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Canonl Lfl»V7 ting modes FAST QUALITY SERVICE! 11 shooting modes 13 custom functions High-speed 7-polnt wide-area AF Full range of basic features 3x5 prints 135-24 exp. film >$ ith Canon 28-80mm lens Fully automatic 35mm AF SLR Smaller and lighter than ever before High-speed 7-point Autofocus system Full range of basic features |99 I1.JMP w/high-quality 3x/7.5/optical/digital zoom Uses AA batteries & CompactFlash Memory Cards. WITH EACH ROLL OF EDEE$T99 FILM PROCESSING ri\CC ¥“"« • Holds 48 4«6 Photos KODAK PHOTO J ■ I ni [■ ■ • Eoiyloul. podceti r ■ m ■fi?-«* «coM<» mw iw tM«» j High-speed USB data transfer & video out ^ ^^ ^ Fully compatible with Mac and PC computers \7~&werShot A SO L ■ HMP »/tnglKUiJity li/ts/oonul/dgitjiooni }■ usaMiuttmBlComMctFlaliMtTOfyCir* • rtglvsoeed USB datatonsfer & video out ^1 IPP CUnT ■ RW comcatWe witft hEac and PC computm U XQ7y7jr>/77 |99 XI 70 'Uvammtic limn Zi nxm ' UOHanoon fl* ton dtggn ■E*«e*!OBIIW»ffKlK IrtRiwtanta 'WviutratWiwttKwrMum U of 0 Campus 890 E. 13th fit. 342-3456 Loans continued from page 1 Timing is also important when deciding whether to consolidate student loans. Students can only consolidate their loans once, so they should wait until they have taken out all the loans they plan to, she said. Students who are out of school will begin getting billed for pay ment as soon as they consolidate, she said. Because of that, students who have recently graduated should wait until about 60 days before the end of their grace period to consolidate to avoid being billed earlier than necessary. For advice on consolidation or other repayment plans, Bickford advises students call the Depart ment of Education or visit the de partment’s Web site to learn as much as they can about the op tions available to them. An inter est rate calculator on th e Web site is especially helpful for students when selecting a repayment plan, she said. Students should not hesitate to contact the Department of Educa tion or the University financial aid Jessie Swimeley Emerald David Martin, a junior at the University, signs his loan papers for Steve Mardane. Mardane, a former University student, loves the big smiles he gets when he hands over big checks. office if they are unable to make their payments or have questions about their repayment plan, she added. In most cases, she said, the department will work with stu dents to find a payment plan they can afford. For information about student loans, visit the Department of Education Student Financial Assistance Web site: www.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/ Students. Pollen continued from pagel Still, she recommended treat ment for people suffering from run ny noses, itchy eyes, grogginess and that itch in the back of the throat that just can’t be scratched. “People really do not have to tol erate horrible symptoms,” she said. “There really are some advanced choices for treating people and making them more comfortable.” Between 50 and 60 million Americans suffer from allergies at an annual medical cost of $4.5 bil lion, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Mainstream treatments include advice on avoiding exposure to pollen, medications and im munotherapy. Alternative treatments include nutritional supplements and homeopathic preparations. PIZZA Papa-Size it” - 30% more pizza only $2! Springfield, Duck's Village, Chase south Eugene Village and university Commons and u of 0 746-PAPA (7272) 484-PAPA (7272) Santa Clara/River Road 461-PAPA (7272) 012067 Complete Meal Deal 1 LARGE 2-TOPPING PIZZA with 1 order of breadsticks and a 2-liter bottle of coca Cola omy14 99 Not valid with any other offer or special. Expires 7/31/01 Pick 3 ONE LARGE PIZZA WITH UP TO 3-TOPPINGS $Q99 only ^7 Not valid with any other offer or special. Expires 7/31/01 Mad DuCkLing nr-» Children's Xheatre Join us on the law of the Robinson Theatre on the UO Campus! limited free parking is available. $4 tickets for ail ages Ail Shows begin at 11 am Umi ,m iiimnmn ^ r-r—r— . ..< With support frnw the UO Summer Session OffW July 10-14 and 17-21 For information and reservations can 346-4192 or visit ont website at http://play.at/chicUing Be cool... Make a better world. RECYCLE! T Recycling makes a world of a difference. Oregon Daily Emerald __ P.0 Box 3i59. Eugene OR 97403 _ The Oregon Daily Emerald is published daily Monday through Friday during the school year and Tuesday and Thursday during the summer by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co. Inc., at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. A member of the Associated Press, the Emerald operates independently of the University with offices in Suite 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. The Emerald is private property. The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law. NEWSROOM — (S41B46-SS11 Editor in chief: Andrew Adams Associate editors: Peter Hockaday, Jeremy Lang Reporters: Kara Cogswell, Darren Freeman Copy editor: Katie Mayer Online editor: Carol Rink Design editor: Russ Weller Photo editor: Jessie Swimeley BUSINESS — (541H46-SS12 Judy Riedl, general manager. Kathy Carbone, business supervisor. Laura Paz, receptionist. John Long, Jeff Neely, Scott Popma, Laura Ramelli, distribution. CLASSIFIEDS — (541) 346-4A4A TrinaShanaman, manager. ADVERTISING — TS4n 346-3712 Becky Merchant, director. Chris Arnold, Darcy Galvin, Jill Hazelbaker, Michael Kirk, Trevor Kuhn, Linday McNamara, Mickey Miles, Adam Rice, Jeremy Williams, sales repre sentatives. Erin O’Connell, Van Nguyen, assistants.