Call (541) 346 4343 or stop by Room 300 Erb Memorial Union to place your ad today. P.O. Box 3159 Eugene, OR 97403 E-mail: On-line edition: Q95 PERSONALS 1 - 800-948-CLQG Eugene’s Coolest Party Line!!! Dial: 74-Party Ads * Jokes * Stories & More! Free Call! *18+ *Try it NOW!!! 105 TYPING,'RESUME SERVICES At 344*0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year the sis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! 115 GARAGE/MOVING SALES Moving Sale! Computer/printer, desk w/ hutch bookshelf, small refrigerator, pool ta ble, coffee and end tables, chest of drawers, night table, lamps, fans, microwave, and much more! Call Ju lie, 683-1913 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Wednesday is New Comic Day at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. 130 CARS TRUCKS 1987 GL-10, 4WD Turbo Sedan, 116K miles, Full Power, Moonroof, Very Nice. $2100obo. 338-4802. ‘87 DODGE COLT. 4 dr. Automatic, new tires, brakes, runs well, 100K. $900 obo. Call.541-501-5646. 1 picturesque dent, runs great, load ed. $1000. Avail 6/20.342-8141. 94 VW Jetta, 110 K, black, excellent condition w/ complete records of re pair, oil change. Leaving U.S., must sell by 6/20. $6,800 (541)431-0411 ‘92 VW Corrado. VR6. Excellent condition. Red, CD, new wheels. 97K miles. $10,500 obo. 731-4121. ‘97 Jetta VR6. Dark blue. 5 sp. Leather, keyless entry, moonroof, 33,000 mi. $15,475.686-5814. Yamaha Maxim 650, ‘82. Runs great. $1200. Will consider offers. 461-2003. 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS WANTED: Macintosh iBook in very good working condition. Call 346-4231. Let the ODE Classifieds help you sell your bike. Call 346-4343 today at the break *OOl NALL • ARCABK ROOM • CAMIJ 9 ball tourney 4:30 pm sign-up I 5pm play break pool hall > emu ground floor > 346.3711 > Horoscope by Linda C. Black TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (May 30). You're in the middle of a tough program. Show you're no lightweight by sticking it out. Details are your bane and your blessing. Memorize the facts, and you'll ace the test. Don't let up It's not enough to think you're smart this year. You'll get the chance to prove it To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21 -April 19)—Today isa4— The worst of it isn't quite over. There's still more to be done. Your good idea doesn't work, and there's no getting out of this mess. Start tidying things up. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 6 — Continue to encourage a loved one who's struggling toward success. Don't do it by throw ing money at the problem. That would be silly, especially if one of the lessons you're teaching is how to live on a budget. Just be there. GEMINI (May 21 -June 21) —Today is a 5 — You should be slowly, gingerly testing as you proceed. Know that there will be surprises, and not all of them pleasant. You have to face the occasional setback without letting it stop you. By Thursday you'll be in the clear. CANCER (June 22-July 22)—Today isa6— You may not be able to stop a development you don’t like, but you can slow it down. The others haven't seen the situation from your perspec tive, but that won't be the case for long. Stop holding back. Let them know. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 7 — Shortages continue to plague you. Just because there's not enough in your pocket doesn't mean there's not enough. There's plenty of everything you want out there. Figure out how to get it. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)—Today is a 6— You're not in a positiop to launch a new enter prise. It’s not time for that yet. You might blow the whistle on a risky scheme or an unrealistic expectation, though. You may be the only one who crunches the numbers. Holler. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22) — Today is a 7 — Plans are stalled or fouled up completely. You may toss some of them out yourself. They're too much trouble for what you'd get in return. If your conscience is bothering you, clean up whatever messes you've made. That makes a huge difference. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 6 — Hold onto your wallet. What initially looks like a worthy cause may be a rat hole instead. You know the kind: You keep pouring money into it but nothing changes. Offer your expert ise. They need it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 7 — Caution is advised again. You are be ing watched. It could be Big Brother or even Big Sister. It probably isn't Big Mama. She's on your side, just waiting for you to call. Dress neatly, look sharp, do your job and call your CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -r-Today is a 5 — You’ve learned most of your lessons through experience. That doesn't mean you have to learn them all that way. Some lessons can be learned by reading books, or by asking people who know—now. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) —Today isa6 — Continue to ask the tough questions. You may gel to answer a few, too. This is all part of an important information-gathering phase that you're in. Finish this up so that you can play to morrow. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 5 —You're probably interested in what's going on around you. Changes you've planned, and some you didn't, are under way. Stay on your toes so that you end up where you want to be. PC Desktop, 17” monitor $575. AMD K2 450 Mghz. 64 megs, ZIP, Adobe software. Greg, 915-1308_ 155 INSTRUMENTS/MUSIC EQUIP. Summer Special Save $90. Ali levels. All styles. Guitar, piano, bass lessons. 342-9543. 175 WANTED Buying dorm size refrigerators. Bring them by Mr. Appliance 2nd. & Chambers. Call 343-1698 Buying 1992 or newer imports, any condition. Leaving town? Selling your car? We are buying! 607-0404 180TRAVELS LODGING CHINA THAILAND, KOREA, MO ROCCO. Travel, Earn ESL teach ing certif. & univ. credit. Costs less than a resident term. Jobs await you. (206) 380-7730 Europe sucks. Why spend more getting there? $229 o.w. Mexico $219 r.t. Air Tech Ltd. Call now! 1-800-575-TECH. Backpacking across Europe. Backpack Travel. 1-800-688-9577 FLY 4STANDBY...FLY 4 CHEAP! Hawaii $139 o/w Europe $249 o/w (+tx) or 800-397-1098 Students fee free. American Express Travelers Checks from AAA. 983 Willigillespie Rd. Just show your stu dent ID. Its that simple. 185 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Best 101 Franchises And business opportunities. All types. All prices. All locations. Call for free information. Toll free, 877 626-2240. The Franchise Authority of Oregon. Earn thousands weekly by mail with amazing simple formula. Send S.A.S.E. for free details to: Crysta Durret, 1858 University St. Eugene, OR, 97403. imwam The Oregon Daily Emerald umes no liability for ad content or res . Ads are screened for illegal content anti ;-lail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. Own a computer? Put it to work! $2175-$3875/mo. 190 OPPORTUNITIES September Experience Program • Earn Five Credits (Summer Session 2001) • Nine Days September 4-14, 2001 • $550 Tuition for Both Residents and Non-Residents. For more information on group satis fying, upper division, and lower divi sion classes, call 346-3475 or email Summer internship available with local adventure sports web sitel is looking for en thusiastic rafters, kayakers, ca noeists, scuba divers, windsurfers, kiteboarders and others who want to gain real world internet start-up experience. Learn first hand about e-commerce, online PR, internet advertising, journalism, HTML, customer service, etc. Upper divi sion course credit available. Call 346-1484 for an interview. Peer Health Education Program is seeking UO undergrads interested in a practicum type experience. Learn more about sexual health, food issues, exercise and drugs on campus. Educate other students and earn upper division credit for making a difference on campus. Students are enrolling now for fall term by contactinn Annie at 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS The Office of international Educa tion & Exchange is now hiring for summer term + 2001-02. Must have work-study or tech fee. Summer: Int’l. student & scholar receptionists. 2001-02: 1) Overseas study recep tionists: 2) Sponsored & exchange student assistant (detail-oriented & data entry skills necessary); 3) Scholarship recording assistant (must be detail-oriented). Positions will remain open until filled. Please apply 330 Oregon Hall. App. dead line: 5 pm, Thursday 5/31/01. Inter views: Week of June 4-8. Ques tions? Please call Noreen, 346 1388. 205 HELP WANTED G.T.F. POSITION, .40 F.T.E. Disa bility Services is seeking a Reading Coordinator. This person is respon sible for recruiting, hiring, training and evaluating students hired to read course related materials on au dio tape. Applications available in Disability Services, 164 Oregon Hall, 346-1155. Application due by June 6, 5:00 p.m. Disability Services is an EO/AA/ADA employer committed to cultural diversity. |>TV REDUCE /TV LOST 8e FOUND SALE June 4th 8am to 5pm Nothing over $5.00! June 5th 8am to 2pm Everything 1 /2 OFF! In the EMU Fir Room The Lost & Found is located in 205 HELP WANTED Maintenance & painting. 6/15-21. 8 hour days. Call 484-4103 SUMMER WORK student help needed in Molecular Biology Re search Greenhouses. For info, call Marcia at 346-4550. The Oregon Daily Emerald is seek ing two Advertising Sales Repre sentatives for the 2001-02 school year. Get invaluable experience for your resume and make good money too. Sales experience a plus, but not required. Advertising Representa tives sell advertising space to uni versity, local and regional accounts. In addition to selling, reps are re sponsible for ad copy, layout and proofing. Requirements: You must be currently enrolled at the Universi ty of Oregon or enrolled by fall term. You must have a car and be availa ble to start training June 19th. Mini mum of 15-20 hours per week June, July and August. Preference will be given to students who are not gradu ating in 2002. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity em ployer committed to a culturally di verse workplace. ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Gain experience working with at-risk youth in an accredited alternative school. Tutor students in math and reading. Special education back ground and/or sign language helpful. For more information contact Cheryl 302-2554 at the Looking Glass Job Center. $$ Get Paid For Your Opinions! $$ Earn $15-$125 and more/ survey! CREW SUPERVISOR Temporary June 15-August 31 Supervise a crew of five youth to complete projects in wetlands and parks restoration, minor construction and maintenance. 2 yrs of educa tion, training, or experience. 2 posi tions open. $1733-$2080/month. Ap plication & job description available on our website:www.lookinoglass or at our Administrative Office 72B Centennial Lp in Eugene. Operated in partnership with Oregon ' Youth Conservation Corps, Wet lands Executive Team, and Lane Workforce Partnership. AA/EOE. WANTED: Detail-oriented clerical worker for word processing, filing, & mail preparation. Start at $7.25/hour. Requires data experi ence and ability to work independ ently. Accuracy essential. For training purposes, you must be able to make at least a year’s commitment. E-mail resume to, fax to 346 2334, or pick up application in room 100 Agate Hall, 8am-5pm, M-F. Production embroidery shop needs trimmer. Looking for person with good hand dexterity, able to lift 50lbs, self starter, keeps test pace, detail oriented. Flexible hours, day shift only. Send resume to 1800 Prairie Rd. Suite A, Eugene, 97402. Summer Jobs For the Environment $4,000-$6,0Q0/ Summer • Protect our water! • Make a difference! Join the nation’s largest grass roots public interest organization to pro tect our environment, public health, human rights & democracy. Career opportunities & benefits available. Call Teri, 686-2771 Accounting Assistant. Work study opportunity with youth development organization for detail oriented PT accounting assistant. Emphasis on payroll & related reports, MS Office experience preferred. Send cover letter/resume to NYC, Attn: CFO, 2621 Augusta, Eugene 97403 EOE Painters wanted for summer employ ment in Salem. No exp. necessary. For info or application call 503-316-4767 or khaynes @ RECREATION SUMMER STAFF working with students with develop mental disabilities 30-40hrs./wk. $6.50-$7/hr. Apply The Arc of Lane, 45 W. Broadway, #205, Eugene, EOE. Closing 6/11. Apartment Cleaning 6/15-6/21 Call 484-4103 1501351 Summer Jobs Available Start at '8# OO/llF plus bonus! University of Oregon Annual Giving Program NOW HIRING UO/LCC students only work study eligible applications available anytime Agate Hall, Room 124 346-2059 Annual Giving Program • UO Development Office Transforming Lives through Knowledge Check out sections 295-315 and take a break! Moines, plays and other events. Don't format alxmt Tlw \ r Expires June 30, 2001