■ Basketball continued from page 9 prove upon before Pacific-10 Confer ence play begins in December. “We need to step up our intensity a little bit,” Kent said. “We just need to fine tune our whole system.” The coach and the players said that the Ducks will be especially looking to cut down on turnovers, af ter they committed a combined 46 in the exhibition games. “I think we’re trying to do too much with the ball,” Kent said. “We need to pass the ball more, instead of hanging on to it. ” On offense, Jones is on the cusp of moving up in the Oregon record books, and could achieve several milestones this weekend. Jones needs six points to reach 1,000 for his career, 29 points to move into 19th-place all-time at Oregon, seven blocks to move into fourth all-time and eight three-pointers to move into sixth all-time. Jones will have a shot to achieve all those marks only because the Ducks will play three games this weekend. Ducks sign three top recruits Oregon ensured its future will be in good hands Wednesday with the signing of two high school athletes and one junior college transfer. Brandon Lincoln, a 6-foot-4 guard from Portland’s Jefferson High who is ranked by ESPN.com as one of the top 100 prep seniors, and Kent’s son, Jor dan, a 6-foot-4 guard from Churchill High, are the two prep signees. The JC addition is 6-foot-3 guard Andre Joseph, out of Lee Junior Col lege in Texas, where he averaged 15.8 points per game. “This is a versatile group that can fill a lot of needs,” Kent said. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON MUSEUM OF NATURAE HISTORY mmvm ■ ■mu «i it ■ i f*a*v* *■* i i**aux* i t****f *wn ■■*m**v« mi i »mif if*# GIFT SHOW rPacijic y^orfkwtrt {Hand- Crafted Slrt and Cffif Featuring nature-inspired glass bowls, beadwork, slate docks, cedar baskets, and other hand-crafted items! Friday, November 16, noon-7:00 p.m. and Saturday, November 17, noon-5:00 p.m. Museum of Natural History ■ 1680 East 15th Avenue near Agate Street ■ natural-hi$U>ry~Uoregon.edu ■ (541) 346-1809 Find answers to your pressing career questions and more ... .Mentor Program >1 wntict: of the tXJ Comer Cornet. 3 Sponsored fay the ASUO, The Career Center and The Student Alumni Association * Meet two professionals of your career choice ■ Polish your resume and cover letter * Learn networking skills ■ Earn one upper division credit ■ Only six class meetings a term ■ Winter 2002 classes available: Business, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, EMS, Computer Science, English, Environmental Studies, Psychology, Sociology and Ail Majors REGISTER TODAY! H7TP.//UOCAREER UOREGON.EDU/MENTOR/ CRN's are listed in Schedule of Classes under Career Center Not Getting Results? Need a Job? If your tired old resume isn’t making the phone ring, visit HireGate.com and see how you can stand out in the minds of prospective employers. With HireGate membership, you get: • A FREE Intel® web cam* • Complete control of your Job Search • Video resume, Video conferencing, Video review of hiring companies Make the most powerful presentation of your Job skills and experience. Stand out from the crowd. •First 500 members receive free Intel* web cam, $59 value. Making Job Searches Work! Joey continued from page 9 job midway through his sophomore year. Now, as a fifth-year senior who will earn a degree in sports marketing at the end of the term, Harrington has learned to take things in stride. “His work ethic is unmatched by anyone else on the team,” Peelle said. “Off the field, he’s just relaxed. When he got here, he was so up tight and so tense. He’s just really relaxed now and has embraced col lege and is enjoying the life.” Harrington will likely be enjoying life in the National Football League in the years to come. Many have projected that he may be a top-10 first-round selection in next year’s draft. “He’s just a total team player,” Oregon offensive coordinator Jeff Tedford said. “He’s definitely good enough to take it to the next level.” Just hope, for Joey’s sake, his fu ture teammates don’t get wind of the nickname “Princess.” Adam Jude is the sports editor for the Oregon Daily Emerald. He can be reached at adamjude@dailyemerald.com. Love Her, Hate Her, You'll Be Sponsored by: University of Oregon College Republicans and Young Americas Foundation Her You’ve Seen Her On Fox News, Politically Incorrect, and other major networks Sunday, November 18th 7:00pm night Law Center, Rooin 175 1st level preferred Pit Crew seating for just $5.00! This offer is for STUDENTS ONLY. . Rick Pitrao and Louisville 7:30 p.m. Tickets will be available at the America’s Youth Classic this Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Mac Court. For more info or to sign up for our mailing list: pitcrewl@gladstone.uoregon.edu