‘Casey’s Journey’ honors drunk driving victim ■Two friends begin a bicycle trip across the country, during which they will speak about the dangers of drunk driving By Chris tvyan for the Emerald About 20 people gathered in the Comfort Suites parking lot in Springfield Friday morning to watch Bobby Nichols and David Dearth depart on a cross-country bicycle ride. The ride, dubbed “Casey’s Jour ney,” is in honor of their friend Casey Beaver, who was killed by a drunk driver near Goodman, Mo., in August. The three friends, originally from Kansas, had planned to ride cross-country to gether this summer to celebrate their college graduations. Nichols and Dearth have decided to con tinue with the trip to spread the word about the dangers of drunk driving. “We just wanted to speak from the heart and tell Casey’s story,” said Dearth. “He was the perfect best friend.” With the help of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the pair will speak in major cities along the way albout the hazards of drunk driving. “It’s overwhelming how much support we’ve had,” Nichols said. Nichols and Dearth stood be hind a booth decorated with in formation about “Casey’s Jour ney” and talked about the trip. Danita Derr, Lane County Chapter President of MADD, said it’s timely for the pair to be starting their trip on Memorial Day week end. “Memorial Day is the second deadliest holiday,” Derr said. Nichols and Dearth are asking for stronger drunk driving laws because the man who killed Beaver had eight prior convic tions for driving under the influ ence of alcohol. “Casey’s Journey” will end in Washington, D.C., and Nichols and Dearth estimate that the trip will last 49 days and cover rough ly 3,000 miles. “We’re trying to stay positive,” Nichols said. “We know he’d do it for us.” R. Ashley Smith Emerald Bobby Nichols and David Dearth, left, ready their bicycles Friday morning before they begin a ride across America in memory of their friend Casey Beaver, who was killed by a drunk driver. The three planned the trip before Beaver died, but now Nichols and Dearth are completing the endeavor to tell the story of their friend’s death to people across the United States. News brief Veterans group presents monument to gay soldiers CATHEDRAL CITY, Calif. — A gay veterans group unveiled a monument to remember gay serv ice members killed in combat. The Sunday ceremony was at tended by veterans in uniform, the mother of a Navy serviceman beat en to death at age 23 for being gay and a color guard carrying the rain bow banner that symbolizes gay pride. The activists who pushed for the monument in this desert city just south of Palm Springs say it is the first of its kind. “It’s a turn-of-the-century event,” said Dennis Palt, a former Air Force staff sergeant who served in Viet nam. “I had hoped for this, but you could have never thought this would become a reality in the 1970s, 1980s or ’90s. It’s fabulous.” The Associated Press GVeMeF^el Run your for sale item in the ODE classifiedsfor five days (items under $1,000) ... if you don't sell it, we'll run it more days for free! j All Ways Travel • Airfare Specials • London - $578.00* Taipei - $675.00* Santiago - $799.00* Athens - $899.00* *t.ax.nc!t incjiidcd. restrict ions nia>'apply. Subject to change w ithout noticed Eurail Passes issued On-Site!! E-mail: ant (a luv2travel.com ! 1200 High St. ]338-4199 [Student Travel Experts SPAGHETTI ■ A qarlic bread $3t5 Every Tuesday PIZZA PETE’S 2506 Willakenzie 344-0998 Oasis Plaza 2673 Willamette 484-0996 27th and Willamettp LAfilK Laser Vision Correction Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism STEVEN OFNER, MD You Don’t Have To Imagine Anymore! Discover the freedom of reducing your dependence on glasses or contact lenses. Call us to see if you are a candidate & explore your 011049 Jerry Allen BEFORE Jerry Allen AFTER (Surgery by Steven Ofner, MD) options with a FREE consultation appointment STEVEN OFNER, M.D. (541) 687-1715 http://www.eugeneeyecare.com Ifli ,,:v "; Get plugged in at UNIVERSITY / COMMONS, where every apart ;:f ment comes pre-wired with ethernet / connections just beckoning you to dive face-first on to the information superhighway. Plus, along with the plug we’ll throw in an ideally located, affordable, fully furnished apartment. * Private Bedrooms * Washers & Dryers • h * Decked-out Kitchens • Ethernet Connections • Swimming Pool • Rec Rooms m Computer Labs • Alarm Systems Hop online and check it out today www. uni vers ityiionimons. com. the place for people like you... 90 COMMONS DRIVE / 541-338-4000