Adam Amato Emerald ‘I have a ghost that follows me around,’ said Linda Todd, a Grab ’N Go employee. Her ghost’s name is Sara. Ghost continued from page 1 pastry tubes would disappear for two or three days at a time before reappearing. She added that many food service workers can tell the same stories of unusual disappearances. Sitting in her cramped office, Carson kitchen manager Cindy Lund counterbal anced these tales. Lund, who has worked at the cafeteria for seven years, said workers in such a hectic environment need something to light en the situation. “So when things don’t get done or aren’t in the right place, instead of blaming it on a coworker, people blame it on a ghost,” she said. “Everybody enjoys it.” While some Carson workers and other Uni versity employees only hypothesize about such mysteries, Todd offered an explanation. “I have a ghost that follows me around,” she said. Todd, now a food service worker at Grab *N Go, said she first met this ghost called “Sara” while she was at the state penitentiary for women in Salem for a year. Todd said she woke up one morning in 1989to find herbunkmate wrestling, laughing, playing and talking with an entity. Since the first encounter, Todd said, she contin ued to notice strange activitiesatthe penitentiary. “My locker door would swing open and shut by itself when no one else was there,” Todd said. Explaining the ghost’s playful personality, Todd said the ghost would take her padlock. “I would panic because I had to go, and then there (the padlock) would be, swinging on the door,” she said. Todd did research to find the ghost’s name. She said Sara was a newlywed whose hus band had brain surgery and died. According to Todd, “Sara” allegedly hung herself outside of an Oregon state hospital called Fairview. This mental institution, which is now closed, was used in the 1975 film “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” Fairview was located next to the Oregon State Penitentiary. After leaving the penitentiary, Todd settled in Florence, but Sara followed her, playing the same tricks. Todd guessed that Sara might have followed her because after leaving the peniten tiary, she straightened out her fife and fell in love for the first time. Todd connected her love and new life with the possibility that this ghost is her spiritual advisor. Pulling out a Polaroid from her memory book, Todd said she had physical evidence of Sara’s presence. Referring to a picture taken on Halloween in 1991, Todd said an “entity of someone” is sitting on the shoulder of her then-love interest Jim Gillialand. A white haze is evident in the photo’s right-hand comer. “I believe it is Sara,” she said. Todd said she believes this ghost still inhabits Carson because the ghost hasn’t discovered Todd’s new place of employment yet at Grab ’N Go. Although she does not work at Carson any more, Todd said she still feels Sara’s presence. She said sometimes when she is at home, she will put an item down, and it will disappear. “I know I am not drunk — I am not on drugs,” she said. After searching her whole residence, Todd said she would find the item in its original lo cation and feel a “cold rush.” Todd said that this “rush” is Sara’s laugh. She said Sara’s presence might also explain the drafts in the central kitchen of Carson. Hop ing to have more direct contact with Sara, Todd said she is considering returning to the Salem location where she first encountered the ghost. “I believe without a doubt that this entity is with me,’’she said. Anne Le Chevallier is afeatures reporterforthe Oregon Daily Emerald. She can be reached at INVESTMENT STRATEGIES THAT ARE CLEAR AND CONCISE. 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