July Fourth continued from page 1 Elliott agrees with the impor tance of remembering those who gave their lives for America. “I think it is important to re member those who are dead, no matter what holiday,” he said. Even though Elliott identified himself as a patriotic citizen, he added that he can still see the na tion’s flaws. “I believe that we are the freest country and the most corrupt country,” he said. Some University students said the Fourth of July puts too much emphasis on celebrating the birth of a corrupt country. Regardless of their position on patriotism, stu dents found a variety of ways to celebrate.Senior women’s studies major Nikki Fancher celebrated the Fourth of July by going to an “anti-Fourth of July” party. “Fourth of July has typically meant relatives forcing you to cele brate a holiday that you don’t be lieve in,” Fancher said. But she does “We are celebrating our national pride day by swimming and drinking beer... to forget about school or work and come together and relate to each other as Americans.” Josh Waldman sophomore, undeclared enjoy eating food and drinking beer with those that she cares about, re gardless of the significance of this holiday. “It is mainly a holiday based on myths and lies,” Fancher said. 515 High St Eugene 485-4m NATURAL FIBER CLOTHIN6 THE FLAXLINE V CUT LOOSE TWO STAR DOG $ AMANDA GRAY V TIBETAN TRADERS V KASHI &MORE Locally owned since 1991....We support FAIR TRADE OPEN MON-SAT 106 & SUN 12 5 <£3> ONE UP TWO DOWN Shows start @ 10:00 unless otherwise noted am mm waked C* SPECIAL GUESTS Pick up an Emerald at 03camPus & C01 Athea Vichas, a junior biology major, agreed with the idea of shar ing the holiday with friends in stead of family. “Fourth of July is about party ing with friends instead of setting off crappy fireworks in your cul de-sac,” Vichas said. Her defini tion of this holiday is “not the typical nationalism. It basically gives us a free day off from school and working.” Undeclared sophomore Josh Waldman and junior history and political science major Andy Brans ford enjoyed the day off as well. “We are celebrating our national pride day by swimming and drink ing beer,” both said. Waldman thinks the Fourth is a time “to for get about school or work and come together and relate to each other as Americans.” Bransford agreed and added, “Be happy that we have this free dom.” Austrian Crystal Beads fi?) & Tows of Now Inventory! 9 « 50% Off Loose Crystal Beads 25% Off Bulk Crystal Beads arlequin Beads & Jewelry 10% Off with Student I.D. 1016 Willamette ♦ 683-5903 VOLUNTEER your tatente for a few RouriT week and get to see free movies!! Call for Petals or Emal us at wwwAljou-dnemas.com *A **K*«ni>f*» WINDOW * ro A *rc tr*-am u i.ar, IMOOEN WC)«U>/ *!**«*«¥« V« 686-2458 ■ m W W: 492 E. 13th Ave 5:00 &7:1ipm Nightly. Sun Mat 2:4Spro WHO IS‘HARRY’? tow» the (ktna over tf*« y*ar* mou AtOumwi UiwiUwf r^>s Ajyjckft J'.axft “ft PSYCHOlOGiCAt raOTWfSTER... ft xsk 5 •>( taat ttsffr-se fttasjtur-j’ Du e«j f««jS3jj ot ifc ****»« * *» 6 ■•» afriendiike HARRY.. 9:15pm - Sun Mat 2:20pm en The Bride QfThe Wind t Starmp.conT The End of the Road MUSIC BY MERL SAUNDERS & JERRY GARCIA “A Slice Of Vanished Americana” |“0niy the most hardened of hearts won't be touched by the spectacle of these Deadheads grappling with the death of their leader." - The Owgomari 9:25pm 5 A Special $4 show at 11:20pm [MEMENTO LataNRtri 11:35pm keep in touch - www.dailyemerald.com mmunity locations. “37years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen • Audi German Auto Service • MERCEDES • BMW • VOLKSWAGEN • 342-2912 *2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 To earn a 4,00 in Brewolosy all you need to know is STEELHEAD* □ 9 Award-Winning Micro-Brews □ Soups, Salads □ Ribs n Fresh Pizza □ Sandwiches □ Pastas n Burgers □ Spirits n Home-Made Rootbeer TAKE A BREW HOME IN STEELHEAD'S BOX O' BEER Steelhead Brewing Company s 199 Easl 5th Avenue Eugene, OR Phone 689-2739 Eugene, OR - Burlingame, CA - Fisherman’s Wharf, San Francisco, CA - Irvine. CA Come and get your copy at the ODE Office Suite 300 in the EMU Oregon Daily Emerald Hey, every little bit helps! Duck Buck coupons can save you money every term!