COMMENTARY Letters to the editor Don’t waste money on 20-54 Please treat 20-54 propaganda as junk mail soliciting your hard earned dollar. If it “promises more than it can deliver.” don't waste your money. The West Eugene Parkway is no more a “solution” than throwing gasoline on fire. Solutions to sprawl are not found by fueling more sprawl. They require step by-step internal improvements. If surgeons bypassed congested or gans to supply peripheral cancers, their patients would die. That's why the 1999 Oregon Highway Plan directs “ODOT and local jurisdictions to do every thing possible to protect and im prove the efficiency of the high way system before adding new highway facilities,” ranking new bypasses as the lowest priority. That's why the efforts of plan ners, elected officials, developers and citizens in TransPlan funded only WEP phase one, ranking the others 15th, 20th and last of the 28 currently nonfunded road proj ects in Lane County. That's why the Federal High way Administration ruled you can't start a bypass unless you have money to finish it. The 1986 vote wasn’t to fund the WEP, only to approve a route that’s proved unworkable. Now developers are trying to bypass prioritization of your tax dollars by buying your vote for their short term financial gain, not for Lane County’s livability. The WEP is not needed; it will destroy parklands that technology cannot fully mitigate and requires 4-5 times as much money as is currently funded. Guess whose pocket they'll pick for that? Vote no on 20-54. Use your lim ited tax dollars on higher priority transportation improvements. Rich Cooiman Eugene Anthrax cartoon shows poor taste Last week you ran a cartoon in your paper (ODE, 10/19) where a person was eating some powdered donuts, and a nearby onlooker in re turn shouted: “Anthrax!” Hahahaha. It is hard to believe something done with such poor taste could be shown in a daily campus newspaper, not to men tion it had no comedic value what soever. I expected that since the Ore gon Daily Emerald is at least some sort of a newspaper, they v. ould have known that at the time of the cartoon, one person had already died from the virus, and since then, two more people have died. Real funny stuff. Josh Brown junior sociology America’s defense is legitimate, right Guest Commentary Brandon Oberlin w "hen the people ofthe United States look in the mirror, what they see isafriendofthe world. I am stunned that George Beres (“To find the real enemy, we need to look in the mirror,” ODE, 10/12) and others like him see an enemy of humanity instead. I can not keep quiet about this any longer: The logical flaws of the “peaceniks” and their intellectual allies need to be brought to light. First, I’d like to discuss Beres’ position. Beres indirectly asserts that, a) the United States has per petrated great evil upon the world and therefore, b) “had it coming” with regard to the recent slaughter. It should also be noted that hidden within his unbalanced view of cur rent events is the insinuation that Bush was not lawfully elected and that U.S. corporations are to blame for the world’s evils. He goes on to project Bush’s term, “faceless cow ard,” onto the American people. Most Americans won’t deny that the U.S. government has made ter rible mistakes and still does. Weigh these errors against the good that the United States does for the world and a more balanced picture emerges. Remember World Wars I and II? In both cases, the American people selflessly donat ed thousands of soldiers’ lives and billions of dollars to free other peo ple from tyranny. Penicillin is a gift to the world from the United States. So is the transistor (which made computers possible). The U.S. government has forgiven more Third World debts than most countries ever loan out. The United States is the world leader in humanitarian aid. When there is a natural disaster anywhere in the world, it is Ameri cans who are there first offering medical care and money. There are millions of people alive today who wouldn’t be if it weren’t for the perseverance of American scientists who devel oped cures for diseases and the in vestment by American corpora tions that produce them. Americans are not cowards, nor are they the enemy. Even suggesting that Americans are in the same cat egory as the terrorists is an intellec tual crime. A recap of recent events: Thou sands of innocent Americans were slaughtered at the hands of mur derous sadists. The repressive gov ernment harboring and sanction ing the primary suspect refuses to turn him over for trial. President Bush gives the Taliban almost a month to recant before taking mili tary action. During this time, food is airlifted to hungry Afghani citi zens at the United States’ expense. Al-Qaida (Osama bin Laden’s or ganization) makes still more threats against innocent Ameri cans. An apparent (and so far un successful) bioterrorism campaign is waged upon American civilians. What is there to think about? It is the legitimate place of any government to defend its people. It is time to defend America both in tellectually and militarily. This is the first time in my life that I have supported a U.S. war: I have thought all the others were ques tionable at best. This time it’s different. This is defense of my people. I would be honored to die defending the gen erous, hardworking, courageous, peace-loving, decent people of the United States of America. And to hell with those who don’t like it. Brandon Oberlin is a senior biology major. FREE PHONES! A few doors from the UO Bookstore anytime minutes ^4V9Q per month whenever weekend per month minutes minutes t year contract * No roaming and long distance within united States * Some restrictions apply: Subject to phone availability. fl+ Wireless 841 E.13th Ave. COME IN AND CALL YOUR FRIENDS Author Events Michael Collins The Keepers of the Truth Tuesday, Oct. 30th * 7:30 p.m. Knight Library • Browsing Room Irish-born Collins comes to the University to read from his literary thriller, The Keepers of the Truth, which combines a small town murder mystery with an extraordinary exploration into the death of the American dream. Paula Prober Ten Tips For Women Who Want To Change The World Thursday, Nov. 1st • 7:30 p.m. UO Bookstore • Upstairs in Book Department Awaken your authentic self and you are on the way to changing the world! Join Eugene counselor and writer Paul.;, Prober as she reveals the practical exercises to make this happen. Tango dancers fill the Book Department afterward! NOW OPEN Thursdays until 9:00 PM Author Signings • Kids’ Events • FREE Stop-In-Studios J The West Eugene Parkway will cost $88 - $100 million. It won't reduce congestion. $88 million -► The money is NOT there! $88 million -► Slashed state budgets could mean higher tuition $88 million More tax dollars when budgets are tight $88 million -► Cancels traffic improvements throughout the city $88 million Destroys wildlife habitat Vote NO on 20-54. Vote NO on the West Eugene Parkway. It's Highway Robbery! For more information, to volunteer, or to make a financial contribution, please call 686-6761 or visit our website: Authorized and paid for by "No on 20-54 PAC- — Audrey Erickson, Treasurer FIND THINGS IN ODE CLASSIFIEDS (ROOMMATES, TICKETS, STUFF YOU LOST, BICYCLES, CARS, JOBS, ON-CAMPUS OPPORTUNITIES)