Peter Utsey Emerald Corgan still ‘smashing’in Zwan By Dave Depper Oregon Daily Emerald Last week, you may have no ticed that my column didn’t grace the actual printed ver sion of the Emerald. This is because mere ink and paper alone could not contain the whirlwind of emotions I felt about the new Michael Jackson album (plus, the economy sucks and space in the pa per is limited). So it fomid its way to our Web site — it’s located under “Features” for all my dear readers. But lucky for all of you, I’m back this week with another 15 inches of - pure, unadulterated genius. Many thought it would never happen, but it did: Michael Jack , son’s newest album, “Invincible,” managed to top the Billboard charts this week, selling a healthy but definitely not “Thriller”-ish 366,272 copies. This comes after an avalanche of hype, rumors and just plain weirdness surrounding the album’s release. In related news: The cover of this week’s “TV Guide” features a photo of Jackson that is so u nbelievably horrible that it’s been giving me nightmares all week long. The guy’s face is freaking melting off, people. In fact, in the accompanying sto ry, it’s revealed that Jackson showed up for the interview with his face swathed in bandages. Jack son claimed that the bandages were for his allergies. Uh-huh. I’m just excited for the day that Michael fi nally cracks and is found naked at an airport or something. That would be cool. Exciting news for Red Hot Chili Peppers fans: The band will be re leasing a DVD of an entire live concert on Dec. 4. It’s called “Off the Map,” and get this: The con cert was filmed entirely at Port Dave Depper In Stereo land s Memor ial Coliseum! - The set will in clude such Chili Peppers favorites as “Under the Bridge” and “Give it Away.” If you buy the DVD, take note of an idiot in the front row, wearing a T shirt that says “DORK,” who is desperately trying to get himself into every camera shot. That idiot is me. Are you a fan of the Smashing Pumpkins? Does their breakup last year still cause you acute depres sion? Does your black mascara and eyeliner run because of the tears that you weep daily over the loss of your favorite alternative rock jug gernaut? If so, take heart, little gothster. Billy Corgan has a new band. They’re called Zwan and they have the Pumpkins’ old drummer, Jim my Chamberlain, playing the skins once again. Zwan also features gui tarist Matthew Sweeny and gui tarist Skullfisher. If you’re really on the ball, you can catch Zwan’s de but next week in Pomona, Calif. Personally, I’m a bit frightened of the whole deal. And finally, in a rare example of a record company actually doing something other than ripping off young artists, charging way too much for CDs and ruining lives in general, the “big five” of record la bels (including Sony, Warner Bros., and Universal) will be working to gether to release a two-CD set, DVD and VHS ofthe “America: A Trib ute to Heroes” concert from Sept. 21. To further cause disbelief, all proceeds from the sales will be put toward the September 11th Telethon Fund. The concert featured a massively diverse array of performers, from U2 to Stevie Wonder to Eddie Ved der to Willie Nelson, and all three formats will be released on Dec. 4. What a cool idea. How nice that five examples of greedy capitalism gone wrong have actually come to gether to do something positive. In fact, I have nothing cynical or bitchy to say about it. Have a nice week, everybody. Dave Depper is the webmaster for the Oregon Daily Emerald. He can be reached at John Henry’s continued from page 5 located to the city from the federal government, and the money comes with “a few strings.” Murray said because the housing project will displace tenants, a cer tain amount of the money must be provided to relocate the businesses. The business owners will submit proposals for how much money they need for relocation, which can in clude costs such as physical moving and site alteration, Murray said. However, thfr process hasn’t begun yet because the groundbreaking isn’t until June 2002, Saul said. Tracey was skeptical about how much these funds would help, but he said he is staying relaxed during the process. “Most of the old beasts like this one have been torn down already,” he said. "It seems to be the natural order of things.” Donald Burdette, co-owner of Wild Thyme, is not so accepting. He said he was unaware of the possibil ity that the building would be de molished when his wife chose the space for the business last January. “I don’t think there is a need in the community for low-income housing downtown,” he said. “This is a busi ness area and should remain so.” Burdette said he and his wife were invited to a party held to celebrate the renovation but decided not to attend. “It’s like attending your own fu neral,” he said. Saul said St. Vincent thinks there should be low-income housing downtown. Since the project’s pro posal, two new housing develop ments have been built downtown that cater to wealthier tenants. For Tracey, “part of life is moving on.” But he’s trying to make the most of a bad situation; students should be.on the lookout for the John Henry’s farewell bash. “I’m sure once we get everything nailed down, we’ll let ’errip,”he said. Mason West is the senior Pulse reporter for the Oregon Daily Emerald. 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