Newsroom: (541) 346-5511 Room 300, Erb Memorial Union PO. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 E-mail: Online Edition: www. dailyemerald. com Editor in Chief: Andrew Adams Associate Editors: Peter Hockaday Jeremy Lang Editorial UO’s integrity must \ not be compromised N ■ow the University may return the dona tion. There should not be much question in regard to the $800,000 given to the Uni versity by Jeffrey Grayson when he was still at the helm of the bankrupt Capital Consul tants. It is money that he should not have had and it is now money the University should not be clutching at. President Dave Frohnmayer said in a detached third-person manner that the “University cannot simply give away mon ey without a clear legal reason to do so,” and that makes one wonder who the decision-mak er will be and what he or she may choose. Will it be chieflegal counsel Melinda Grier when she re turns from her vacation? Or will the University of Oregon Foundation decide to give back some money that for all ap pearances is rather tainted? Let’s hope this decision will fi nally bring some sense to this matter, and the money will be returned. First, those in the University administration said they will begin looking into returning the money. So it should be fair ly soon when that decision ar rives. But at issue here is more than just the money. It is a sit uation where the University has so freely accepted funds that some of its reputation may be at stake. One does not want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but the University cannot just open the door to whomever. Pandering to anyone with a large enough checkbook just makes the University look more like a fancy showcase than the pinnacle of liberal thought it so often tries to portray itself as. We all speak as if the “University” is a sep arate entity, something that can be criticized or enact pol icy changes, so we should therefore not let this fair Uni versity be sold out to the highest bidder. If we do allow the Universi ty to be sold out, the quality of experience here will be subject to the whims of those few and exclude the desires of the many whom, the Universi ty serves. It is easy to shift the blame somewhere else. One can say the state does not provide enough funding or the Uni versity has to seek out dona tions to remain competitive, but in the end, our adminis trators and trustees are re sponsible for keeping this campus’s reputation intact and honorable. When it squabbles over if and when it should return $800,000 that was given by someone who most likely stole it, it just shows how selling itself out can place it in some tight spots. Protesters put themselves and their cause at risk There is something romanti cally attractive about the mass es rising up to hurl cobble stones at the thugs of the elite from behind barricades. But to day, as we are beginning to see from Europe, it is nothing more than hooded vandalism with out any direction. The protests in Italy ap peared to be nothing more than just misdirected and misguid ed violence. They left one Uni versity student whose friends and relatives all say is a peace ful and nonviolent person in an Italian hospital and under arrest. Like many, she seemed to have gotten caught up in the activist maelstrom that is hurling itself at the walls of the global elite. It is encourag ing to see folks from all na tions come together in a col laborative effort, but it is highly discouraging to see that effort go to waste in the tear gas laid down on unruly protesters. This is no argument for globalism. In fact, there are several reasons to support those in opposition to the forces that conspire to under mine a nation’s sovereignty. Rather, this is a critical exam ination of the black-hooded folks who put themselves and their cause at grave risk by their rashness. A man did not die in Italy because of the in herent evil of capitalism and globalism, but because he was attacking an Italian po lice officer. It has happened in nearly every city in which these meetings have occurred and will likely continue to do so. But those within the movement should take a long, hard look at where the source of all that anger stems from and try to help stop future outbreaks of explosive vio lence. Those large metal gates that surround the chief policy-mak ers are not symbolic of the walls that keep the people away from their leaders or the rich from the poor; they are there because activists can no longer be trusted to act respon sibly in public. For every rock hurled at some police officer, activists put themselves and their cause further from the realm of reasonable political discourse. This editorial represents the opinion of the Emerald editor in chief and does not necessarily represent the views of the Oregon Daily Emerald. Media image of protest is skewed Guest Commentary Mason Gummer A nti-globalization is what the protesters of the G-8 conference in Genoa, JL. Italy, are concerned about. That’s no secret. I am concerned about it too. Money equals power. The wealthiest corporations in these eight wealthiest countries are mak ing sure their views are being repre sented heavily in the policy-making, and they are also making sure that the views of the protesters (i.e. the vastly poorer people) are not heard. With the violence that occurred amongst the protesters, the media would have us believe they are a bunch of crazy anarchists hell-bent on smashing stuff. However, there are reports from people who were there (versus the corporate mass me dia reports that are written so as not to offend their source of profit: ad vertisers) that the violence has near ly always been incited by a Black Bloc group. This particular group has been observed to pop up in an area of the protest and start smashing store windows and property. When other protesters try to stop them from breaking things (because they know this will obviously incite po lice violence) the Black Bloc mem bers are violent toward them as well. But after some destruction has been caused, the Black Bloc leaves the area suddenly, and shortly afterward the police arrive and begin commit ting violence. In other words, the Black Bloc is not a group of actual protesters, but insurgents who are giving the police a reason to be vio lent and the media a reason to dis credit the protest. Does that sound too far out? Hoover committed such unconsti tutional acts of insurgency during the anti-Vietnam/civil rights move ment. There is massive documen tation of the FBI trying to infiltrate, confuse and destroy those move ments. Don’t believe me? Research it for yourself. A very poignant ex ample is when the Chicago police, prompted by the FBI, broke into the home of Fred Hampton, the leader of the Chicago Black Panthers, without a warrant and murdered him with machine guns. Murder is definitely the word for it, since he was asleep, and we know for a fact he was asleep because the autopsy report revealed that the last meal he ate had been drugged. A more recent example is the WTO protest in Seattle, where again there were reports similar to Genoa of in surgents starting the violence and giving the police a reason (hmmm ... I wonder why I never heard that on Disney’s ABC News?). The govemment/corporate structure has an almost impeccable history of hiding the truth if it is profitable to them. Globalization is certainly profitable to the rich and decreases worker security for the poor. Just look at what NAFTA has done already. But getting back to Genoa, the in dependent media there had a lot of footage of the protests, supposedly including evidence that would ex pose the phony Black Bloc. Howev er, the night of the gymnasium attack (where University student Morgan Hager had her arm broken by the po lice) the police first broke into the In dependent Media Center across the street. They raided the place and broke all the incriminating tapes be fore they proceeded across the street to break some human flesh. This is the basic picture of the G-8 summit that I’ve been able to obtain through-independent media sources online. It is, of course, very contrary to the view presented by the mass corporate media. It begs the question: Which one is correct? Of course, no one can answer this for sure unless they were actually there, but we can ask who has more to lose by telling the truth. Keep in mind that in the business of corpo rate media they are not selling news to audiences, but rather they are selling audiences to advertisers. We, the public, are the product that is manipulated, bought and sold. Discover the truth for yourself. If you want, you can start with www.zmag. org or, two independ ent media sites. Mason Gummer is a junior sociology majorat the University. ELF’s methods are effective, necessary Guest Commentary Marshall Russell juesday’s Emerald editorial was disappointing to read. |p Though the discussion of the JL. popular mythos of adventure that surrounds the Earth Liberation F ront was out of the ordinary, the rest was nothing more than the same tired (and inaccurate) complaints levied against the Elves for years. Let’s be straightforward and start with the title “ELF’s Violence is an Ineffective Approach.’’ In fact, the most recent ELF action in Oregon was a shining example of effective ness. On June 1, the ELF destroyed three logging trucks connected to the Eagle Creek timber sale outside Port land. Now, no one is willing to pur chase the wood from the sale for fear that his or her company will be tar geted next. An Oregonian story on July 13th quoted one defeated log buyer saying, “It's sad. They're win ning the battle, and I don't like that.” Numerous other news stories have quoted many “genetic engi neers” stating that they feel com pelled to get out of the business be cause what they call their “research” (really only a combination of prod uct development and PR cover-ups) has been set back immeasurably. Years and years of struggle have no doubt changed the public con sciousness toward a more compas sionate orientation. But has that consciousness changed the dy namics of power that allow the earth and downtrodden people to be subjected to torturous exploita tion? No, what cannot be hidden from the public is lied about. In case you haven’t noticed, the ELF bums down empty buildings. It is the dominant system that de stroys villages in order to “save them,” that massacres Indians throughout the Americas from 1492 to right now, and that made the Gulf War the most ecologically destructive military conflict in his tory. Ironically, those who destroy machines get called “violent” for interfering with the destruction of entire cultures and ecosystems. That’s what a compassionate—but ignorant and submissive—public opinion will get you. The statements you make are flatly contradicted by reality; that “history shows that most political change came through nonviolent means,” that “saving the environ ment ... has been taken up quite ef fectively by more sensible organi zations,” and that the time when “this country’s citizens [had] to re sort to violent means to pursue their agenda, thankfully, is behind us.” Unfortunately, the “agenda” is now nothing less than survival with any quality of life intact. A rose-colored view of reality is of lit tle use as anything but a coping mechanism and a smoke screen. Finally, there’s the matter of this being a “civilized, rational society.” If civilization is the fearful domina tion of wild nature (both ours and the Earth’s) and rational thought is the impersonal mathematics of false objectivity, then perhaps it is the deadly conclusion of this rational civilization’s logic that today’s radi cals are moved to contest. Marshall Russell is a member of the Anarchist Action Collective. Steve Baggs for the Emerald