Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 2001, Page 3, Image 3

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Steve Baggs Emerald
continued from page 2
cally. I have only one political philoso
phy that has been strengthened time
and again in my two years here at the
University: Practice what you preach.
I have found that most organized
protests on campus are designed only
to annoy people who are not in them.
This epiphany was exemplified during
the Worker’s Rights Consortium pro
test last year, when angry students
fought for the rights of poor sweatshop
workers while murdering thousands of
innocent blades of grass under their
Nike shoes and “Made in Korea" tents.
The horror!
On the right hand, I don’t exactly
have a framed picture of Ronald Reagan
above my fireplace. And an eye for an
eye will eventually leave the world
blind, unless you look the other way.
Luckily for Emerald readers, this
year we have assembled a roster of
columnists who run the gamut of po
litical and social labels for your ranti
ng pleasure. Our purpose is not to
alienate with holier-than-thou rheto
ric, but to incite thoughtful discussion
on issues pertinent to the University
I urge Emerald readers to continue to
let us know how we’re doing, and if
you haven’t been incensed by our com
mentary contents at least once by the
end of the year, we’re not doing our
I look forward to the organized
chaos. Sermon over.
Julie Lauderbaugh is the editorial editor for the
Oregon Daily Emerald. Her views do not necessarily
represent those of the Emerald. She can be reached
Letter to the editor
OUS health care coverage is inhumane
This letter speaks to the University community about the
Oregon University System’s refusal to cover health care
coverage for people working less than 40 hours a week.
These employees care for parents, spouses and children.
They work for departments without funds to hire full time
or that have hours beyond normal. They are people trying
to get degrees or whose work hours are limited by medical
conditions. Most of all, we give our best to this University
This University seeks to make us pay for even the high
deductible health insurance we now have. For a university
with an excellent humanities program, this is a singularly
inhumane act. One cannot speak of ethics and pathos
while cruelly striking at one’s lowest-income individuals
and families.
A great fear is illness without health insurance. A few
days in the hospital cost more than many of us make in a
year. OUS seeks to make those making the least money pay
most for coverage. This University pays hundreds of thou
sands to put a football player’s imabge in Times Square, yet
refuses to pay a few thousand to cover insurance for em
ployees working less than 40 hours a week.
Maybe all we are is a football college. Football teaches
people to crush the weaker opponent. This seems to fit the
approach our president and chancellor are taking to avoid
not only part time workers, but all who labor for this Uni
versity. We, the employees, may surprise them with our
C.M. Berglund
University Health Center
In Monday’s paper, the name of a multicultural recruiter forthe
Ambassador Program was misspelled. It should have read Pisith
Kong. The Emerald regrets the error.
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