AS IQ Voterls Guide Special Election: November 13TH A 1 ITH Surprise! There is an ASUO student elec tion. No, this is not the general elections where you vote for ASUO president and other elected offices, this is a special election. We are holding this special election in response to recent proposals to Clark Document changes and these ballot measures are being proposed to you, the student body, for a vote. These ballot measures are proposing changes to the ASUO Constitution, which outlines the rules and pro cedures of the Associated Students of this uni versity. Ballot Measures D12911 Ballot measure # 1 Shull the ASUO Constitution be changed to include the following language? 0.15.1 For the 2002-03 budget, the ASUO Programs will receive a one-time exemption to the 7% limitation to allow for the inclu sion of programs and services that were previously funded via bal lot measure. For this year, the ASUO will be limited to 80%. Statement: Since ballot measures are no longer allowed under the Clark Document, the existing ballot measures need to be folded into the current fee allocation process. Since bringing those budgets in this year will increase the ASUO Programs Finance Committee’s budget by more than 7%, a one-year exemption is needed to con tinue funding all programs and services at the current level. Future years’ budgets will remain under the 7% limitation. The overall incidental fee will not increase substantially as a result of this move. It is simply altering the method in which programs and services receive their incidental fee allocation. Ballot measure #2 Shall the Student Senate have oversight on expenditures of EMMJ reserve funds exceed ing 20% (twenty percent) annually? Proposed Amendment to the ASUO Constitution: 17.1 As specified by the Clark Document and Oregon Administrative Rules, the incidental fee process shall fully fund all required ASUO and EMU Reserve Funds. 17.2 Allocation of required ASUO Reserve Funds shall be made pursuant to ASUO rules. 17.3 Expenditure authority for up to 20% (twenty percent) annu ally of required EMU Reserve Funds shall rest with the EMU Board and shall be allocated pursuant to EMU Board rules. 17.4 Any expenditure of required EMU Reserve Funds made pur suant to subsection 2 of this section shall be included in both the EMU budget review process required by section 6.7 of this Constitution and the incidental fee assessment required by section 6.15 of this Constitution. For the purposes of budget review and incidental fee assessment, 20% (twenty percent) of all required EMU Reserve Funds shall be automatically included in the EMU annual budget. 17.5 Any expenditure of required EMU Reserve Funds exceeding 20% (twenty percent) annually shall be included in both the EMU budget review process required by section 6.7 of this Constitution and the incidental fee assessment required by section 6.15 of the Constitution, unless that expenditure is approved by both the EMU Board and the Student Senate. 17.0 Any expenditures of required EMU Reserve Funds exceed ing 20% (twenty percent) annually approved by both the EMU Board and the Student Senate shall be included in neither the EMU budget review process required by section 6.7 of this Constitution nor the incidental fee assessment required by section 6.15 of this Constitution. Explanation: ASUO Constitution Section 6.7 states: The Student Senate shall vote to approve or deny the budgets rec ommended by the Committee. The Senate may deny any part of the ASUO Programs Finance Committee recommendation by a vote of 4/5 of the filled seats. ASUO Constitution Section 6.15 states: The ASUO recommended incidental fee assessment for each of the following Major Programs: We recognize that these ballot measures may be complicated, but we urge you to examine them carefully and vote. The voting process is simple. Voting for this election is possible exclusively on Duck Web. We have even outlined the exact steps to voting on DuckWeb below. You can vote at any computer on or off campus from 9 a.m., November 13 to 5 p.m., November 14. There is no excuse not to spend thirty seconds and allow your voice to be heard. The 2001 Elections Board 1) ASUO programs, 2) The Athletic Department, and 3) The incidental fee portion of the EMU budget; shall not exceed a 7% increase over the previous year s stu dent incidental fee assessment, unless individually approved by an initiative or referendum held under Section 14 of the Constitution. If place on the ballot, the measure shall specify the exact amount in both percentage and dollars by which the 7% limitation will be exceeded. Oregon State law specifies a number of required reserve funds. Under the Clark Document, as amended this year by the President of the University, these reserve funds must by fully funded by the Incidental Fee. In the past, most of these reserve funds were only partially funded. The largest of these reserves funds lie within the EMU budget. Under the revised Clark Document, any money spent from these reserve funds must be fully replenished with incidental fees at the beginning of the following year. In the past, expenditures from reserve funds were budgeted annually. Under that system, if either the EMU or the ASUO spent more money than was budgeted for that budget year, they would be required to cover that excess expenditure from elsewhere within their respective budgets. If passed, this amendment will change the expenditure system for the EMU required reserve funds. Under this amendment, 20% (twenty percent) of all the EMU required reserves will be automati cally budgeted for expenditure by the EMU Board. Should the EMU Board spend more then the 20% (twenty percent), there will be no budgetary penalty if the Student Senate approves that expen diture. In such an event, the total incidental fee may increase by more then 7% (seven percent). If the Student Senate does not approve an expenditure over 20% (twenty percent) annually, the expenditure must be covered Irom elsewhere within the EMI s budget. Voting is as easy as 1.. .2.. .4... (Don V worry, DuchWeb is easier than counting to 31) Steps to Voting on DuckWeb 1) Go to and log on. 2) Click on Student Menu. 3) Click Vote 2001 ASUO Special Election. 4) Read ballot measures. 5) Vote. 6) Click submit button. Vote on any computer on or off campus. Paid for bv ASUO Elections