Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 06, 2001, Page 7, Image 7

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    kiii npponuiNiiii s
Wanted serious people to work from
home. Up to $1600 PT- $7600 Ft
Hi HELP WAN 111!
Attention: We Need Help!
$500-$8000 PT/FT, Fiee training.
Find one at the Fall
2001 Career Fair
Wednesday, November 7
11am-4pm In the EMU
More than 100 companies will be
at the Fair seeking students
like you! For mote details on
the Fair, check out
Berloue people to work at home.
Pt/Ft 1800-951-7084.
Attention Work from Home
HBOOmo/PT, $5000mo/FT
Mall Order Internet. 888-442-3927
The ODE production department Is
hiring a production assistant Work
6-10 hours a week Morning hours
only. Must be tellable. Use
QuarkXPress to start the day's pa
per Applicants must be detail-orient
ed, logical and enjoy problem-solv
ing. Applicants must have computer
experience.- Macintosh and paae
layout programs are a plus.
Applicants" must be IJO students
$8.85 per hour after training period.
Stop by the office to learn more
about the job and pick up an appli
cation at 300 EMU. Application
deadline Is 5 p.m. Monday Novem
ber 12th, 2001. Freshmen welcome
to apply. The Oregon Dally Emerald
Is ah Equal Opportunity Employer
committed to a culturally diverse
A new way to make money around
your schedule Looking for 2-3 sharp
& ambitious people interested in
earning $1147 PT. Call 431-4047.
705 III I P WAN 11II
Fraternities • Sororities
Clubi • Student Qroupa
Earn $1,000-$2,000 this semester
with the easy Campusfundralser
.corn three hour fundraising event.
Dees net Involve credit card ap
plications. Fundraising dates are
filling quickly, so call todayl Contact
Campusfundralser.com at (888)
923-3238, or visit
Attention work from home
Internet/mall order up to $7000/me.
Three needs male ahd female volun
teers to care for babies and toddlers
during parenting education classes.
Academic credit may be possible
through your department. Many op
portunities available for Spanish lan
guage students. Call 484-5318 X418
for more information.
?ip HOUSES FOfi Ml Nl
Near campus and chopping.
3 bdrm house, $700.
Call 343-9011
?i3H0UStS fo'fi SAL I
Very nice condo with spectacular
view In South Hills. Oh bus line to
UO. Now available for Immediate oc
cupancy. Includes 2 bdrms, 2 baths
with fireplace Also has fitness cen
ter, sauna A pool. Priced at
$84,900. Loan rates at lowest In 40
years. Start building equity and re
ceive tax advantages now. Call
Dave at 343-640B or 221*1480,
2 bdrms, $55Q-$575, 3.5 blocks from
UO. 1550 Mill St., furnished. Avail.
Now! Parking avail. 484-9922.
New 1 bdrms furnished apts,,
Close to campus. $525-$575.
510-0277 or 434-8301
two bdrm furnished apt. 4 blocks to
UO. 1200 Ferry St. Available now.
$495/mo Parking, laundry, d/w, dis
posal. 343-3318 ‘
2 bdrms. $630,1 block from UO, fur
nished. Avail. Nowl Parking avail
Now Leasing!
Bui route to campus.
Call now!
Ducks Village has spaces |
I available. Call today! 486-7200.
Campus Apts. Avail, now 1 bdrm
$435, 2 bdrm • $800 Month to
month lease. 343-8545,
Oak Creek, South Oats, and
Hampton Apartments. 1, 2 & 4
bdrm flat/townhouse style apt9, Ex
cellent Move-In Special/Free Rent!
W/D. Call Willis 344-6540.
S60 CauMtry Club H<wy
M-F Sem-Spm
www (•eti(»ue«ti«. earn
l Bejdrgpm Apartments
3541.14th $425
iMeproome Apartments
535 E 14th (Alley) $460
3040 Onyx(3) $810
3005 Harris (4) $1095
For complete listings 24/7,
check out our website,
wmrsDtftLiflan&QQm or stop by
our office and pick up a free list of
all our available properties! Give
us a call for more Information at
338*3311 or call our Information
hotline at 338-3383.
Two bedroom • $888
On campus.
Call 344*2657. Wray Holdings
Gristly Riduesd • 2 waaka fraal
318 F. 15th - Qraat location! 3 bdrm.
New Palntl Must seal Wood floors,
range & refrigerator. Garbage paid
$895 4 deposits. Lease. 888-2080.
l'k< )!•! K i ll S
Bl and New - Completed Nov. 1st
19.13 Cm den Avenue Apts <#l*9
lottitf Cmikllti Bhili hpim- Otiwn Hill till*)
• I bedroom • l both mo sq, it,
• Rent $830 pci month: Security
deposit $500
• Nalurnl gas fireplace In each
• Dishwasher, disposal. tange,
refrigerator, built-in
• Natural gas water healers In
Apts n. #1. #?. St ffK
• Private balcony with view of
the Millrnce Si Willamette
• Window coverings provided
• Wiicd lor phone St cable T V.
In living space St bedroom
• Covered bike parking, ample
car parking spaces
• Free nn-slte laundry facility
• Free water, sewet St garbage
• Month lo-numth. Sorry, no
( nil 405-TX25
A Part Time Career!
Member Service Representative. $ 10,23/hr. (P/T)
Pentagon federal Credit Union Is n $4 blllloh worldwide financial Institution with a coII center In Eugene since 1994.
We offer fully paid In house training and canter growth npt?pfH|tiitles. benefits Include nation.reimbursement itu Include. Wb -■ ■ ,
and tuition), persona! and sick leave and'40l(k) wltb employer match.'
Duties* Provide prompt, efficient handling of Incoming telephone Inquiries from members and sales of products and services
appropriate to our member s needs, t alls Include Inquiries on savings and loan accounts, requests for product Information and
problem resolution.
Qualifications) I rovon problem solving and decision-making skills. Demonstrated strong customers service and computer
skills (Windows familiarity, email, Internet), positive fthd cheerful attitude, excellent communication skills, professional
telephone manner. Banking and/or sales experience a plus,
Hours* Minimum of 20 hours per week, to Include one Saturday or Sunday shift 1:00 t\M. to <Ji00 P.M. with the remainder
of your hours to he scheduled evenings until 9:00 P.M,
Training Hour*! (Must he able to train entire schedute)
Dec. 10- 21, Mon-Eft, 9: ?0 A.M. to 6:00 P.M..
Ian. 6-24, Mon-Thurs, 4«00 P.M. to S:00 P.M. gnd Sunday lOtOO A.M, to 6:00 P.M.
Mail, email or fax your resume tot ( No telephone calls please!)
Pentagon Federal Credit Union
Attn: Employment
400 Country (dub Rd, Suite 220
Eugene, OR 97401
Fax: (541)145-0512
Email address!
We are unable to accept tip or compressed files
| obs@e 11 ge n e. pe n fed. o tg
Visit our website at www.penfed.org
We are an equal opportunity employers M/lVV/D
Horoscope by Linda C. Black
10DAY 8 BIRTHDAY (Nov. 0), Till mots you
discover the mots yom old stereotypes ate
thieatened Life doesn t lit Into neat little boxes
any longer. It'll start ooelng out beyond the old
boundaries Don't be alarmed If you leal tem
porarily out ol control You II |nst be growing.
To get the advantage, check the days ratlna: 10
is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
ARIES (March 21 -April 19) - Today Is a 5 ■ You
and yout partner don't agree about the best way
to proceed. Don t overpowet this person, even
though you can, You want change, but It's Im
portant to end up with something that works lot
both ol you Instead ot doing all the talking, lis
TAURUS (April 20 May 20) - Today is a 8 - Pay
attention, take notes, but remain objective, See ll
you can inter out the speaker s bias, People
don t usually lie on purpose: they just see things
horn different points ol view. Don t lust go with
the person who's telling you what you want to
QBMINI (May 21 -June 21) today is a 6 Chat
less and work more. Don t talk specifically about
tha money. The wheels aie already In motion. All
you have to do Is follow thiough on e promise
Ignore gossip and rumblings ol mutiny, too
CANCER (June 22 July 22) • Today is a 7 *
You re rolling along, but there s e caution (lag on
the track. Something you say won t be under
stood, or somsthlng you buy won t match what
you have. Apologise If necesseiy, end save all
tha receipts
LEO (July 23-Aup. 22) • Today Is a 6 - Heed that
little voice in tha beck ot your head that s always
altar you to chack and double-check, Matte
makes wests, especially now. Review Informa
tion you ve been given It's likely to contain an
VIROO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Today li a 7 ■ You re
working herd to eccomplleh e big goel quickly
you it learning fait, and you te getting Help
from yout friends 8e careful not to overspend,
unless It s for e very worthy cause
LIUBA (Sept 23-Oct 22) - today Is a S ■ this is
n't the time to argue with the boss or any other
authority figure, Be calm, oonl and respectful.
Explain your position carefully, and don t be dls
mayeri if you can't oet It across vet Patience
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 Nov. 21) Today Is a 7 Keep
confidential Information to voursell lust a little
longer. Advise a confidant to do the same. It that
advice doesn't make sense now, it will tnmor
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21)- today lee 8
A person you find annoying Is doing you a big
favor. Listen to advice you don t want to hear. A
friend Is apt to accidentally point you In tlie
wrong direction, so pay attention to where
you're going
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 Jan. 19) - today Is a 6 - A
misunderstanding could happen quickly. Check
with your listener often to make sure that what
he or she heart Is what you meant to say. Some
words have dlffarsnt meanings to different peo
ple, especially where moneys concerned A little
extra effort now could save you a bundle
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 fib. 16) Today is a 7 •
You re pushing, and with good reason You can
see what needs to be done, although you may
not know quite how, You can t do it all by your
self You need a strong leader end the support
ol others Otter your expertise to the group ef
PISCES (Fib, 19-March 20) - today Is a A •
You rs strong, and you have ths support ot
strong friends But a slick salesperson could sill
you s scheme that won t work Don t go along
with the crowd Do your own research.
1918 Pattarion
Tha Greenwood Apartment*
Do you Ilka NEW?
New cabinets, counters, appliances,
floor coverings, lighting, plumbing
fixtures end windows! Just a few
spacious units left In this quite com
plex. 1 & 2 bedrooms, $5?5/$895
Call 883-2271 to view today
M3 Bait 17th Alley #B2 - studio
$415/month; $350 deposit
Oh site laundry
Mallard Properties
Call 485*3825
-Sorry, no pets*
1149 Fatty
Tha Flrtraa Apartmanta
veiy close to campus! Only a few 1
and 2 bedrooms left* Completely
remodeled, fully applianced,
laundry, coveied narking available.
Now renting for fall term- S5?5/$RP5
Call 884 0515
Quiet studio apt In recycling home.
Near 27th $ Willamette, Separate
entrance. No tobacco, $500/mo In
cludes Utilities, w/d, HBO 345*4491
vvww (,mt|ni\lv< nl.tl i uni
I.’ I ' Vi I Luc I • M 1 (.111 10
walk to eampus/laundry room
security gates
$275 *295 $315
school year lease oi month/mooth
Call Bruce 485-5428
Von Klein Property Momt., LLC
1301 Perry St. #2* 488*7778
t btoek to UO, parklng/iaundry. Qui
it policy, on pets, $25CVmo. Alder
St Quads. 1380 Alder, 345*5949.
m HOuMsTMWnt
BOOMS FOB BSNT. Great for at
tlous students/working people, 4
blocks from UQ enhance All utils,
paid, house telephone A cleaning
service provided. No drugs A dls
ruptlve behavior. 341-9434
2140 Harris
3 blocks to UO Lots of light. $295
$310 Includes utilities and kitchen
use. Lease. Laundry available. Sorry
no pets. No smoking, 888*2080
Female roommate wanted to ahare *
2 bdrm, 2 bath apt. Avail 12/1,
$350/mo. +1/2 utils Kelly 485-0043.
MadlaDatOK Info, ahare meeting.
Concerned about personal/globai
media impact#? 1st/3rd Wed# 7 pm,
Century Rm. D, Union. 935-4940.
Pregnant? Or maybe?
New medical clinic, confidential, free
1st Way 887-8851
24-hour support for survivors & their
friends. Sexual Assault Support
Services. 343 SASS
Experienced academic editor and
English teacher will sdlt/proofread
your thesis or |ournal article. Campus
pick up and delivery Call Northstar
Writing and Editing. 344 8388
Abortion Services toil weeks Free
pregnancy tests.
All Women's Hpalth Service
833 F 11th. 342-5940
Wednesday Night Worship
November 7th. 7:00 PM
1236 Kincaid St.
All Students Welcome!
.lilt ARTS Al Nil liiAINMI NT
I'luki i Haffhoust
Mine Eyes
WllltOu flti'd rlliorlorl by
Michael Better) Court
L Maxitnlllinn Met al
A story abot.il Americans fighting
to protect lht»ir wrly n| ||lp
Nov, 8*, 9% lO*
g 5 p.m. 102 Villard
g $ t donation suggested
I Rider's Whip
5 vbrkshlre fellow
9 First nsme ol
14 Conceal
15 Actor's part
18 Frankie of The
Tour Seasons
17 MO symbol
tfi European capital,
20 Mystify
22 Offering support
23 So unwell
24 Diet, entry
28 Summers on the
27 Ghampionshlp
30 Flight expense
32 Famous cookie
33 Dieaded
34 Stadium cheer
37 Entertalher
38 Living rooms
39 in the past
40 Med care plan
41 "M'A'B'H" CO'
42 Rack away
43 Boot adjuncts
45 Feudal ford
48 Labels
48 twisting turn
49 Hanoi holiday
50 Ogden res -por t
5? Brittle metallic
38 Dli set and
59 Gymnast Korbut
80 Motionless
81 Ineffectual
82 Humorist Rogers
83 Yields
84 Military meal
85 Playwright Simon
1 Poker token
2 pllat
3 Scant
4 Corrsspondmg
5 Anglers basket
6 Plotted deception
7 Smith and Gore
8 Favorite
9 Continuously
10 More expansive
1t Unable to read
12 Shape ol
13 Warbles
19 Neutralising
21 Commit perjury
24 Old-time callers
25 Bloopers
27 Dashboard
a a, tor ahort
im religious
29 Coaeted on a
tunnerleii sled
30 Eagle quartets
31 Classified
33 Makes plump
36 Intensely eager
38 Sewing-machine
38 Greek letter
42 type ol atrlke
44 Oft the ship
45 Waikiki wreath
46 Surcoat
47 Make amende
49 Kilmer poem
51 Plonlcpeeti
52 Doctrine*
53 Mi. Neeteee
84 Jamaican trull
55 Shopping
57 Shade tree
58 SootS negative