OPEU TIMELINE A tentative contract agreement reached Friday between OUS and ( classified workers of Oregon’s II public universities averted a strike *. that wouid have scaled back campus services. A look back at the five months of negotiations shows it was a rocky road: April 11 Negotiations begin for terms of final two years of four j year contract. fr July 20 A mediator from the 1 Oregon Employment Relations v Board is called in to facilitate negotiations. ^ggM^^g&Aug. 6 The union declares ... r^^^MBj»_impasse. The IBB flkm ove forces jjj; ft to make mal ¥M proposals 'ftBwithin seven days. Aug. 13 Final offers are exchanged. Sept. 8 Unhappy with OUS’s final offer, the unions take a strike vote. More than 95 percent of classified workers vote to strike. Sept. 13 OUS fifes an “unfair labor practice" complaint, charging that the unions failed to declare a strike date. Sept. 13 OUS makes a modified final offer to classified workers. Sept. 14 Unions send a letter to OUS declaring they will strike Sept. 24 unless a tentative agreement is reached. Sept. 14 OUS withdraws its “unfair labor practice" complaint. Sept. 18 The classified workers’ unions file an unfair labor practice complaint, charging OUS with bargaining in bad faith by including a clause in its' modified final offer that would have empowered OUS to open negotiations on wages and health benefits if a budget shortfall occurred. Sept. 19 OUS retracts the clause. Sept. 20 A flurry of bargaining talks begin via telephone between OUS representatives, union representatives and a mediator. .Sept. 21 The two sides reach a ^tentative contract agreement. B Source; SEIU Local 503 Emerald OPEU strike continued from page 1 they were optimistic a resolution could be reached Friday, but both began readying their ranks for a strike. Classified workers of the Univer sity held a bake sale at the south end of the University Bookstore on Wednesday to raise money for a strike fund, and OUS was briefing managers and supervisors Wednes day about how to cover for classified workers who didn’t report to work. “I have asked departments at the colleges to prepare plans which identify those activities that ab solutely have to go on, and how they will be covered by existing person nel,” University Human Resources Director Linda King said early Fri day. King said child-care facilities at the University would have closed during the strike, leaving about 170 families scrambling to find daycare services. The University Health Center also was preparing to restrict its services to students who had emergencies or had appointments scheduled prior to Sept. 24. The tentative agreement, finalized at 1 p.m. Friday in Salem, calls fora 2 percent cost-of-living wage increase on Jan. 1, 2002, and a 3 percent in crease on Feb. 1, 2003. The plan in cludes annual step increases and ful ly paid health coverage for full-time employees in 2002 and 2003. The “unfair labor practice” com plaint filed by the unions Tuesday charging that the OUS was not bargain ing in good faith will be withdrawn, ODE itoriei ore archived on-line al www.dailyemerold.coni Easy to the extreme. Downtown Location 201 Last 11 tli Avenue Lugenc. OIL 97401 342-5810 Price Chopper Location 1060 (ircen Acres Uoad Lugenc. ()IL 97408 342-5823 Safeway Location 1891 Pioneer Parkwav Last Springfield. < )1L 97477 747-8594 Student Banking accounts for the adventure known as college. Make the most of your college adventure with last and easy Student Banking from Bank of America. • Low-cost Student Checking • Online Banking with no monthly bank fee • Student Loans • Student Visa* or MasterCard* with no annual fee Stop by one of our banking centers, or call us at 1.800.900.9000. Or, visit us on the Web. www.bankofamerica.com BankofAmerica. _ '986600 Credit is subject to approval. Credit cards are issued by Bank of America. N.A. (USA). Member FDIC. © 2(X)0 Bank of America Corporation. r Recycling makes a world of a difference. 1C AT EE — GOLF CLUB at cti "putat College Students -*20.00 822-3220 SERENE 2836 W. 11th St. 485-2171 AQUA SERENE your fish's dream West Coast's all fish pet shop Salt Water Red Bellied Pf University Studies Abroad Consortium Your Gateway to the World Africa Australi Chile Costa Rica Czech Republic iDenmarkitt;; israei Germany _ J§| jlllll ' II! ¥' ^ V' Malta ■a I New Zealand Italy Spain Scotland • Many programs offer Intensive Language Courses in Spanish, French, German, Basque, fhai, Danish, Hebrew, Czech, Italian and Chinese • University credit • Scholarships available • Semester, yearlong and summer programs available • Wide range of academic courses in small class sizes • Enjoy field trips, excursions and optional tours http://usac.unr.edu email: usac@unr.edu Thailand University of Nevada USAC/323 Reno, NV 89557-0093 • 775/784-6569 \ i VT *■ vV* v\ :