Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 2001, Page 10A, Image 10

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    Cal! (541) 346 4343
or stop by Room 300 Erb Memorial Union
to place your ad today.
P.O. Box 3159 Eugene, OR 97403
E-mail: classads@oregon.uoregon.edu
On-line edition: www.dailyemerald.com
whj Vi reek events
885 Greek Announcements
WO Birthdays
095 Personals
100 Lost & Found
105 Typing/Resume Services
110 InstructionATii taring
115 Garage/Moving Sales
120 Miscellaneous For Sate
125 Furniture/Appliances
130 Cars/Trucks
135 Motorcycles/Scooters
140 Bicycles
145 computers/EJectronics
150 Tv & Sound Systems
155 Instnunents/Musk Equip
160 Pets & Supplies
165 Sport Equipment
170 Photography Equip
175 Wanted
180 Travel & Lodging
185 Business Opportunities
190 Opportunities
195 Recruiting
200 Work Study Positions
205 Help Wanted
210 Houses for Rent
213 Houses for Sale
215 Apartments (Ftonfcbed)
220Aportmm$ (IJnfunished)
225 Quads
230 Rooms for Rent
235 Duplexes for Rent
238 Sublets
240 Garage/Storage Space
245 Roommates Wanted
250 Boarding Houses
255 Housing Wanted
200 Announcements
2*5 Elections
270 Meetings
275 Club Sports
280 Counseling
285 Services
290 Health & Fitness
295 Food & Drink
300 Campus Ministry
305 Campos Events
310 Arts & Entertainment
315 What's Happening?
(Must bean enrolled UO student or affiliated UO Group or Dept)
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3 line minimum $3.60/day
Additional lines $120/line
(approximately 35 spaces or 5-6 wools per line)
Deadline: 1 p.m. ONE business day prior to publication
Can (541) 3464343 for BUSINESS RATES.
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ads. Tearsheets provided upon request.
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The ODE will run a classified ad one additional
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changes the meaning of the ad, if reported by
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Political ads are payable in advance and must
clearly identify the advertiser. All real estate
advertising in this newspaper is subject to the
Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it
illegal for any person to cause to be published
any advertisement relating to the transfer, sale,
rental, or lease of any housing which expresses
limitations, specifications or discrimination of
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publication); Adoption ads by anyone other than
a licensed agency; Airline ticket sale ads by any
one other than authorized agents.
Four easy ways to place an ad in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds:
1) Stop by Suite 300 EMU, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m. 2) Visit our website: www.dailyemerald.com 3) Call 346-4343, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m. 4) Fax 346-5578
Eugene’s Coolest Party Line!!!
Dial: 74-Party
Ads * Jokes * Stories & More!
Free Call! *18+ 'Try it NOW!!!
At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD
SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year the
sis/dissertation background. Term
papers. Full resume service. Editing.
User pr. ON CAMPUS!
Sat. & Sun. 9-3, Between
11th & 12th on Lawrence
Items: Desk, mini-fridge,
baby stuff, clothes, etc.
Moving Sale: Futons, full-length
mirror, everything must go! Leave
message at 747-1737
Japanese Animation: Urgest rental
selection in town at Emerald City
Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568.
“Give Me Five!**)
Run your “FOR SALE” ad (items
under $1,000) for 5 days. If the
item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at
346-4343 and we’ll run your ad
again for another 5 days FREE!
^Student/Private Party Ads Only»No Refunds
Exotic wood headboard, double bed
& bedspread. $250. Marble top ta
ble. 18” x 49”. $150.431-1113.
‘87 DODGE COLT. 4 dr. Automatic,
new tires, brakes, runs well, 100K.
$900 obo. Call 541-501-5646.
Laptop Computer: Everex, cd-rom,
disk drive, touch pad. New, $600
obo. Contact Kristen: 343-2582
Strawberry iMac, zip, & printer
all three for $800.
Call 465-9238 or 221-2668
Buying dorm size refrigerators.
Bring them by Mr. Appliance
2nd. & Chambers. Call 343-1698
We’re looking for Graduate and In
ternational students interested in a
community living situation for the
2001-2002 school year. For more in
fo call 683-1112.
Just not sure about
your day?
Today’s Horoscope
will set you on
looking for a job?
EMU Food Service is hiring Student Managers.
Training starts now, with full management
responsibilities in Fall Term
For more information call: John Costello 346.3719
Horoscope by Linda C. Black
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (May 18). A dream
you've long held can come Inic. Bring it out of
that secret place and start working on it. Draw
the picture in May. Gather the money in June,
or at least figure out where you can get it. Slide
around an obstacle in July. Full speed ahead in
September. December is expensive, so be pre
pared. Believe in yourself in January, and study
to succeed brilliantly in February. In April, as
similate what you've learned and accom
To gel the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10
is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
ARIES ( March 21-April 19)—Today is a 7—
Your enthusiasm ayfcharUng^are i
and the oddfepn i
Something that $£$p»sp^p$traiti
day is starting t
Is the project chamjng, or is it your a
Some of both. ^
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 5
— It's more enjoyable to look for bargains
when you don't feei pressed for time. That’s
why you like to plan so far ahead. It's a great
idea, but recent developments are pushing you
to think and act quickly. Do something that
worked before.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)—Today isa7 —
You’re becoming more confident and even
more popular. A party coming up this weekend
will be a lot of fun. Don’t get so involved with
your social life that you overlook a tedious job
at work. This is something you don’t like to do,
so forgetting it would be easy. Do it now.
CANCER (June 22-July 22)—Today is a 5 —
If you know somebody with a quick temper,
give that person whatever they want. He or she
will be in a good mood, so keep things moving
in that direction. That'll make you look warm,
sensitive and very smart, which could pay off
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 7 —
You're so cute, you can get away with almost
anything — with your sweetheart, at least.
That's not quite how the boss sees you, though.
Don't let him or her catch you flirting, laugh
ing, joking or. otherwise having fun. Unless
you're flirting with him or her, of course,
VIRGO (Aug: 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 5 —
If you're shopping for an expensive item, be
careful. It could cost much more-than the ticket
price. If it's on easy-credit terms, you could end
up paying two or three limes as much. Don't fall
for a salesperson's smile. •'
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl 22) — Today is a 7 —
Your partner wants to make the decisions, so
why argue? Do what you do best. Present all
the options that come to mind. You do the re
search or the shipping. Let him or her make the
choice and write the check.
SCORPKK©$fc 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 6
— The tmA^ktjV.iid be good "u.-r the opt
few days. ‘jjHHkiiig conditions arciraEk
Somebody»Mrthcy can order you ajfc^ftjd,
and you fiKwhafatUlude irritating, Don<t Com
plain. Youiiwi soiile all the way to the bank.
SAGrrtybuS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) —Today
is an 8—Your passions will be easily aroused.
That could become a problem if it happens at
an inconvenient time. It's hard to keep your
mind at work, and that goes for the rest of you,
too. Maybe you could pay a colleague to cover
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is
a,6 —You may not feel quite up to speed. Ac
tivities at home are upsetting. But It will be
wonderful to get this project over with. Keep at
it even when you feel like quitting. One step at a
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) —Today is a7
— Friends can help you see outside the box,
and they can teach you how to do the impossi
ble. We’re all limited by what we've done be
fore — even someone as imaginative as you.
But not forever.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 6
— Learning a new assignment may not be as
tough as you thought. It could be worth tte ef
fort if it means a fatter paycheck. Having folks
over to your house this weekend looks like a
good plan.
wmm imwam
The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no
liability for ad content or response. Ads are
screened for illegal content and mail order
ads must provide a sample of item for sale.
Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be
true, probably are.
Respond at your own risk.
Are you a psychology .sociology or
education major or minor? Earn
credit while gaining valuable
research experience at:
Oregon Social Learning Center.
Call or write: Dianna Larsen,
for a description of
field placement opportunities.
OG Farm internship, student posi
tion, June-Sept., negotiable. Hous
ing, board, stipend. 942-2219 or
Looking for friendly, well-organized
work-study student for National Stu
dent Exchange Office Assistant po
sition. General office duties, assist
coordinator with day-to-day opera
tions. 15 hrs/wk starting immediate
ly. Job description and application
available in 364 Oregon Hall. Ques
tions? Call Karen Cooper 346-3211.
The Oregon Daily Emerald is seek
ing two Advertising Sales Repre
sentatives for the 2001-02 school
year. Get invaluable experience for
your resume and make good money
too. Sales experience a plus, but not
required. Advertising Representa
tives sell advertising space to uni
versity, local and regional accounts.
In addition to selling, reps are re
sponsible for ad copy, layout and
proofing. Requirements: You must
be currently enrolled at the Universi
ty of Oregon or enrolled by fall term.
You must have a car and be availa
ble to start training June 19th. Mini
mum of 15-20 hours per week June,
July and August. Preference will be
given to students who are not gradu
ating in 2002. The Oregon Daily
Emerald is an equal opportunity em
ployer committed to a culturally di
verse workplace.'
Eugene YMCA seeks applicants for
summer camp positions. ASAP.
Contact Holly at 686-YMCA.
CDL helpful but not required.
40hrs w/ot available. Wage DOE.
Ice Deliveries in Central OR. Send
resume to kensice@quik.com
***Access to a computer?
Put it to work! $25-$75/hr. PT-FT.
1 -866-500-work. Free training & info.
Painters Wanted for Summer
Work! No Experience Needed.
Work For A Cool Boss and Get
Paid GOOD Money. Must be able
to work in Portland. Call Ben at
Work from Home, $1000-$5000
PT/FT, Mail order/internet.
Resident manager needed for
large/small complexes. Campus lo
cations. Position available immedi
ately, others beginning in June. One
year commitment required. Send re
sume PO Box 11468, Eugene, Ore
gon 97440.
Part-time receptionist. Flexible
hours. Saturday a must. Art of Hair
salon. 686-9907 ask for Devonne.
Property manager needs 1 full-time
summer person as all-around helper
in campus area to do repair, clean
up, painting. Daytime. 579-1568.
College Pro Painters. Work in Port
land. FT summer employment. Earn
$5-7,000 this summer. No exp. nec
essary. Call for info (971) 207-5378.
ed for front desk at busy property
management office, 12-5 M-F, must
be avail, summer also, please bring
resumes to 1247 Villard
$$ Get Paid For Your Opinions! $$
Earn $15-$125 and more/ survey!
Experienced web designer
For leading progressive internet de
velopment firm. See job description
@ www.ctsg.com/about/jobs.asp
up to $25-$75/hr. PT/FT.
The ASUO Designated Driver Shut
tle is now accepting applications for
the 2001-02 Co-Director positions.
You must be currently enrolled at
the UO to qualify. Applications can
be picked up in the ASUO office,
Suite 4 EMU. The deadline to turn in
applications in Friday, May 18th. Po
sition starts July 1, 2001 and ends
June 30, 2002. The Designated
Driver Shuttle is an equal opportuni
ty employer.
Hiring River Guides both new and
experienced. Fun and exciting sum
mer job, training starts June week
ends. Free info. 1-800-289-4534.
Easy telephone work. No selling or
experience required. Full or part
time. $7-$ 12/hr. Call 1-800-572
Child transportation & houseclean
ing. 3 days, MWF. Drive child to
events and light housecleaning. Ed
ucation/child development back
ground preferred. Reliable car, safe
driving record, & refs, required.
About 20hrs/wk. Good pay. 341
6420 between 8am-9pm.
Painters wanted for
summer employ
ment in Salem. No
exp. necessary. For
info or application call
503-316-4767 or
khay nes @ address.com
Now recruiting for East Coast
Oregon Nannies 343-3755
web site: www.oregonnannies.com
Work for The Emerald this sum
mer and gain valuable experience
producing one of the best campus
newspapers in the nation, while al
so enjoying the laid-back and cas
ual atmosphere of Eugene in the
summer. The Emerald is accept
ing applications for:
• Associate editors
• Reporters
• Photographers
• Copy editors
• Design editor & graphic artists
• Online editor & webmaster
All positions are paid and students
from any major are encouraged to
apply. It will be fun, professional
and the best summer you’ll ever
spend in Eugene. Applications are
due by 5 p.m. Wednesday, May.
23 and can be picked up from The
Emerald office, Suite 300, EMU, or
by visiting The Emerald’s Web site
at www.dailyemerald.com and
clicking on “Employment Opportu
nities.” The Oregon Daily Emerald
is an equal opportunity employer
committed to a culturally diverse
Place yout* Classified Ail
thru the Internet!
Try it...
Hip v> N>. u'HjHwu.e:
Expires June 30, 2001
Catholic Campus Ministry
St. Thomas More University Parish
Mass Mon-Fri *5:15
Wed • 9 pm (Student Mass)
Sat • 5pm Vigil
Sun • 9, 1 lam, 7:30pm
Campus Crusade for Christ
Wednesdays 8:30pm
Education 276
Call 345-5799
Collegiate Christian
Sunday Mornings @ 11:00 a.m.
in the gym at First Baptist Church
868 High Street
(Shuttle service also available)
Campus Ministry at
Central Lutheran Church
Welcomes you!
Sunday Eucahrist:
8:15 & 10:45AM; 6:30PM
Monday Evening Bible Study:
8:15PM in the church library
18th & Potter • 345-0395