Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 2001, Page 13, Image 13

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    Campuses begin
anti-war protests
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Knight Ridder Newspapers
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — As the
war drums grow louder in Wash
ington, an anti-war movement is
emerging on college campuses
across the country.
Last week, students from more
than 150 colleges — from UCLA to
Harvard University — staged a se
ries of peace rallies, candlelight
vigils and petition drives.
“Retaliating with violence
for violence is just going
to lead to more violence.
The lives of people
in Afghanistan are just
as important as the lives
of people in New York.”
Mary Donoghue
Duke University sophomore
In the Carolinas, more than 180
Davidson College students are
painting messages of peace onto
cloth squares they are joining into
a giant “Peace Quilt." Others
signed letters urging American
leaders “not to duplicate these
At Duke University, dozens of
students, faculty members and
staff participated in a peace rally
Friday with the slogan: “No more
The events, evoking muted im
ages of 1960s activism, were
aimed at encouraging a restrained
response to the attacks on the
World Trade Center and the Pen
tagon. The efforts are united by
what students call a need for
“peaceful justice.”
“We wanted to bring people to
gether who are interested in find
ing alternatives to war,” said
Chris Paul, a student organizer at
Duke. “We’re not implying there
shouldn't be any action, but it
should be with the awareness
that others will be hurt if we do
take military action."
Davidson students said they
considered a rally, but decided a
quilt would be more appropriate,
said student organizer Grant
“This is an opportunity for stu
dents to use their creativity and
leave their mark,” Bleecher said.
“We can hang it up and it will be
around for a while. We hope it will
get people to think."
Bleecher said he’s working to get
permission to hang the quilt in the
college’s student center, and he
would eventually like to rotate it to
different locations.
Quilt pieces were covered with
peace signs and quotes from Ma
hatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King
Jr. and John F. Kennedy. On one,
the words, “It’s in our hands,” en
circle a large globe.
Another is addressed to the pres
ident: "Bush, only fools rush in.”
A third proclaims, “THINK” in
bold white letters on a red back
“Retaliating with violence for vi
olence is just going to lead to more
violence," said Mary Donoghue,
19, a sophomore whose colorful
square simply reads, “Shalom.”
“The lives of people in
Afghanistan are just as important
as the lives of people in New
(c) 2001, The Charlotte Observer (Charlotte,
N.C.). Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune
Information Services.
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