Newsroom: (541) 546*5511 Room 500, Brb Memorial Union RO Box 5159, Eugene, OR 97405 E-mail: Online Edition: > www.dallyememld.eom Tuesday, November 6,2001 Editor lit Chief: Jessica Blanchard Managing Editor: Michael J. Kleckner Editorial Editor: Julie Lauderbaugh Asslsinnt Editorial Editor: Jacquelyn lewis Editorial ASUO should create a safe-haven far all Over the years, Project Safari do has been criticized for its women only driving and riding policy. The federal Office of Civil Rights recently found the program in violation ofTitla IX, and University President Dave Fmhnmayer recently signed an agreement to he in compliance with the law by March 20, 2002. title IX is a ! 1072 federal law that does not allow discrimination based on sex in University programs that receive federal financial assistance, and ironically, it was created to help women gain equality In sports and academic programs. Saferide must address this violation of "title IX. The ; program has a Few options: The University could estab ; lish a separate program just for men. Saferide could ; move to coed vans, or the program could add to its cur- • i font service an additional van driven by men for male , riders only. We favor the latter. Adding male-only vans to I Saferide would make the program in compliance with I tl'm 'aw, and it wouldn't establish an additional program, j ‘.-Ditch could be potentially troublesome if construed as | separate but equal." Additionally, men on campus would have an opportunity to ride safely as their female counterparts have done for years. We're glad Saferide exists. Creating a shuttle service for those who feel unsafe is both noble and supportive of women taking a stand against potential violence. How ever, there are many men who do not feel safe on cam pus, and they have the right to enjoy the same benefits as women, We do, however, believe in women-only vans The vans should remain segregated because the purpose of ’ the program is to offer women an alternative to walking alone at night and risking sexual assault: allowing men in the van could counteract Safaride's efforts by removing the women-only space that makes riders feel protected The University should be commended for promising to find a solution to the discrimination by spring Cre ating a shuttle strictly for men as a subsidiary of Saferide is the best option if the project wants to con tinue to use federal funds. The project should recog nize men are vulnerable to sexual assault and violence, just like women. Moke your voice heard about Saferide in the Rnwr aid's online poll. Visit to vote, Pol! Results Every week, the Emerald prints the results of our online poll and the poll question for next week. Hie poll can be accessed from the main page of our Web site,, We Hieourage you to send us feedback about the poll questions and results. Lilt week s pail question: How in Veil changing your holiday travel plans because of terrorism? Results: 47 total votes Talcing the train— 1 vote, or 2.1 percent Staying home 'll votes, or 23,4 percent Hitchhiking — 5 votes, or 10.6 percent Keeping plans the eame— 27 votes, or 57.4 percent Renting acar— 0 votes, or 0 percent Taking the bus— 1 vote, or 2.1 percent DontknowfHavem thought about it— 2 votes, or 4.3 percent Fortunately, the threat of terrorism Is not changing the travel plans of most of our voters. Fear of the unknown should not deter Americans from normal travel. This week's poll question: How should the University deal with the Project Saferide lawsuit settlement? The choices: Make Saferide vans coed Make separate mala Saferide vans Make a separate program for males Keep lithe way it is Donlkrtow In Monday’s Emerald, the election < can be dropped off until 8 p.m, Tuesday. M wan ueuruppcuon wmifpp.m, tuasaay. The Emerald regrets the error. WIPPt 1 j 1 iiiitiimmi — -| * BWVB End homegrown terrorism 8t«v« Bagq* fnifimlr! We are now embroi led, so the president eays, In a war against terror. While 1 believe we must put an end to Osama bln Laden and his al Oaeda organization, now Is also the time to put an a war we thought finished In 1943. We have home* Payne Columnist grown .neoNari groups here in this country, Given their history, we should declare neo~Na?ii groups as Inherentl y terrorist organ!?.a tlonsatid act accord* ingly and aggressive* ly, as we would with al Qaeda. fly focusing lasers tight on bln Laden, we could be ignoring the possibility that the recent anthrax at tacks may have been a copycat ettort meant to draw attention off the tall of a homegrown terrorist. It's worrying that through kx security In this country, through their own Ingenu ity (It's dangerous to think of them all as merely moonshlnln' rednecks), or through an al-Qaeda "friend,” some of these neo-Nazi groups could find access to biologioal or chemical weaponry. We hnve seen how these so-cal led "militia" groups and those aligning themselves with neo-Nazism and the Klan have committed terrorist acts in this country and have no compunction to use violent means to further their goals, in 1984, four young girls were killed in Birmingham, Ala., when their church was dynamited by Ku Klux Klan members. Cltlter bombings in the area during tliatjpe riod, instigated by the Klan. earned the city the grim nickname‘'Bombingham." in 1905, Timothy McVeigh, associated with white-supremacist and anti-gov ernment groups, detonated a bomb next to the Alfred Murrell Federal Building in Oklahoma City. More than IBS people, including a large number of children, died in the explosion, In 1908, Erie Rudolph injured or killed more than 150 people in bombing attacks around the south, including an abortion clinic In Birmingham, a gay bar in Atlanta and the 1998 Olympics in At lanta. He was later found to have ties to white-supremacist groups. What if, in stead of bombs, Runolph were running around with anthrax? It is a documented fact that numerous white supremacist groups applauded tile Sept 11 attacks, including the so called Posse f inmitatus of Pennsyl vanta and the National Alliance. Other groups, such as many In the "mi Htla" move ment, have conspired to overthrow what they refer to as the "Zionist Occupied Government"—the United States gov ernment - through any means neces - sary should an opportunity arise, All this should he proof enough that groups aligning themselves with neo Nazism or neo fascism can be consid ered terrorists, We can use UN. -Security Council Resolution 1373 against them as much asagalnstal-Qaeda. Deny them money. Freeze their hatik accounts. Freeze any attempts at financing their terror campaigns on American soil. We need to deny tnese homegrown terror ists a base here from whicn to launch their own dreams of racial jihad. We have to hunt down and stop Osama bin Laden. However, this is also the time to finally put an end to a similar, yet older terror, it’s time we finished the job we began so long ago. Pat Payne Is a columnist for the Oregon Dally Emerald. His views do not necessarily reflect those of the Emerald. He can be reached at US. military must retaliate to lessen chance of repeated terrorist attacks A 9wlthmost,lfnotnll,oftheBbll Za Hon people populating the Earth, jCjL one oftny great hopes Is that all of the people inhabiting this planet can live In peace, no matter gender, rail* glon, race, whatever. 1 believe even Osama bin Laden and his followers de sire world peace at some level. However, In the eyes of bin Laden and his followers it somehow hap pened that Americans encompass all they hold to be evil. They have believed this to the point where bin Laden has demanded all true fol lowers of the Na tion of Islam to join the fight against the lews, Christians and Americans. The history of our relationship with the Middle East to this point hears little importance now. What needs to be ad dressed is: How do we deal with the sit uation we are In now? Whi le peace would obviously he the most desirable option, to think it possible at this stage would be ignoring the facts. The terrorists' actions on Sept. 11 Gill SI COMIVII NIAIIY Josh Brown were not an extended hmid of peace, nor a final point mount to make all pre vious disagreements simply water un der the bridge or to make everything even. The nttank against Amerina was intended as just that — an action mode with full intentions of escalating Amer ica and the Middle East’s relationship to a full-scale war. Our only choice is military retalia tion. The terrorists never had inten tions of attacking on Sept. 11 and then stopping: their goat is to eliminate America, and those attacks are simply the first phase. You don't do something as horrific as those events without plans of war.. Not attacking and "turning the other cheek," so to say, would not quench the terrorists' thirst to destroy America and its beliefs. It wou Id not stop the terror ists from planning future attacks; they are willingly executing efforts to begin a full-scale war. If America didn't retali ate with military force, America's col lective consciousness of safety would sour, and we would turn into a country hoping for peace and cooperation, hut living in fear. The bottom line is America needs to counterattack because there is no other answer. No matter what America does, bin Laden and his supporters are still going to attack, It is horrible to know that we still live in a society where our only option is to eliminate the threat from existence, but that is the sad truth America must face. The lives lost on Sept. 11 can never be returned, but with proper action, the possibility of it being duplicated can be lessened. Josh Brown Is a Junior majoring In sociology.