Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 06, 2001, Page 6, Image 6

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Sports brief
Former Ducks win
U.S. 10K championship
Former Puck and Olympian Nick
Rogers kinked tu an eight-second
win in the final 400 meters Saturday
to win the USA men's 10K road
championships at the Food World
Senior Uuwl Charity Hun in Mobile,
AIu. Rogers sot a course record with
his winning time of 2H: 1H.
Rogers bettered Todd Williams'
t004 record time of 28:25 by seven
seconds, 2000 Olympian and for
mer Arizona NCAA champion Abdi
Abdirahman, the 2001 u.S, 1QK
champion on the trank, finished sec
ond in 28:26. Dan Browne, the 2001
20K and half marathon champion,
was third (28:31).
In the women's race, Elva Dryer
(32:43) was followed by
Olympians Anne Marie hauck
(second 32:56) and Jen Rhinos
(third, 33:15). Collette Uss (33:24)
and Cheri Konah (33:32) rounded
out the top five,
Rogers' next race will he the Man
chester Road Race, hold in Man
chester, Conn., on Thanksgiving
Day, He finished fifth at the same
race in 1909 as the tup American
finisher and was edged at the finish
Una in that race by another former
Duck and British Olympian Karl
In other road racing action this
past waakond, another formar
Duck, Milanu Glwsuc, finished sec
ond among Americans and tath
ovarall at tha Navv York City
Marathon (2;34.4H), designated as
tha U.S. Marathon Championships.
Tha runner-up distinction in her de
but at tha 26.20-mila distance added
to an already accolade-filled season
that included U.S. road titles at tha
2QK, half-marathon and 25K dis
— From stuff unci wires reports
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continued from pays 5
Thora's also tlio quiet talk of one
of those Northwest schools puton
tially sneaking up and having a
chance at earning one of the spots
in the Jan, 3 Rose Bowl, the site of
this season's national champi
onship game, Tu do so, a team
would have tu he ranked first or
second in the final Buwl Champi
onship Series rankings that will
uome out on Deo. 9,
The latest BCS rankings were re
leased Monday, with Oregon mov
ing up to the sixth spot, Washing
ton at eight and Washington State
cracking the top-ill in the ninth
position. Stanford is the only oth
er Pac-10 learn in there at No. 11,
while UCLA dropped out after its
loss to the Cougars.
Ahead of the Ducks, from fifth to
first, is Texas, Tennessee, Okla
homa, Miami and Nebraska,
"it's nice to be (in the BCS), but
the greatest thing is that we're in
control of our own destiny in
terms of the Pac-lQ race," said Ore
gon head coach Mike Bellotti, who
admitted Monday that he hadn't
even looked at the BCS rankings.
"That's the most immediate thing,
Any thought beyond that is wasted
time ana wasted effort, in my
A year ago, Washington and
Oregon, along with Oregon State,
all shared the Pac-IQ co-champi
onship. And this season, with the
Cougars taking the Beavers’ spot,
the Northwest loams aro again
reigning supreme over their south*
ern rivals,
"It's boon that way for awhile so'
I’m OK with that, and I’m just glad
we’re a port of it,” Bellotti said.
Harrington earns
Player ofthaWaak
Oregon quarterback ioey Harring
ton helped out bis Beismau Trophy
campaign Saturday by throwing for
six touchdowns and 319 yards in the
Pucks’ 42-24 win uvor Arizona State.
For his efforts, the senior was
honored as the Fac-10 offensive
Player of the Week for the second
time this season. Harrington also re
ceived the uward after the Oregon
win at Arizona.
Qn the defensive side, Washing
ton State safety bamont Thompson
was recognized for his four inter
ceptions in the Cougars win over
the Bruins. The four picks tied a
Pac-1Q record. Southern California's
Tny Polamalu, a junior from Ten
mile, Ore., was the special teams
honoree for his blocked punt
against Oregon State.
Jeff Smith Is the assistant sports editor
for the Oregon Dally Emerald. He can be
reached atjeffftmlthQdallyemflrald.com.
continued from page 5
Despite Brown's Dragon- ties,
Junes suid lie won't gu easy on the
former Dunk.
"Ha's not u Dunk anymore,"
Jones suid witliu smile,
Kept said die Travelers represent
a stop forward in the Sj0()l-Q2 sea
son, Instuud of surimmaging with
Ducks, the loam will now scrim*
mage with TVavolors, ono of them
ao ex-Duck,
"We’ve huuii heating each other
up for the past few weeks, and it
will be guud lu ploy someone else
fora change,” Kent said,
Petai Hockaday Is a spoils reporter
foi trie Oregon Daily Emerald. He can be
reached at petuihockadayddailyem6iald.com.
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