Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 02, 2001, Page 3A, Image 3

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    News brief
EPD steps up patrols,
issues 29 Halloween MIPs
The Eugene Police Department
stepped up patrols for the week
end of Oct. 26 and for Halloween
in order to effectively respond to
parties, EPD Lt. Ron Roberts said.
The city has a history of disruptive
parties on and around Halloween.
Officers issued a series of cita
tions to residents and others in the
“campus region,” which EPD
spokeswoman Jan Power said in
cludes campus itself and the sur
rounding neighborhoods.
Power said the most common ci
tations handed out were for Minor
in Possession of Illegal Substance,
with 17 issued on Friday and 19 on
Saturday. However, 29 MIPs were
issued Wednesday night alone.
Disorderly Conduct citations
came in a close second with four is
sued on Saturday. One Furnishing
Alcohol to a Minor citation was is
sued on Friday and a total of three
Allowing Minors to Consume Alco
hol citations were issued for the
weekend. One allowing citation
was issued Wednesday night.
Two Special Response Fee No
tices were issued over the weekend,
which will charge the recipients for
the costs incurred by officers re
sponding to the parties.
One person was also cited for
urinating in public on Wednesday
night and 11 people were cited for
having open containers in public.
There were four Consumption in
Public citations issued Oover the
weekend and 15 issued Wednes
day night.
Lin dsay Buck ele
The Native American Student Union holds its annual fall Pow Wow on
Saturday. Students and community members will celebrate with dancing
and drumming as they honor their culture and spread it to the surrounding
community. The Pow Wow will be held at 6 p.m. in 220 Gerlinger.
Read the■ whole story at wwwjmlyemereld com
Pulse news online
"The Rocky Horror Picture Show” drew a sell-out crowd to the EMU
Ballroom on Wednesday night to partake in "madness* absurdity, sex,
.drugs and rock*rf roll,” according to one ‘Virgin" participant Costumed
tans shouted at the screen, threw toastand danced to The Time Warp"
Read the whole story at www.daiiyemerald.com.
4et LiV newmovie, The One;’ pits the action star against himseif in a
battle forultimate power, Li plays a man traveling between universes to kilt
other versions of himseif arid grow stronger. However, the movie doesn't
- iookas coot as it sounds.
Read the whole story at www.daiiyemerald.com.
The Autism Rocks benefit hopes to provide a great opportunity
for people of ait ages to shake their bon bons for a good cause.
Ail proceeds from the concert this Friday at the WOW Hail will be
donated to the autistic community. The Klezmonauts, Son Malao
and Bindaas will i nspire the audience to get u p and dance to their
various world-music styles. Doors will open at 8 p.m., and the
concert will begin at 8:30 p.m.
Read the whole story at www.dailyemerafd.com.
Higher education news online
Charles Ogletree Jr., the University's 2001-02 Wayne Morse Chair of
Law and Politics, gave the keynote speech and conducted a discussion
at the School of Law's ‘‘Community Roundtable on Race, Class and
Criminal Justice in Lane County: Where Do We Go From Here?" A near
capacity crowd tilled the Churchill High School auditorium to hear and
see how diverse Eugene really is and how community members deal
with that diversity,
Ri a the r: to twm ememh ■ •
Brad Hall, business consultant, author and founder/CEO of corporate
think-tank Eureka! Ranch, will present secrets and strategies for
successful business endeavors at 3:30 p.m. Friday in 231 Gilbert.
Mead the whole story at jmm -
: : • £|x .
continued from page 1A
meeting with other kids and re
quested that she meet with him.
The night of the meeting he con
verted to Wicca, Crane said.
“One Friday night he called us
up and announced, ‘I’m not Christ
ian, I’m Wiccan,’” Crane said. She
and her husband had no idea what
Wicca was at that time.
“My son asked me, ‘Will you
please check it out and find out
what Wicca is about before you
condemn it?’” she said.
Crane and her husband said she
checked with her pastor but also
went to a bookstore and researched
the religion.
“What I read was so sickening
and disgusting that I called Oak
Creek and asked them what the
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hell they were doing,” Crane said.
Crane said the state refused to
talk to her, so she took the story to
the media. Verch agreed to look
into the issue and ran the story at
the end of August.
Verch interviewed two men that
had been involved in Wicca for her
story. One had been in Wicca for 20
years, the other had been convict
ed of ritualistic murder. KEZI dis
played the convict’s words with a
font that resembled horror-film let
tering and placed an illustration of
a blood-red upside-down penta
gram behind a picture of his face.
“ He is an admitted former Sa
tanist,” Verch said. “An upside
down pentagram is an appropriate
background for him. ”
Some Wiccans also use the sym
bol of the pentagram, but it is only
turned upside down by people that
practice Satanism. “We didn’t use
a pentagram for Norma Joyce,”
Verch pointed out.
Joyce said the broadcast de
picted Wiccans as irresponsible
people who blamed crimes on
their religion.
“(The men in the broadcast) took
no responsibility for their actions,”
Joyce said. “Wiccans believe in re
sponsibility and free will.”
The broadcast also showed
footage of the Dari-Mart murders
that occurred several years ago, im
plying that Wiccans were involved
in such activities.
“It’s a Hollywood idea that spells
are things like human sacrifice.”
Joyce said. “We don’t do sacrifice
— we don’t even do communion.”
Brook Reinhard is a community reporterfor
the Oregon Daily Emerald. He can be reached
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Oregon Daily Emerald