” he said. “Emphy
sema doesn’t seem like a fun thing. ”
He said he tried gum and patches
to stop smoking, but he hasn’t been
successful. He saw a flier about the
acupuncture treatment and decid
ed to try it.
After laying down with the nee
dles in his ears for 45 minutes, Long
said the experience was relaxing.
“It pinched a bit at first, but there
wasn’t any physical pain,” he said.
“I almost fell asleep.”
Williams, who has practiced
acupuncture for 15 years, said when
people first start smoking, their bod
ies let them know it is unhealthy.
Coughing, nausea and light-headed
ness are all symptoms, but after
smoking for a few years, this natu
ral feedback disappears, he said.
Acupuncture is a method of simu
lating points on the body’s surface that
connect to organs, he said. The process
normalizes the corresponding organs,
such as the liver and lungs, that natu
rally respond to smoking.
“Acupuncture turns that burglar
alarm back on, retriggering the
body’s innate intelligence that nico
tine is toxic,” he said.
He added that after an acupunc
ture treatment, it is rare that crav
ings will immediately go away. And
acupuncture does not necessarily
work better than other methods
used for smoking cessation, he said.
Peer health educator Annie
Dochnahl agreed that acupuncture,
like any other tools for smoking ces
sation, won’t end cravings.
“There is no magic wand to end
your addiction,” she said to the
group. “This is just one tool to make
the process manageable. ”
According to the American Can
cer Society, tobacco use is responsi
ble for approximately one in five
deaths. Smoking accounts for at least
30 percent of all cancer deaths and is
the major cause of heart disease,
cerebrovascular disease, chronic
bronchitis and emphysema.
Dochnahl said the health center
offers a variety of other aids for smok
ing cessation. The pharmacy sells
Nicorette gum and Zyban, and the
health center offers a smoking cessa
tion workshop each term, she said.
For more information about
acupuncture treatments, contact
Williams at Turning Poirft Natural
Health Center at 686-9658.
Diane Huber is a student activities reporter tor
the Oregon Daily Emerald. She can be reached
at dianehuber@dailyemerald.com.
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