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Oregon Daily Emerald
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■ With four matches remaining
Oregon volleyball looks for its
firstwininthe Pac-10
By Hank Hager
Oregon Daily Emerald
It’s the beginning of the end for
the Oregon volleyball team.
Tonight’s match in Los Angeles
against UCLA willbe the 15thPadfic-10
Conference match
for the Ducks, but
more importantly,
it is the last week
end of Pac-10 play
for the team.
It is not, howev
er, the last matches
Oregon (9-17 over
all, 0-14 Pacific-10 Conference) will
play this season, with USC and UCLA
visiting McArthur Court next week.
This weekend puts into motion
the beginning of the end for the
Ducks and magnifies their need to
win a Pac-10 match, something that
has slipped out of their hands so far.
“It’s tough,” senior Monique Tobba
gi said. “When I came here as a fresh
man, we knocked off the No. 16 (Ari
zona) team in the nation. UCLA and
USC are both ranked teams and any
given day, it can happen. We’re going
to go in there tough and hopefully cap
ture a win before the season ends. ”
Tobbagi is referring to No. 12
UCLA, a team the Ducks will take on
for the first time this season at Pauley
Pavilion tonight. The Bruins are tied
for fourth in the Pac-10 with a 9-5 (15
7 overall) record in conference play.
“UCLA,youreally know who theirpri
mary people are and who is going to get
theball,” head coach Carl Ferreira said.
For the Ducks to be successful,
the “big three” of Tobbagi and jun
iors Lindsay Closs and Stephanie
Martin will need to lead the offen
sive attack, but the team’s role play
ers, such as sophomore Heather
Gilmore and freshman Lauren Wes
tendorf, will need to play well.
“We need our primary people get
ting attack kills to score points, but
we also need our role players to get
attack kills and score points,” Fer
reira said. “It’s how many points you
can score, that’s the bottom line. ”
Ferreira cited the importance of
minimizing unforced errors, creat
ing defensive blocks as well as im
proving the team’s serving as keys
to the match against the Bruins.
With four matches left, the Ducks
have little time to gain their first Pac
10 win, but spirits are high. The team
played an impromptu scrimmage at
practice earlier this week, with Fer
reira and assistants Jared Sliger and
Anna Reznicek taking the court.
“Together, as a collective group,
we all have a good attitude,” Tobba
gi said. “You can’t really dwell on
the past because you can’t change it,
so you can only look forward. ”
Added Closs about the team’s
winless situation: “We just use it as
motivation to keep working hard.”
First serve is slated for 7 p.m.
Hank Hager is a sports reporter torthe
Oregon Daily Emerald. He can be reached
at hankhager@dailyemerald.com.
continued from page 9
(7-2, 5-2 Pac-10) and the No. 9
Cougars (9-1, 6-1) aren’t thinking
about the Ducks this week. They’re
fired up for their annual rivalry
game, which this season, unlike
many previous encounters, pits
two bowl-bound teams.
“It promises to be an electric at
mosphere given that Washington
State is having such a wonderful
season,” Washington head coach
Rick Neuheisel said. “They have
not only been good, they have been
very, very opportunistic and are a
team that just finds ways to win.”
A big reason that the Cougars
have found those wins is quarter
back Jason Gesser, who suffered a
concussion in last week’s win over
Arizona State. His status was un
clear earlier in the week, but on
Wednesday, Cougar head coach
Mike Price said that he expects
“every player to be ready.”
The list of probable Cougar play
ers for Saturday, including Gesser,
also contains running back Dave
Minnich (knee surgery on Oct. 10),
linebacker James Price (knee and
ankle surgery) and running back
John Tippins (shoulder injury
against ASU).
“There is something magical
about how players recover from in
juries when the Apple Cup is the
next game,” Price said.
In this season of wild Pac-10 con
tests where the league favorite has
seemed to change by the week,
Washington State has easily been
the biggest surprise. After all, in the
preseason Pac-10 poll, the media
picked the Cougars to finish last,
behind Arizona and California.
“It shows what the writers
know,” Neuheisel said.
Foster probably out
UCLA tailback DeShaun Foster
will most likely not play this Satur
day against USC because the Bru
ins, as of Tuesday, have yet to sub
mit their report regarding Foster’s
“extra benefit” to the NCAA. Foster,
who hasn’t practiced this week,
didn’t play against Oregon after be
ing penalized for driving around a
2002 Ford Expedition that be
longed to actor-director Eric La
Jeff Smith is the assistant sports editor for the
Oregon Daily Emerald. He can be reached at
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